module geq implicit none private integer :: nr, nt real, allocatable, dimension (:) :: rho_d, eqpsi, psi_bar, fp, qsf, beta, pressure, & diam, rc real, allocatable, dimension (:,:) :: R_psi, Z_psi, B_psi real, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: drm, dzm, dbm, dbtm, dpm, dtm real, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: dpcart, dbcart, dtcart, dbtcart real, allocatable, dimension (:,:,:) :: dpbish, dbbish, dtbish, dbtbish real :: psi_0, psi_a, B_T, I_0, beta_0 real :: R_mag, Z_mag, aminor logical :: init_rcenter = .true. logical :: init_diameter = .true. logical :: init_btori = .true. logical :: init_dbtori = .true. logical :: init_q = .true. logical :: init_pressure = .true. logical :: init_dpressure = .true. logical :: init_beta = .true. logical :: init_psi = .true. logical :: init_invR = .true. public :: B_psi public :: geq_init, eqin, gradient, eqitem, bgradient, Hahm_Burrell public :: invR, initialize_invR public :: Rpos public :: Zpos public :: rcenter, initialize_rcenter public :: diameter, initialize_diameter public :: btori, initialize_btori public :: dbtori, initialize_dbtori public :: qfun, initialize_q public :: pfun, initialize_pressure public :: dpfun, initialize_dpressure public :: betafun, initialize_beta public :: psi, initialize_psi public :: phipp, temp contains subroutine eqin(eqfile, psi_0_out, psi_a_out, rmaj, B_T0, & avgrmid, initeq, in_nt, nthg, nrg) implicit none include '' ! This subroutine reads a generic NetCDF equilibrium file ! containing the axisymmetric magnetic field geometry in flux ! coordinates integer :: initeq, nthg, nrg real :: psi_0_out, psi_a_out, rmaj, B_T0, avgrmid logical :: in_nt integer :: ncid, id, i, j, ifail, nchar character*31 :: fortrancrap character*80 :: filename, eqfile integer, dimension(2) :: start, cnt ! ! what is the best way to handle the netcdf single/double problem? ! ! real*4, allocatable, dimension(:) :: workr, work ! real*4 :: work1 real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: workr, work real :: work1 real :: f_N, psi_N ! read the data if(initeq == 0) then nthg = nt nrg = nr return endif if (.not.in_nt) then nchar=index(eqfile,' ')-1 filename=eqfile(1:nchar) else filename='dskeq.cdf' endif ! netcdf open file ncid = ncopn (filename, NCNOWRIT, ifail) ! netcdf read scalar: nr ! ! nr == number of radial grid points in radial eq grid id = ncdid (ncid, 'psi', ifail) call ncdinq (ncid, id, fortrancrap, nr, ifail) ! netcdf read scalar: nt ! ! nt == number of theta grid points in theta eq grid id = ncdid (ncid, 'theta', ifail) call ncdinq (ncid, id, fortrancrap, nt, ifail) call alloc_arrays(nr, nt) ! netcdf read scalars: psi_0,psi_a,B_T,I_0 ! ! psi_0 == value of psi at the magnetic axis ! psi_a == value of psi at the boundary of the plasma ! B_T == vacuum toroidal magnetic field at R_center ! I_0 == total plasma current start(1) = 1 id = ncvid (ncid, 'psi_0', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) psi_0 = work1*1.e-8 id = ncvid (ncid, 'psi_a', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) psi_a = work1*1.e-8 id = ncvid (ncid, 'B_T', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) B_T = work1*1.e-4 ! cgs to MKS id = ncvid (ncid, 