************************************************************************* ** TEST PROGRAMME FOR THE GMRES CODE ************************************************************************* program validation * integer lda, ldstrt, lwork parameter (lda = 1000, ldstrt = 60) parameter (lwork = ldstrt**2 + ldstrt*(lda+5) + 5*lda + 1) * integer i, j, n, m integer revcom, colx, coly, colz, nbscal integer irc(5), icntl(8), info(3) * integer matvec, precondLeft, precondRight, dotProd parameter (matvec=1, precondLeft=2, precondRight=3, dotProd=4) * integer nout * real a(lda,lda), work(lwork) real cntl(5), rinfo(2) * real ZERO, ONE parameter (ZERO = 0.0, ONE = 1.0) * *************************************************************** ** Generate the test matrix a and set the right-hand side ** in positions (n+1) to 2n of the array work. ** The right-hand side is chosen such that the exact solution ** is the vector of all ones. *************************************************************** * write(*,*) '***********************************************' write(*,*) 'This code is an example of use of GMRES' write(*,*) 'in single precision arithmetic' write(*,*) 'Results are written in output files' write(*,*) 'fort.10 and sol_sTestgmres.' write(*,*) '***********************************************' write(*,*) write(*,*) 'Matrix size < ', lda read(*,*) n if (n.gt.lda) then write(*,*) 'You are asking for a too large matrix' goto 100 endif * do j = 1,n do i = 1,n a(i,j) = ZERO enddo work(j) = ONE enddo * do i = 1,n a(i,i) = 4.0 enddo do i = 1,n-1 a(i,i+1) = -2.0 a(i+1,i) = -1.0 enddo * call SGEMV('N',n,n,ONE,A,lda,work(1),1,ZERO,work(n+1),1) * do j = 1,n work(j) = ZERO enddo * ********************************* ** Choose the restart parameter ********************************* * write(*,*) 'Restart <', ldstrt read(*,*) m * ******************************************************* ** Initialize the control parameters to default value ******************************************************* * call init_sgmres(icntl,cntl) * ************************* *c Tune some parameters ************************* * * Tolerance cntl(1) = 1.e-5 * Save the convergence history in file fort.10 icntl(3) = 10 * No preconditioning icntl(4) = 1 * ICGS orthogonalization icntl(5) = 3 * Maximum number of iterations icntl(7) = 100 * ***************************************** ** Reverse communication implementation ***************************************** * 10 call drive_sgmres(n,n,m,lwork,work, & irc,icntl,cntl,info,rinfo) revcom = irc(1) colx = irc(2) coly = irc(3) colz = irc(4) nbscal = irc(5) * if (revcom.eq.matvec) then * perform the matrix vector product * work(colz) <-- A * work(colx) call sgemv('N',n,n,ONE,a,lda,work(colx),1, & ZERO,work(colz),1) goto 10 * else if (revcom.eq.precondLeft) then * perform the left preconditioning * work(colz) <-- M^{-1} * work(colx) call scopy(n,work(colx),1,work(colz),1) goto 10 * else if (revcom.eq.precondRight) then * perform the right preconditioning call scopy(n,work(colx),1,work(colz),1) goto 10 * else if (revcom.eq.dotProd) then * perform the scalar product * work(colz) <-- work(colx) work(coly) * call sgemv('C',n,nbscal,ONE,work(colx),n, & work(coly),1,ZERO,work(colz),1) goto 10 endif * ******************************* * dump the solution on a file ******************************* * nout = 11 open(nout,FILE='sol_sTestgmres',STATUS='unknown') if (icntl(5).eq.0) then write(nout,*) 'Orthogonalisation : MGS' elseif (icntl(5).eq.1) then write(nout,*) 'Orthogonalisation : IMGS' elseif (icntl(5).eq.2) then write(nout,*) 'Orthogonalisation : CGS' elseif (icntl(5).eq.3) then write(nout,*) 'Orthogonalisation : ICGS' endif write(nout,*) 'Restart : ', m write(nout,*) 'info(1) = ',info(1),' info(2) = ',info(2) write(nout,*) 'rinfo(1) = ',rinfo(1),' rinfo(2) = ',rinfo(2) write(nout,*) 'Optimal workspace = ', info(3) write(nout,*) 'Solution : ' do j=1,n write(nout,*) work(j) enddo write(nout,*) ' ' * 100 continue * stop end