program bessim c c BESSIM, "Statistical Visualization" of turbulence spectra (such as c measured by BES on TFTR). See bessim.doc for info. c c by Greg Hammett, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab, September 22, 1992. c c This is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. c This software is used as a research tool, and is frequently undergoing c changes. Beware, some of the options may no longer work properly. c c If you think you have found a bug in an important part of the program, c please notify me before making public statements about it. I can be c reached by email at c c GWH 30-Jan-1993 modified to calculate the 2-point correlation function, c both by Fourier transforming the spectrum, and by manually averaging c together many pairs from a specific realization. c implicit none c try to set up general procedure for 2D FFT's for later use: integer mx ! # of x points integer my ! # of y points parameter (mx=128,my=128) real den(mx,my) ! density as a function of x and y real x(mx), y(my) real trigsx(2*mx), trigsy(2*my) integer ifaxx(13), ifaxy(13) c for later generalization to 2D FFT's in a 3D space, DENK and DEN c become larger while WORK stays the same size: complex denk(mx,my) complex work(mx,my) complex amp(mx,my) ! random complex coefficients real damp,damp2,dt integer mframe,nframe real denkx(mx),denky(my) complex corxfft(mx),coryfft(my) real rcorxfft(mx),rcoryfft(my) real kx(mx), ky(my) real x0,y0,sigx,sigy, rmaxr, rmaxi, ampr,ampi complex ampc real dmin,dmax,davg real d2,d4,kurtosis,corrx,corry integer idelta,jdelta,npts integer i,j,ii,jj, iget, jget, nco real areverse(my,mx) ! HDF stupidly reverses index order real pi integer iret integer shape(2) real phase integer mcomodes parameter (mcomodes=100) ! Max # of coherent modes real ncomodes ! actual # of coherent modes real xposco(mcomodes) ! x position of coherent modes real yposco(mcomodes) ! y position of coherent modes real ampco(mcomodes) ! amplitude of coherent modes character amp_alg*1 ! gaussian or fixed amplitude algorithm character ph_alg*1 ! random or fixed phase algorithm character answer*1 c functions: real*8 g05caf ! NAG uniform random number generator real*8 g05ddf ! NAG Gaussian random number generator real fpintrp ! my linear interpolator integer dssdast,dsadata c Sr(kr) and Sth(ktheta) spectra from BES measurements: c k is in units of cm**(-1): integer mkr,mkth parameter (mkr=10,mkth=11) real akr(mkr),pkr(mkr) real akth(mkth),pkth(mkth) c Sr(kr): data akr / 0., .247, .323, .579, .766, 1.04, 1.2, 1.4, 2.0, 2.8/ data pkr/ 5.7, 5.0, 4.5, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.5, .171, .137, 0.0/ c Sth(kth): data akth/ 0., .38, .766, .851, 1.1, 1.3, 1.6, 1.9, 2.15, 2.51, > 3.0/ data pkth/ .73, 1.0, 2.85, 3.2, 3.46, 3.0, 2.0, 1.19, .69, .27, > 0./ c This data is from Ray Fonck's 1992 EPS paper. I tried to be careful c when digitizing this. Later, when I was doing Fourier transforms of c these spectra, I discovered that they give 2-point correlation c functions which are about 10-15% narrower than they should be. c I need to be more accurate, perhaps especially in the high k c components or with a finer k-grid for the digitization. c But I think this is good enough for now. c Choosing a 19 cm (7.5 inches) size box allows us to print this c out on paper at actual size, but I eventually decided on 40 cm c to give a nice number of modes on the page at once: x0=40.0 ! x (radial) Length of box (cm) y0=40.0 ! y (poloidal) Length of box (cm) write(6,*) > 'Bessim, January 30, 1993 Version, by Greg Hammett, PPPL.' write(6,*) > 'This is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.' write(6,*) ' ' write(6,*) 'Type a "," to get the default (in parentheses):' write(6,*) 'Radial (x) box length (cm) (40.0)?' read(5,*) x0 write(6,*) 'Poloidal (y) box length (cm) (40.0)?' read(5,*) y0 ph_alg='r' write(6,*) 'random or fixed phases (r or f) (r)?' read(5,*) ph_alg if(ph_alg .eq. 