subroutine cnstnts(old_qpar,old_qperp,tim,dt) c c Set up arrays and define values of constants. c implicit none include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' complex old_qpar(lz,mz,nz,nspecz),old_qperp(lz,mz,nz,nspecz) integer i,l,m,n,itime(7),lp,lm,idum,ntablex real tim,dt,z1,z2,z3 character*30 x05abE external x05abE external x05aaE c ldb=ld-1 c c initialize arrays of m and n modes being used: c c nd # of n modes c md # of m modes for each n c malias=0 nalias=0 if(nffty .ne. 0 .and. nfftx .ne. 0) then malias=nffty nalias=nfftx if(md .eq. 0 .and. nd .eq. 0) then md=(nffty-1)/3+1 nd=2*((nfftx-1)/3)+1 endif endif if(nd.eq.-1) then nmin=0 nmax=1 nddm=1 nddp=1 nrr(1)=1 nd=1 goto 413 endif c if(mod(nd,2).eq.0) nd=nd+1 if(nd.eq.1) then nmin=0 nmax=0 nddm=1 nddp=1 nrr(1)=0 else nddm=nd/2 nddp=nd/2+1 nmin=-nd/2 nmax=nd/2 do n=1,nddp nrr(n)=n-1 enddo c do n=1,nddm nrr(n+nddp)=n-nddm-1 enddo endif c 413 continue if(ld .gt. lz) call aborter(6, & 'error: ld> lz (see itg.cmn and itg.par)') if(nd .gt. nz) call aborter(6, & 'error: nd> nz (see itg.cmn and itg.par)') if(md .gt. mz) call aborter(6, & 'error: md> mz (see itg.cmn and itg.par)') meq=-1 ! set defaults in case there is no m=n=0 mode do n=1,nd if( then mmax(n)=md-1 mmin(n)=0 else md=mlow-mhi+1 mmin(n)=mlow mmax(n)=mhi endif do m=1,md mrr(m,n)=m+mmin(n)-1 c if(mrr(m,n).eq.0.and.nrr(n).eq.0) then meq=m neq=n endif c enddo enddo c Set up for real-to-complex y FFT's. c md = # of independent ky modes (with ky>=0): mdspec=2*(md-1) ! = # of ky points (without dealiasing) if(malias .eq. 0) then malias=4*(md-1) ! overkill (more efficient to specify nffty) endif if(malias .gt. mffty) call aborter(6, & 'error: nffty or malias > mffty (see and itg.par)') madd=malias-mdspec rootm=sqrt(float(malias)) c initialize trig tables for y FFT's: idum=0 call csfftm(0,malias,1,1.0,idum,idum,idum,idum,tabley,idum,0) c c Set up for complex-to-complex x FFT's. c nd = # of independent kx modes (usually odd for symmetry around kx=0) c nalias = # of x points (with dealiasing): if(nd.eq.1) nalias=1 if(nalias .eq. 0) then nalias=2*(nd-1) ! overkill (more efficient to specify nfftx) endif if(nalias .gt. mfftx) call aborter(6, & 'error: nfftx or nalias > mfftx (see and itg.par)') nadd=nalias-nd rootn=sqrt(float(nalias)) c initialize trig tables for x FFT's: ntablex=100+2*nzz call xmcfft(0,nalias,1,1.0,0.0,idum,idum,0.0,idum,idum, & tablex,ntablex,1.0,idum) c c finish setting default m=0,n=0 mode if not already specified: if(meq .eq. -1) then neq=1 meq=md+1 if(meq .gt. mz) call aborter(6,'no room for m=0 mode') endif c pi=3.141592653589793 c pi=abs(acos(-1.0)) ! machine independent form... c rkkin is the coefficient for the Hammett-Perkins c Landau damping model. c c rkkin = chi_1 * sqrt(2) * v_ti / c_s c = 2 * (2/pi*Ti/Te)**0.5, c c rkkin=2.*(2./pi)**0.5 rkkperp=(2./pi)**0.5 rkkperp2=(pi/(2.))**0.5 c c zDq1 and zBq1 are the coefficients for the 4-pole Landau damping model c from Greg's PRL: c c zDq1 = D1 * sqrt(2) * Sqrt(TiovTe) c D1 = 2 sqrt(pi) / (3 pi -8) c zBq1 = (3 + 2*B1)*TiovTe c zEq1 = (3 + 2*B1) c B1 = (32 - 9 pi) / (6 pi - 16) zDq1 = 2.*sqrt(pi)/(3.0*pi-8.0)*sqrt(2.) c zBq1 = 3.+2.*(32.-9.*pi)/(6.*pi-16.) bug in 4-moment closure zBq1 = (3.+2.*(32.-9.*pi)/(6.*pi-16.)) zEq1 = 3.+2.*(32.-9.*pi)/(6.*pi-16.) c if(lin.eq.1) igradon=0 c avgflag=0.0 navgflag=0 ncycle = 0 ne=0 c c take a radial point sqrt(L_s/L_n)*rho from the rational surface c centered in the box and keep the time history of phi there. c if(shr .ne. 0.0) then lhistory=sqrt(1./abs(shr))*ld/x0 else lhistory=ld/4 endif if(iodd .eq. 2) lhistory=0. if(lhistory .gt. ld/4) lhistory=ld/4 c lhistory=lhistory + ld/2+1 c lhistory=float(ld)*.6+1 c changed mbeer (old way didn't work for large x0) c c when fortran does integer division, fractional remainders are c set to zero, i.e., 2/3 is 0, 5/4 is truncated to 1: nfreq=(nstp-1)/nez+1 nfreqcnt=1 if ( then ntotal=nstp/nfreq else ntotal=1 endif c c r(l) is the grid for the radial coordinate: c write(9,*) 'Theta_0:' do l=1,ld r(l)=2.