'I_0', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) I_0 = work1 ! netcdf read scalars: R_mag,Z_mag,aminor ! ! R_mag == R position of magnetic axis ! Z_mag == Z position of magnetic axis ! aminor == half diameter of last flux surface at elevation of Z_mag id = ncvid (ncid, 'Rmag', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) R_mag = work1/100. id = ncvid (ncid, 'Zmag', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) Z_mag = work1/100. id = ncvid (ncid, 'a', ifail) call ncvgt1 (ncid, id, start, work1, ifail) aminor = work1/100. ! netcdf read vectors: rho_d,eqpsi,psi_bar,fp,qsf,beta,pressure ! ! rho_d(1:nr) == half diameters of flux surfaces at elevation ! of Z_mag on the radial grid ! psi is the poloidal flux ! eqpsi(1:nr) == values of psi on the radial grid ! psi_bar(1:nr) == values of psi_bar on the radial grid ! [psi_bar == (eqpsi - psi_0)/(psi_a - psi_0) if not available] ! fp(1:nr) == the function that satisfies ! B = fp grad zeta + grad zeta x grad psi ! qsf(1:nr) == q profile on the radial grid ! beta(1:nr) == local beta, with the magnetic field defined ! to be vacuum magnetic field on axis ! pressure(1:nr) == pressure profile on the radial grid, ! normalized to the value at the magnetic axis. allocate(workr(nr)) workr = 0. start(1) = 1 cnt(1) = nr id = ncvid (ncid, 'rho', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) rho_d = workr id = ncvid (ncid, 'psi', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) eqpsi = workr*1.e-8 id = ncvid (ncid, 'psibar', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) psi_bar = workr id = ncvid (ncid, 'fp', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) fp = workr*1.e-6 id = ncvid (ncid, 'q', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) qsf = workr id = ncvid (ncid, 'beta', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) beta = workr beta_0 = beta(1) id = ncvid (ncid, 'pressure', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, workr, ifail) pressure = workr ! netcdf read 2d field: R_psi,Z_psi and B_psi (mod(B)) ! eq_Rpsi(1:nr, 1:nt) ! eq_Zpsi(1:nr, 1:nt) ! eq_Bpsi(1:nr, 1:nt) ! allocate(work(nr*nt)) start(1) = 1 start(2) = 1 cnt(1) = nr cnt(2) = nt id = ncvid (ncid, 'R_psi', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, work, ifail) do j=1,nt do i=1,nr R_psi(i,j) = work(1+i-1+nr*(j-1))/100./aminor enddo enddo cnt(1) = nr cnt(2) = nt id = ncvid (ncid, 'Z_psi', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, work, ifail) do j=1,nt do i=1,nr Z_psi(i,j) = work(1+i-1+nr*(j-1))/100./aminor enddo enddo cnt(1) = nr cnt(2) = nt id = ncvid (ncid, 'B_psi', ifail) call ncvgt (ncid, id, start, cnt, work, ifail) do j=1,nt do i=1,nr B_psi(i,j) = work(1+i-1+nr*(j-1))/B_T*1.e-4 enddo enddo call ncclos (ncid, ifail) deallocate(work,workr) ! endif ! end of external reads ! ! Normalize, rename quantities ! avgrmid = aminor rmaj = R_mag / aminor ! used to reference the grid B_T0 = B_T psi_N = B_T0 * avgrmid**2 psi_a = psi_a / psi_N psi_0 = psi_0 / psi_N psi_a_out = psi_a psi_0_out = psi_0 eqpsi = eqpsi / psi_N f_N = B_T0*avgrmid fp=fp/f_N nthg=nt nrg = nr end subroutine eqin subroutine alloc_arrays(nr, nt) integer :: nr, nt if(.not.allocated(rho_d)) then