'r') then amp_alg='f' write(6,*) 'random or fixed amplitudes (r or f) (f)?' read(5,*) amp_alg else ncomodes=40 write(6,*) ' number of coherent modes (0=none) (40)?' read(5,*) ncomodes endif if (ph_alg .eq. 'r' .or. ncomodes .gt. 0) then answer='r' write(6,*) > 'random or fixed initial random number (r or f) (r)?' read(5,*) answer if(answer .eq. 'r') then call g05ccf ! initialize random number generator from clock, or else call g05cbf(0) ! initialize repeatable random sequence. endif endif mframe=1 c write(6,*) 'Number of frames to generate (10)?' c read(5,*) mframe dt=10 c write(6,*) c > '(time step dt)/(decorrelation time) between frames (.2)?' c read(5,*) dt c**************************************************************** pi=2*abs(acos(0.0)) call cftfax(mx,ifaxx,trigsx) !initialize x FFT's call cftfax(my,ifaxy,trigsy) !initialize y FFT's c generate the grids: do i=1,mx x(i)=x0*(i-1)/(1.0*(mx-1)) ii=i-1 if(ii .gt. mx/2) ii=ii-mx kx(i)=ii*2*pi/x0 enddo do j=1,my y(j)=y0*(j-1)/(1.0*(my-1)) jj=j-1 if(jj .gt. my/2) jj=jj-my ky(j)=jj*2*pi/y0 enddo c generate the spectrum denk(kx,ky) = denkx(kx)*denky(ky) c do i=1,mx denkx(i)=fpintrp(abs(kx(i)),pkr,akr,mkr) enddo do j=1,my denky(j)=fpintrp(abs(ky(j)),pkth,akth,mkth) enddo c Gaussian tests: sigx=3. ! x correlation length (cm) sigy=3. ! y correlation length (cm) c do i=1,mx c denkx(i)=exp(-kx(i)**2*sigx**2) c enddo c do i=1,my c denky(i)=exp(-ky(i)**2*sigy**2)*(1+8*ky(i)**2*sigy**2) c Gaussian test: c denky(i)=exp(-ky(i)**2*sigy**2) c enddo write(6,*) 'kx grid=',kx write(6,*) 'spectrum vs. kx =',denkx write(6,*) 'ky grid=',ky write(6,*) 'spectrum vs. ky =',denky c calculate exact 2-point correlation function from the FFT of the power c spectra: do i=1,mx corxfft(i)=denkx(i) enddo do j=1,my coryfft(j)=denky(j) enddo call cfft99(corxfft,work,trigsx,ifaxx,1,1,mx,1,1) call cfft99(coryfft,work,trigsy,ifaxy,1,1,my,1,1) do i=1,mx rcorxfft(i)=corxfft(i)/real(corxfft(1)) enddo do j=1,my rcoryfft(j)=coryfft(j)/real(coryfft(1)) enddo if(ncomodes .gt. 0) then c c place the coherent eddies at randomly chosen positions, though c quantize the positions to lie on grid points to try try to reduce c Gibb's oscilations. c Choose the amplitude to be +-1, eddies of either polarity. c do i=1,ncomodes xposco(i)=x0/mx*float(int(mx*g05caf())) yposco(i)=y0/my*float(int(my*g05caf())) ampco(i)=(-1)**(i) enddo endif if(amp_alg .eq. 'r') then c generate an initial set of random, complex Amplitude coefficients: c we generate the x and y components independently. This guarantees c that the phase will be randomly distributed uniformly from 0 to 2*pi. do i=1,mx do j=1,my ampr=g05ddf(0.d0,1.d0) ! NAG's Gaussian random number generator ampi=g05ddf(0.d0,1.d0) amp(i,j)=cmplx(ampr,ampi) enddo enddo else c generate a set of initial complex coefficients all with unit c amplitude and either random or fixed phases: do i=1,mx do j=1,my if(ph_alg .eq. 'r') then phase=2*pi*g05caf() ! NAG's uniform random number generator ampr=cos(phase) ampi=sin(phase) amp(i,j)=cmplx(ampr,ampi) else ampc=0.0 do nco=1,ncomodes ampc=ampc+ampco(nco)*exp(-(0.0,1.0)* > (kx(i)*xposco(nco) + ky(j)*yposco(nco))) amp(i,j)=ampc enddo endif enddo enddo endif c Loop over a number of frames: do nframe=1,mframe c generate one realization of this spectrum, using the set c of random complex amplitudes in the array amp. c look at just the perturbed part, so turn off the kx=0, ky=0 component: amp(1,1)=0.0 do i=1,mx do j=1,my denk(i,j)=sqrt(denkx(i)*denky(j))*amp(i,j) enddo enddo c fix up the spectrum to satisfy reality contraints (we could have used c a complex-to-real fft for the ky-->y fft below, and saved a factor of 2 c in speed and space, but for simplicity we just used complex-to-complex c fft's): do i=2,mx do j=2,my/2 