subroutine critical(g_target,d_target,time,icontrol2) c c Find the critical temperature gradient or the diffusion needed c to stabilize the mode. c c gamma_0 should be made a function of k_theta. c implicit none include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' real p2(mz,nz),g_target,d_target,time(mz) real aveth,dum,d_fac,e_fac,avekp2 real rkp2,etak_0(mz,nz),d_0(mz,nz) real k_tim(mz),k_p2(mz,nz) integer i,l,m,n,init,icontrol2,m_min save init,k_p2,k_tim,etak_0,d_0 c c Assume m=1 is ky=0 mode unless md=1; don't calculate anything for c ky=0 mode here: c m_min=2 if(md.eq.1) m_min=1 if(icontrol2.eq.1) then init=icontrol2 icontrol2=2 endif if(init.eq.1) then init=2 g_target=gamma_0 d_target=rdiff_0 call volsq(potential,potential,dum,p2) do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md etak_0(m,n)=etak(m,n,1) d_0(m,n)=rdiff(m,n) k_tim(m)=time(m) k_p2(m,n)=p2(m,n) enddo enddo else if(init.eq.2) then call volsq(potential,potential,dum,p2) if(icrit.eq.1) then if( then do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md etak_0(m,n)=etak(m,n,1) k_tim(m)=time(m) k_p2(m,n)=p2(m,n) enddo enddo gamma_0=g_target endif do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md e_fac=exp(2.*gamma_0*(time(m)-k_tim(m))) etak(m,n,1)=etak_0(m,n)/sqrt(p2(m,n)/k_p2(m,n)/e_fac) etak_par(m,n,1)=etak(m,n,1) enddo enddo if( then do i=2,nspecies do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md etak(m,n,i)=etak(m,n,1) etak_par(m,n,i)=etak_par(m,n,1) enddo enddo enddo endif call flrinit(0) else if(icrit.eq.2) then if( then do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md d_0(m,n)=rdiff(m,n) k_tim(m)=time(m) k_p2(m,n)=p2(m,n) enddo enddo rdiff_0=d_target endif do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md aveth=0. avekp2=0. dum=0. do l=1,ldb avekp2=avekp2+cabs(potential(l,m,n))**2 . *rkperp2(l,m,n) dum=dum+cabs(potential(l,m,n))**2 enddo if( then avekp2=avekp2/dum else avekp2=0. endif d_fac=exp(2.*rdiff_0*avekp2*(time(m)-k_tim(m))) rdiff(m,n)=d_0(m,n)*sqrt(p2(m,n)/k_p2(m,n)/d_fac) enddo enddo endif else return endif return end