allocate(rho_d(nr), eqpsi(nr), psi_bar(nr), fp(nr), qsf(nr), beta(nr), pressure(nr), & rc(nr), diam(nr)) allocate(R_psi(nr, nt), Z_psi(nr, nt), B_psi(nr, nt)) allocate(drm(nr, nt, 2), dzm(nr, nt, 2), dbm(nr, nt, 2), dbtm(nr, nt, 2), & dpm(nr, nt, 2), dtm(nr, nt, 2)) allocate(dpcart(nr, nt, 2), dbcart(nr, nt, 2), dtcart(nr, nt, 2), dbtcart(nr, nt, 2)) allocate(dpbish(nr, nt, 2), dbbish(nr, nt, 2), dtbish(nr, nt, 2), dbtbish(nr, nt, 2)) endif end subroutine alloc_arrays subroutine geq_init implicit none real, dimension(nr,nt) :: eqpsi1, eqth, eqbtor real pi integer i, j pi=2*acos(0.) do j=1,nt do i=1,nr eqbtor(i,j) = fp(i)/R_psi(i,j) eqpsi1(i,j) = eqpsi(i) eqth(i,j) = (j-1)*pi/float(nt-1) enddo enddo call derm(eqth, dtm, 'T') call derm(R_psi, drm, 'E') call derm(Z_psi, dzm, 'O') call derm(B_psi, dbm, 'E') call derm(eqbtor, dbtm, 'E') call derm(eqpsi1, dpm, 'E') ! diagnostics ! do j=1,nt ! do i=1,nr ! write(*,*) i,j ! write(*,100) drm(i,j,1),drm(i,j,2),R_psi(i,j) ! write(*,101) dzm(i,j,1),dzm(i,j,2),Z_psi(i,j) ! write(*,102) dzm(i,j,1),dtm(i,j,2),eqth(i,j) ! enddo ! enddo ! 100 format('(gr R)1 ',g10.4,' (gr R)2 ',g10.4,' R ',g10.4) ! 101 format('(gr Z)1 ',g10.4,' (gr Z)2 ',g10.4,' Z ',g10.4) ! 102 format('(gr t)1 ',g10.4,' (gr t)2 ',g10.4,' t ',g10.4) ! write(*,*) nr, nt ! stop ! grad(psi) in cartesian form call eqdcart(dpm, dpcart) ! grad(psi) in Bishop form call eqdbish(dpcart, dpbish) ! grad(B) in cartesian form call eqdcart(dbm, dbcart) ! grad(B) in Bishop form call eqdbish(dbcart, dbbish) ! grad(BT) in cartesian form call eqdcart(dbtm, dbtcart) ! grad(BT) in Bishop form call eqdbish(dbtcart, dbtbish) ! grad(theta) in cartesian form call eqdcart(dtm, dtcart) ! grad(theta) in Bishop form call eqdbish(dtcart, dtbish) ! diagnostics ! call inter_cspl(nr, eqpsi,dpcart(1,1,1),1,rp,f) ! write(*,*) f ! call inter_cspl(nr, eqpsi,dpcart(1,1,2),1,rp,f) ! write(*,*) f end subroutine geq_init subroutine derm(f, dfm, char) implicit none integer i, j character*1 :: char real f(:,:), dfm(:,:,:), pi pi = 2*acos(0.) i=1 dfm(i,:,1) = -0.5*(3*f(i,:)-4*f(i+1,:)+f(i+2,:)) i=nr dfm(i,:,1) = 0.5*(3*f(i,:)-4*f(i-1,:)+f(i-2,:)) ! assume up-down symmetry for now: select case (char) case ('E') j=1 dfm(:,j,2) = 0.5*(f(:,j+1)-f(:,j+1)) j=nt dfm(:,j,2) = -0.5*(f(:,j-1)-f(:,j-1)) case ('O') j=1 dfm(:,j,2) = 0.5*(f(:,j+1)+f(:,j+1)) j=nt dfm(:,j,2) = -0.5*(f(:,j-1)+f(:,j-1)) case ('T') j=1 dfm(:,j,2) = f(:,j+1) j=nt dfm(:,j,2) = pi - f(:,j-1) end select do i=2,nr-1 dfm(i,:,1)=0.5*(f(i+1,:)-f(i-1,:)) enddo do j=2,nt-1 dfm(:,j,2)=0.5*(f(:,j+1)-f(:,j-1)) enddo end subroutine derm subroutine gradient(rgrid, theta, grad, char, rp, nth_used, ntm) implicit none integer nth_used, ntm character*1 char real rgrid(-ntm:), theta(-ntm:), grad(-ntm:,:) real tmp(2), aa, daa, rp real, dimension(nr,nt,2) :: dcart integer i select case(char) case('B') dcart = dbcart case('D') ! diagnostic dcart = dbtcart case('P') dcart = dpcart case('R') dcart = dpcart ! dpcart is correct for 'R' case('T') dcart = dtcart end select do i=-nth_used,-1 call eqitem(rgrid(i), theta(i), dcart(:,:,1), tmp(1), 'R') call eqitem(rgrid(i), theta(i), dcart(:,:,2), tmp(2), 'Z') if(char == 'T') then grad(i,1)=-tmp(1) grad(i,2)=-tmp(2) else