denk(mx+2-i,my+2-j)=conjg(denk(i,j)) enddo enddo c handle the axes carefully (since we don't have the periodic points on c the grid): do i=2,mx/2 denk(mx+2-i,1)=conjg(denk(i,1)) enddo do j=2,my/2 denk(1,my+2-j)=conjg(denk(1,j)) enddo c zero out the phase-less modes (which are at very high k anyway, c and we presume the spectrum goes to zero up there): denk(1,1)=0.0 ! a constant off-set doesn't show up in plots do i=1,mx denk(i,my/2+1)=0.0 enddo do j=1,my denk(mx/2+1,j)=0.0 enddo c do inverse FFT: call cfft99(denk,work,trigsx,ifaxx,1,mx,mx,my,1) call cfft99(denk,work,trigsy,ifaxy,mx,1,my,mx,1) c it should already be real (or very close to it): rmaxr=0.0 rmaxi=0.0 do i=1,mx do j=1,my rmaxr=max(rmaxr,abs(real(denk(i,j)))) rmaxi=max(rmaxi,abs(aimag(denk(i,j)))) enddo enddo write(6,*) 'max real and imaginary parts =', rmaxr, rmaxi dmin=0.0 dmax=0.0 davg=0.0 do i=1,mx do j=1,my den(i,j)=real(denk(i,j)) dmin=min(dmin,den(i,j)) dmax=max(dmax,den(i,j)) davg=davg+den(i,j) enddo enddo davg=davg/mx/my write(6,*) 'dmin, dmax, davg=', dmin,dmax,davg d2=0.0 d4=0.0 do i=1,mx do j=1,my d2=d2+(den(i,j)-davg)**2 d4=d4+(den(i,j)-davg)**4 enddo enddo d2=d2/mx/my kurtosis=d4/mx/my/d2**2 write(6,*) 'sigma, kurtosis+3 =', sqrt(d2), kurtosis c calculate 2-point correlation in x-direction: idelta=0 do while ((x(1+idelta)-x(1)) .lt. 10.0) c skip last bit to ignore periodic wrap-around: d2=0.0 d4=0.0 davg=0.0 do i=1,mx-idelta do j=1,my davg=davg+den(i,j) d2=d2+den(i,j)**2 d4=d4+den(i,j)*den(i+idelta,j) enddo enddo npts=my*(mx-idelta) corrx=(d4/npts - (davg/npts)**2) / (d2/npts - (davg/npts)**2) write(6,*) ' idelta,x, Cor(x), Cor_fft(x)=', > idelta, x(1+idelta)-x(1), corrx, rcorxfft(1+idelta) idelta=idelta+1 enddo c calculate 2-point correlation in y-direction: jdelta=0 do while ((y(1+jdelta)-y(1)) .lt. 10.0) c skip last bit to ignore periodic wrap-around: d2=0.0 d4=0.0 davg=0.0 do i=1,mx do j=1,my-jdelta davg=davg+den(i,j) d2=d2+den(i,j)**2 d4=d4+den(i,j)*den(i,j+jdelta) enddo enddo npts=(my-jdelta)*mx corry=(d4/npts - (davg/npts)**2) / (d2/npts - (davg/npts)**2) write(6,*) ' jdelta,y, Cor(y), Cor_fft(y)=', > jdelta, y(1+jdelta)-y(1), corry, rcoryfft(1+jdelta) jdelta=jdelta+1 enddo c generate some test data: c do i=1,mx c do j=1,my c den(i,j)=cos(2*pi*i/x0)*cos(4*pi*j/y0) c enddo c enddo c reverse the indexing of the array for stupid HDF: c also move origin to put zero phase mode in the c center of the box: do i=1,mx do j=1,my iget=mod(i+mx/2-1,mx)+1 jget=mod(j+my/2-1,my)+1 areverse(j,i)=den(iget,jget) enddo enddo shape(2)=mx shape(1)=my c write out density(x,y) to the an HDF file: iret = dssdast('BES simulation','density','e11.3','cartesian') iret = dsadata('bes.hdf',2,shape,areverse) c write out density(x,y) to a simple file: open(unit=21,file='bes.dat',status='unknown') write(21,*) mx, ' = # of x grid points ' write(21,*) my, ' = # of y grid points ' write(21,*) 'x grid:' write(21,*) (x(i),i=1,mx) write(21,*) 'y grid:' write(21,*) (y(i),i=1,my) write(21,*) 'Phi(x,y):' write(21,*) ((den(i,j),i=1,mx),j=1,my) close(unit=21) c Solve a Langevin-type equation to generate a new set of complex amplitude c coefficients whose correlations decay with a certain correlation time. c c The equivalent Fokker-Planck equation can be solved exactly for a c finite size time step, and the result then put in terms of a c drag term (exp(-dt)) and a diffusive random step size c proportional to (1.0-exp(-2*dt))**0.5. c c For small dt, this reduces to the usual Langevin equation. c if(nframe .ne. mframe) then write(6,*) > 'Repeating pattern, unless using random amplitude algorithm' if(amp_alg .eq. 'r') then damp=exp(-dt) damp2=(1.0-exp(-2*dt))**0.5 do i=1,mx do j=1,my ampr=g05ddf(0.d0,1.d0) ! NAG's Gaussian random number generator ampi=g05ddf(0.d0,1.d0) amp(i,j)=amp(i,j)*damp+cmplx(ampr,ampi)*damp2 enddo enddo endif endif enddo ! end NFRAME loop stop end