subroutine sobel(n,nrowc,ncolc,c,jc,ic,a,ja,ia,b,jb,ib,nzmax,ierr) integer i, n, ia(*), ja(*), ib(*), jb(*) integer nrowa, ncola, nrowb, ncolb, nrowc, ncolc, ipos integer ic(*), jc(*), offset, ierr real*8 a(*), b(*), c(*) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine generates a matrix used in the statistical problem c presented by Prof. Sobel. The matrix is formed by a series of c small submatrix on or adjancent to the diagonal. The submatrix on c the diagonal is square and the size goes like 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,... c Each of the diagonal block is a triadiagonal matrix, each of the c off-diagonal block is a bidiagonal block. The values of elements c in the off-diagonal block are all -1. So are the values of the c elements on the sub- and super-diagonal of the blocks on the c diagonal. The first element(1,1) of the diagonal block is alternating c between 3 and 5, the rest of the diagonal elements (of the block c on the diagonal) are 6. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c This subroutine calls following subroutines to generate the three c thypes of submatrices: c diagblk -- generates diagonal block. c leftblk -- generates the block left of the diagonal one. c rightblk-- generates the block right of the diagonal one. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( return ipos = 1 offset = 1 call diagblk(1, nrowc, ncolc, c, jc, ic) do 10 i=2, n-2 nrowa = nrowc ncola = ncolc call copmat (nrowc,c,jc,ic,a,ja,ia,1,1) call rightblk(i-1, nrowb, ncolb, b,jb,ib) call addblk(nrowa,ncola,a,ja,ia,ipos,ipos+offset,1, $ nrowb,ncolb,b,jb,ib,nrowc,ncolc,c,jc,ic,nzmax,ierr) call leftblk(i,nrowb,ncolb,b,jb,ib) call addblk(nrowc,ncolc,c,jc,ic,ipos+offset,ipos,1, $ nrowb,ncolb,b,jb,ib,nrowa,ncola,a,ja,ia,nzmax,ierr) ipos = ipos + offset call diagblk(i,nrowb,ncolb,b,jb,ib) call addblk(nrowa,ncola,a,ja,ia,ipos,ipos,1, $ nrowb,ncolb,b,jb,ib,nrowc,ncolc,c,jc,ic,nzmax,ierr) offset = 1 + (i-1)/2 10 continue end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine diagblk(n, nrow, ncol, a, ja, ia) implicit none integer n, nrow, ncol, ia(1:*), ja(1:*) real*8 a(1:*) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c generates the diagonal block for the given problem. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i, k nrow = 1 + (n-1)/2 ncol = nrow k = 1 ia(1) = 1 ja(1) = 1 if (mod(n, 2) .eq. 1) then a(1) = 3 else a(1) = 5 end if k = k + 1 if ( then ja(2) = 2 a(2) = -1.0 k = k + 1 end if do 10 i = 2, nrow ia(i) = k ja(k) = i-1 a(k) = -1.0 k = k + 1 ja(k) = i a(k) = 6.0 k = k + 1 if ( then ja(k) = i + 1 a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 end if 10 continue ia(nrow+1) = k return c---------end-of-diagblk------------------------------------------------ end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine leftblk(n, nrow, ncol, a, ja, ia) implicit none integer n, nrow, ncol, ja(1:*), ia(1:*) real*8 a(1:*) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c Generate the subdiagonal block for the problem given. c----------------------------------------------------------------------- integer i, k nrow = 1 + (n-1)/2 ncol = n/2 k = 1 do 10 i = 1, nrow ia(i) = k if ( then if ( then ja(k) = i-1 a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 end if end if if (i.le.ncol) then ja(k) = i a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 end if if (nrow.eq.ncol) then if ( then ja(k) = i+1 a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 end if end if 10 continue ia(nrow+1) = k return c---------end-of-leftblk------------------------------------------------ end c----------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine rightblk(n, nrow, ncol, a, ja, ia) implicit none integer n, nrow, ncol, ja(1:*), ia(1:*) real*8 a(1:*) integer i, k nrow = 1 + (n-1)/2 ncol = 1 + n/2 k = 1 do 10 i = 1, nrow ia(i) = k if (nrow.eq.ncol) then if ( then ja(k) = i-1 a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 end if end if ja(k) = i a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 if ( then ja(k) = i+1 a(k) = -1.0 k = k+1 end if 10 continue ia(nrow+1) = k c---------end-of-rightblk----------------------------------------------- end