*x0*float(l-1)/ldb-x0 enddo do m=1,md do n=1,nd if (mrr(m,n).eq.0) then if ( then r0(m,n)=z0*float(nrr(n))/nmax else r0(m,n)=z0*float(nrr(n)) endif else if ( then r0(m,n)=z0*float(nrr(n))/nmax/float(mrr(m,n)) else r0(m,n)=z0*float(nrr(n))/float(mrr(m,n)) endif endif write(9,*) m,n,' r0= ',r0(m,n) enddo enddo c c center of theta axis moved to zero, r0=theta0, mbeer c c Find cfl multipliers: c c cflx=float(ldb)/x0 c c This line gives trouble if nd=1, but we don't run nonlinearly with nd=1, c so just replace it with something similar: c c cflx=shr*z0*float(nd)/(float(nd/2)*2*pi*y0) if(nd.eq.1) then cflx=shr*z0/(2.*pi*y0) else cflx=shr*z0*float(nd)/(float(nd/2)*2*pi*y0) endif cfly=float(mdspec)/(2.*pi*y0) c c bmag(l) is the magnitude of the magnetic field B normalized to B_0 c bmaginv(l) is 1/B c bgrad is 1/B dB/dl c c All in the circular concentric small aspect ratio limit for now. c do l=1,ld bmag(l)=1./(1.+eps*cos(r(l))) bmaginv(l)=1./bmag(l) bgrad(l)=epsn*eps/qsf*sin(r(l))*bmag(l) enddo c c define ky grid c do n=1,nd do m=1,md rky(m,n)=(mrr(m,n)/y0) ! ky rky2(m,n)=(mrr(m,n)/y0)**2 ! ky**2 enddo enddo c c define kx grid: c c The current version ( of Cray's fpp has a bug in the following c nested loops, unless vectorization is turned off: cfpp$ skip R do n=1,nd do m=1,md c c Need switch for m=0 modes. c do l=1,ld rkx(l,m,n)=(mrr(m,n)/y0)*((r(l)-r0(m,n))*shr & -alpha*(sin(r(l))-sin(r0(m,n)))) if (m.eq.meq) then rkx(l,m,n)=mrr(m+1,n)/y0*(-r0(m+1,n))*shr endif if (md.eq.1) then rkx(l,m,n)=1./y0 endif c c local if qsf < 0 c if ( rkx(l,m,n)=0.0 c rkx(l,m,n)=rkx(l,m,n)*bmaginv(l) rkx2(l,m,n)=rkx(l,m,n)**2 enddo enddo enddo c cfpp$ noskip R c c omegad(l) is the w_d profile (for toroidal terms) without k_y c do m=1,md do n=1,nd do l=1,ld omegad(l,m,n)=-2.*bmag(l)*epsn*rky(m,n)*( cos(r(l)) & +(shr*(r(l)-r0(m,n)) & -alpha*(sin(r(l))-sin(r0(m,n))))*sin(r(l))) c c special case for k_theta=0, k_r=const. c if ((m.eq.meq).or.(md.eq.1)) then omegad(l,m,n)=-2.*bmag(l)*epsn*rkx(l,m,n)*sin(r(l)) endif c c local if qsf<0 c if ( omegad(l,m,n)=-2.*epsn*rky(m,n) enddo enddo enddo c do l=2,ldb dr(l)=r(l+1)-r(l-1) enddo dr(1)=2.*(r(2)-r(1)) dr(ld)=2.*(r(ld)-r(ldb)) c c Twisted periodicity boundary conditions parameters: c if (iperiod.eq.2) then l_left=float(ld-1)/2.*(1.-xp/x0)+1.+.5 l_right=float(ld-1)/2.*(1.+xp/x0)+1.+.5 write(9,*) 'l_left, l_right: ', l_left, l_right endif c call flrinit if(nread.eq.1) then call wread(tim,dt) else do i=1,nspecies do n=1,nd do m=1,md do l=1,ld potential(l,m,n,i)=0. density(l,m,n,i)=0. u_par(l,m,n,i)=0. t_par(l,m,n,i)=0. q_par(l,m,n,i)=0. t_perp(l,m,n,i)=0. q_perp(l,m,n,i)=0. c c The next two lines prevent an uninitialized variable problem c for a 3+1 model: c old_qpar(l,m,n,i)=0. old_qperp(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_density1(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_density2(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_upar1(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_upar2(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_tpar(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_qpar(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_tperp1(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_tperp2(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_tperp3(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_qperp1(l,m,n,i)=0. nl_qperp2(l,m,n,i)=0. enddo enddo enddo enddo call pertb tim=0.0 endif c c Get the time and date of this run: c call x05aaE(itime) date=x05abE(itime) c return end