grad(i,1)=tmp(1) grad(i,2)=tmp(2) endif enddo do i=0,nth_used call eqitem(rgrid(i), theta(i), dcart(:,:,1), tmp(1), 'R') call eqitem(rgrid(i), theta(i), dcart(:,:,2), tmp(2), 'Z') grad(i,1)=tmp(1) grad(i,2)=tmp(2) enddo ! to get grad(pressure), multiply grad(psi) by dpressure/dpsi if(char == 'R') then call inter_d_cspl(nr, eqpsi, pressure, 1, rp, aa, daa) do i=-nth_used, nth_used grad(i,1)=grad(i,1)*daa * 0.5*beta_0 grad(i,2)=grad(i,2)*daa * 0.5*beta_0 enddo endif end subroutine gradient subroutine bgradient(rgrid, theta, grad, char, rp, nth_used, ntm) implicit none integer nth_used, ntm character*1 char real rgrid(-ntm:), theta(-ntm:), grad(-ntm:,:) real tmp(2), aa, daa, rp real, dimension(nr,nt,2) :: dbish real, dimension(nr,nt) :: f integer i logical :: first = .true. select case(char) case('B') dbish = dbbish case('D') ! diagnostic dbish = dbtbish case('P') dbish = dpbish case('R') dbish = dpbish ! dpcart is correct for 'R' case('T') dbish = dtbish end select do i=-nth_used,nth_used call eqitem(rgrid(i), theta(i), dbish(:,:,1), grad(i,1), 'R') call eqitem(rgrid(i), theta(i), dbish(:,:,2), grad(i,2), 'Z') enddo if (char == 'T') then where (theta(-nth_used:nth_used) < 0.0) grad(-nth_used:nth_used,1) = -grad(-nth_used:nth_used,1) grad(-nth_used:nth_used,2) = -grad(-nth_used:nth_used,2) end where end if ! to get grad(pressure), multiply grad(psi) by dpressure/dpsi if(char == 'R') then call inter_d_cspl(nr, eqpsi, pressure, 1, rp, aa, daa) do i=-nth_used, nth_used grad(i,1)=grad(i,1)*daa * 0.5*beta_0 grad(i,2)=grad(i,2)*daa * 0.5*beta_0 enddo endif end subroutine bgradient subroutine eqitem(r, theta_in, f, fstar, char) integer :: i, j, istar, jstar character*1 :: char real :: r, thet, fstar, sign, tp, tps, theta_in real :: st, dt, sr, dr, pi, rt real, dimension(:,:) :: f real, dimension(size(f,2)) :: mtheta logical :: out pi = 2.*acos(0.) ! check for axis evaluation if(r == eqpsi(1)) then write(*,*) 'no evaluation at axis allowed in eqitem' write(*,*) r, theta_in, eqpsi(1) stop endif ! allow psi(r) to be a decreasing function sign=1. if(eqpsi(2) < eqpsi(1)) sign=-1. if(r < sign*eqpsi(1)) then write(*,*) 'r < Psi_0 in eqitem' write(*,*) r,sign,eqpsi(1) stop endif ! find r on psi mesh ! disallow evaluations outside the plasma surface for now if(r == eqpsi(nr)) then rt = 0.9999999999*r if(rt > eqpsi(nr)) rt = 1.0000000001*r r = rt endif if(r >= eqpsi(nr)) then write(*,*) 'No evaluation of eqitem allowed outside surface' write(*,*) r, theta_in, eqpsi(nr), sign stop endif istar=0 do i=2,nr if(r < sign*eqpsi(i)) then dr = r - sign*eqpsi(i-1) sr = sign*eqpsi(i) - r istar=i-1 exit endif enddo ! no gradients available at axis, so do not get too close if(istar == 1) then ! write(*,*) 'Too close to axis in eqitem' ! write(*,*) r, theta_in, eqpsi(1), eqpsi(2) ! stop endif ! Now do theta direction thet = mod2pi(theta_in) ! assume up-down symmetry tp=abs(thet) tps=1. if(char == 'Z' .and. tp >= 1.e-10) tps=thet/tp ! get thet on theta mesh do j=1,nt mtheta(j)=(j-1)*pi/float(nt-1) enddo ! note that theta(1)=0 for gen_eq theta jstar=-1 do j=1,nt if(jstar /= -1) cycle if(tp < mtheta(j)) then dt = tp - mtheta(j-1) st = mtheta(j) - tp jstar=j-1 endif enddo ! treat theta = pi