subroutine flr(phi) c c calculate the proper FLR-averaged potentials: c c (c) Copyright 1991 to 1995 by Michael A. Beer, William D. Dorland, c and Gregory W. Hammett. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. c c Written by Greg Hammett 17-Dec-1990 c Modified by Bill Dorland 4-Mar-1991 c and again by Bill 15-Sep-1991 c Now pseudo-spectral in radial direction. c and again by Bill in Jan-1992 c added adiabatic electrons. c and again by Bill in Mar-1992 c simplified burgeoning code and added nlpm terms. c mbeer -- changed to Cowley coordinates, kx = s z ky May 8, 1992 c and many changes since... c implicit none ! force every variable's type to be declared. ! (This is useful as a check for typographical errors.) include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' c define the arguments: complex phi(lz,mz,nz) c declare other local variables: integer l,m,n c c start executable code: c call flrcow(phi,phi_n,gnwgt) call flrcow(phi,phi_u,g0wgt) call flrcow(phi,phi_tpar,gtpwgt) call flrcow(phi,phi_tperp,gtwgt) call flrcow(phi,phi_qperp,flrwgt) call flrcow(phi,phi_flr1,flrwgt) call flrcow(phi,phi_flr2,flrwgt2) call flrcow(phi,phi_nd,gnwgtd) call flrcow(phi,phi_tpard,gtpwgtd) call flrcow(phi,phi_tperpd,gtwgtd) call flrcow(phi,phi_qperpb,gqwgtb) c if(nperpmom.eq.3) call flrcow(phi,phi_flr3,grwgt) return end