subroutine prtime c implicit none include 'itg.par' c real avdx,avdy,avkxsq,avkysq integer mmaxim,mlow1,mhi1,mnum,nnum,m1,n1,il,ir, * itop,neb,mmod,mnow,i,m,n c include 'itg.cmn' c do n=1,ne write(9,70) timo(n),wdux(n),wp2x(n),wv2x(n),wenx(n) enddo c do n=1,ne write(9,75) timo(n),wxsp(n) enddo c c do i=1,ne avdx=wakx(i) avdy=waky(i) if( avkxsq=1.0/(avdx*avdx) if( avkysq=1.0/(avdy*avdy) write(9,160) timo(i),avdx,avdy,avkxsq,avkysq enddo c write(9,130) do n=1,nd write(9,110) nrr(n) mmaxim=min(md,9) do i=1,ne write(9,120) timo(i),(wkif(i,m,n),m=1,mmaxim) enddo enddo c write(9,140) do n=1,nd write(9,110) nrr(n) mmaxim=min(md,9) do i=1,ne write(9,120) timo(i),(wpif(i,m,n),m=1,mmaxim) enddo enddo c write(9,150) do n=1,nd write(9,110) nrr(n) mmaxim=min(md,9) do i=1,ne write(9,120) timo(i),(wplx(i,m,n),m=1,mmaxim) enddo enddo c write(9,170) timo(ne-1) c c write the energy conservation diagnostic to itg.out c do n=1,ne write(9,171) timo(n), pcerr(n) enddo c c write(9,2000) 2000 format( /// ) c c 70 format(7x,'t=',e11.3,' wdu0=',e16.8,' wp20=',e16.8, * ' wv20=',e16.8,' wenr=',e16.8) 75 format(7x,'t=',e11.3,' wspx=',e16.8) 110 format(1x,'n =',i3) 120 format('t=',e11.3,x,9e12.4) 130 format(' perpendicular kinetic energy ') 140 format(' pressure ** 2 ') 150 format(' Thermal flux of each harmonic') 160 format(7x,'t=',e11.3,' avdx=',e16.8,' avdy=',e16.8, * ' akx2=',e16.8,' aky2=',e16.8) 170 format(7x,'growth rate at t=',e11.3/) 171 format(7x,'t=',e11.3,' pcerr =',e16.8) c return end