separately if(jstar == -1) then jstar=nt-1 dt=mtheta(jstar+1)-mtheta(jstar) st=0. endif ! use opposite area stencil to interpolate ! if(char == 'R') i=1 ! if(char == 'Z') i=2 fstar=f(istar , jstar ) * sr * st & +f(istar + 1, jstar ) * dr * st & +f(istar , jstar + 1) * sr * dt & +f(istar + 1, jstar + 1) * dr * dt fstar=fstar*tps & /abs(eqpsi(istar+1)-eqpsi(istar)) & /(mtheta(jstar+1)-mtheta(jstar)) ! write(*,*) i, dr, dt, sr, st ! write(*,*) f(istar,jstar+1),f(istar+1,jstar+1) ! write(*,*) f(istar,jstar),f(istar+1,jstar) ! write(*,*) eqpsi(istar),eqpsi(istar+1) ! write(*,*) mtheta(jstar),mtheta(jstar+1) end subroutine eqitem subroutine eqdcart(dfm, dfcart) implicit none real, dimension (:,:,:), intent(in) :: dfm real, dimension (:,:,:), intent(out) :: dfcart real, dimension (size(dfm,1),size(dfm,2)) :: denom integer :: i, j denom(:,:) = drm(:,:,1)*dzm(:,:,2) - drm(:,:,2)*dzm(:,:,1) !!! ! dfcart = 0. dfcart(:,:,1) = dfm(:,:,1)*dzm(:,:,2) - dzm(:,:,1)*dfm(:,:,2) dfcart(:,:,2) = - dfm(:,:,1)*drm(:,:,2) + drm(:,:,1)*dfm(:,:,2) do j=1,nt do i=2,nr dfcart(i,j,:)=dfcart(i,j,:)/denom(i,j) enddo enddo end subroutine eqdcart subroutine eqdbish(dcart, dbish) implicit none real, dimension(:, :, :), intent (in) :: dcart real, dimension(:, :, :), intent(out) :: dbish real, dimension(size(dcart,1),size(dcart,2)) :: denom integer :: i, j denom(:,:) = sqrt(dpcart(:,:,1)**2 + dpcart(:,:,2)**2) dbish(:,:,1) = dcart(:,:,1)*dpcart(:,:,1) + dcart(:,:,2)*dpcart(:,:,2) dbish(:,:,2) =-dcart(:,:,1)*dpcart(:,:,2) + dcart(:,:,2)*dpcart(:,:,1) do j=1,nt do i=2,nr dbish(i,j,:) = dbish(i,j,:)/denom(i,j) enddo enddo end subroutine eqdbish function initialize_invR (init) integer :: init, initialize_invR init_invR = .false. if(init == 1) init_invR = .true. initialize_invR = 1 end function initialize_invR function invR (r, theta) real, intent (in) :: r, theta real :: f, invR real :: th th = mod2pi( theta) call eqitem(r, th, R_psi, f, 'R') invR=1./f end function invR function Rpos (r, theta) real, intent (in) :: r, theta real :: f, Rpos real :: th th = mod2pi( theta) call eqitem(r, th, R_psi, f, 'R') Rpos=f end function Rpos function Zpos (r, theta) real, intent (in) :: r, theta real :: f, Zpos real :: th th = mod2pi( theta) call eqitem(r, th, Z_psi, f, 'Z') Zpos=f end function Zpos function initialize_psi (init) integer :: init, initialize_psi init_psi = .false. if(init == 1) init_psi = .true. initialize_psi = 1 end function initialize_psi function psi (r, theta) real, intent (in) :: r, theta real :: psi psi = r end function psi function mod2pi (theta) real, intent(in) :: theta real :: pi, th, mod2pi logical :: out pi=2.*acos(0.) if(theta <= pi .and. theta >= -pi) then mod2pi = theta return endif th=theta out=.true. do while(out) if(th > pi) th = th - 2.*pi if(th <-pi) th = th + 2.*pi if(th <= pi .and. th >= -pi) out=.false. enddo mod2pi=th end function mod2pi function initialize_diameter (init) integer :: init, initialize_diameter init_diameter = .false. if(init == 1) init_diameter = .true. initialize_diameter = 1 end function initialize_diameter function diameter (rp) use splines real :: rp, diameter type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(init_diameter) then diam(:) = R_psi(:,1) - R_psi(:,nt) if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, eqpsi, diam, spl) init_diameter = .false. endif diameter = splint(rp, spl) end function diameter function initialize_rcenter (init) integer :: init, initialize_rcenter init_rcenter = .false. if(init == 1) init_rcenter = .true. initialize_rcenter = 1 end function initialize_rcenter function rcenter (rp) use splines real :: rp, rcenter type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(init_rcenter) then rc(:) = 0.5*(R_psi(:,1) + R_psi(:,nt)) if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, eqpsi, rc, spl) init_rcenter = .false. endif rcenter = splint(rp, spl) end function rcenter function initialize_dbtori (init) integer :: init, initialize_dbtori init_dbtori = .false. if(init == 1) init_dbtori = .true. initialize_dbtori = 1 end function initialize_dbtori function dbtori (pbar) use splines real :: pbar, dbtori type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(init_dbtori) then if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, psi_bar, fp, spl) endif init_dbtori=.false. dbtori = dsplint(pbar, spl)/(psi_a-psi_0) end function dbtori function initialize_btori (init) integer :: init, initialize_btori init_btori = .false. if(init == 1) init_btori = .true. initialize_btori = 1 end function initialize_btori function btori (pbar) use splines real :: pbar, btori type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(init_btori) then if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, psi_bar, fp, spl) endif init_btori=.false. btori = splint(pbar, spl) end function btori function phipp (pbar, a) real :: pbar, phipp, a, dp, pres, d2p, del_pbar del_pbar = 1.e-5 pres = pfun(pbar) dp = dpfun(pbar) d2p = 0.5*(dpfun(pbar+del_pbar)-dpfun(pbar-del_pbar)) & /(del_pbar*(psi_a-psi_0)) phipp = d2p/pres - a*(dp/pres)**2 end function phipp function initialize_q (init) integer :: init, initialize_q init_q = .false. if(init == 1) init_q = .true. initialize_q = 1 end function initialize_q function qfun (pbar) use splines real :: pbar, qfun type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(init_q) then if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, psi_bar, qsf, spl) endif init_q = .false. qfun = splint(pbar, spl) ! write(*,*) 'In qfun: q = ',qfun,' at psi_bar = ',pbar end function qfun function initialize_pressure (init) integer :: init, initialize_pressure init_pressure = .false. if(init == 1) init_pressure = .true. initialize_pressure = 1 end function initialize_pressure function pfun (pbar) use splines real :: pbar, pfun type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(init_pressure) then if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, psi_bar, pressure, spl) endif init_pressure = .false. ! ! p_N would be B**2/mu_0 => p = beta/2 in our units ! pfun = 0.5*beta_0*splint(pbar, spl) end function pfun function initialize_dpressure (init) integer :: init, initialize_dpressure init_dpressure = .false. if(init == 1) init_dpressure = .true. initialize_dpressure = 1 end function initialize_dpressure function dpfun (pbar) use splines real :: pbar, dpfun, f real, save :: pnorm type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. ! ! p_N would be B**2/mu_0 => p = beta/2 in our units ! if(init_dpressure) then if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, psi_bar, pressure, spl) init_dpressure = .false. endif dpfun = dsplint(pbar, spl)/(psi_a-psi_0) * beta_0/2. end function dpfun function initialize_beta (init) integer :: init, initialize_beta init_beta = .false. if(init == 1) init_beta = .true. initialize_beta = 1 end function initialize_beta function betafun (pbar) use splines real :: pbar, betafun type (spline), save :: spl logical :: first = .true. if(pbar == 0.) then betafun=beta(1) return endif if(init_beta) then if(.not.first) call delete_spline(spl) first = .false. call new_spline(nr, psi_bar, beta, spl) endif init_beta = .false. betafun = splint(pbar, spl) end function betafun subroutine Hahm_Burrell(irho, a, rho_star0) real, intent(in) :: a, rho_star0 character*1 :: char integer :: i, irho real :: gradpsi, mag_B, rho_eq real :: rp1, rp2, rho1, rho2, drhodpsiq real, dimension(nr) :: gamma, pbar, dp, d2p, pres, gmhd, alp, temp_local ! real, dimension(nr) :: bs_coll, s__hat, bs_sh if(irho /= 2) then write(*,*) 'use irho=2 to get correct shearing rate.' endif gamma = 0. pbar = (eqpsi-eqpsi(1))/(eqpsi(nr)-eqpsi(1)) do i=2, nr-1 dp(i) = dpfun(pbar(i)) enddo do i=3,nr-2 d2p(i) = (dp(i+1)-dp(i-1))/(eqpsi(i+1)-eqpsi(i-1)) enddo pres=0. ! The profile factor a is defined by ! T/T_0 = (p/p_0)**gamma, a = 1 - gamma ! thus a = 0 -> only temperature gradient ! and a = 1 -> only density gradient do i=3,nr-2 rp1=eqpsi(i+1) rp2=eqpsi(i-1) rho1=0.5*diameter(rp1) rho2=0.5*diameter(rp2) drhodpsiq=(rho1-rho2)/(rp1-rp2) ! s__hat(i) = (qfun(pbar(i+1))-qfun(pbar(i-1)))/(rho2-rho1) & ! * 0.5*(rho1+rho2)/qfun(pbar(i)) pres(i) = abs(pfun(pbar(i))) call eqitem(eqpsi(i), 0., dpbish(:,:,1), gradpsi, 'R') call eqitem(eqpsi(i), 0., B_psi, mag_B, 'R') gamma(i) = (d2p(i)/pres(i)-a*(dp(i)/pres(i))**2) temp_local(i) = (2.*pres(i)/beta_0)**(1.-a) gamma(i) = rho_star0*gradpsi**2*gamma(i) & /mag_B*sqrt(temp_local(i)) !& ! *(-pres(i)/(dp(i)/drhodpsiq)) alp(i) = -1./pres(i)*dp(i)/drhodpsiq gmhd(i) = gamma(i)*sqrt(abs(rpos(eqpsi(i),0.)/alp(i))) enddo ! ! Assume rho_*0 = 0.01, nu_*0 = 1.0 ! ! do i=3,nr-2 ! bs_coll(i)=0.01*((2.*pres(i)/beta_0)**(1-a))**2.5 & ! / (2.*pres(i)/beta_0)**a * qfun(0.) & ! * 0.5*diameter(eqpsi(i)) & ! * (-dp(i)/pres(i)) * R_psi(1,1)**1.5 ! bs_sh(i)=(-pres(i)/(dp(i)/drhodpsiq))*s__hat(i)/R_psi(1,1) & ! / qfun(pbar(i)) /sqrt(pres(i)) ! enddo do i=3,nr-2 if(irho == 1) then rho_eq = eqpsi(i) else if(irho == 2) then rho_eq = 0.5 * diameter(eqpsi(i)) else if(irho == 3) then rho_eq = pbar(i) endif write(24,1000) i, pbar(i), rho_eq, pres(i), abs(gamma(i)/alp(i)), abs(gamma(i)), gmhd(i), & alp(i), temp_local(i), qfun(pbar(i)) !, bs_coll(i), bs_sh(i) ! write(61,*) rho_eq, gamma(i), d2p(i)/pres(i), (dp(i)/pres(i))**2!, dp(i)/drhodpsiq/pres(i) ! write(63,*) rho_eq, pbar(i), pres(i), dp(i), d2p(i) enddo if(irho == 1) write(* ,*) '# irho = 1 produces psi instead of rho_eq' if(irho == 1) write(24,*) '# irho = 1 produces psi instead of rho_eq' 1000 format(i5,11(1x,e16.9)) end subroutine Hahm_Burrell function temp (pbar, a) real :: pbar, a, temp temp = (pfun(pbar)/pfun(0.))**(1.-a) end function temp end module geq