subroutine input(dt) c c Read input file, and set some default input values. c implicit none include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' real dt(mz),dtmin c c dtmin included for backwards compatibility only. It doesn't do anything. c integer i,m,n,indomz,inconz include 'wdat.nml' integer iargc,icount external iargc, getarg character command*80 pi=3.141592653589793 c pi=abs(acos(-1.0)) ! machine independent form... layout='linear' note='ITG is a nonlinear gyrofluid turbulence simulation code.' gamma_0=0.1 ! set smaller for more accurate L_Tcrit estimate binary=.false. rdiff_0=0.05 icrit=0 igeo=0 jrad=1 n_p=500 n_zpic=32 bmax=1. tol=0.01 nffty=0 nfftx=0 md=0 nd=0 iflow=1 ninterv=10 movieon=9999999 xp=1.e10 x0=1.e10 stochf=0.0 dens=1.0 idt=1 dtadj=0.1 iperiod=0 ! default is old b.c.'s n0=10 epse=0.0 ! r/R for electrons, 0=adiabatic electrons only. igradon=1 s_par=0. ! particle shaping factor s_perp=0. ! particle shaping factor iexp=2 ! used in moment filter ikx=2 inlpm=1 ifilter=0 iphi00=2 iflr=8 rmu1=-1000.0 ! initialization for all diff values iodd=0 ! even and odd modes initialized by default ntrace=0 nperpmom=1 nparmom=3 nemom=3 etaipar=-100. do i=1,nspecz eta(i)=-100. eta_par(i)=-100. tau(i)=-100. rmass(i)=-100. Ln(i)=-100. charge(i)=-100. enddo lin=1 Ln(1)=1.0 n_I(1)=1.0 nspecies=1 rmime=1. etae=0. alpha=0. vy=0.0 vz=0.0 lambda1=1.0 lambda2=1.6 nu1=1.6 nu2=1.3 nu1r=-1.e10 ! values which will trigger default nu's. nucr=-1.e10 nudr=-1.e10 c c nu11-14 no longer used c nu11r= 0. nu11i= 0. nu12r= 0. nu12i= 0. nu13r= 0. nu13i= 0. nu14r= 0. nu14i= 0. ihdf=1 ! 1->hdf movie, 0->arrays for particle code. iseed=1 debug_plotlabel=' ' c determine the name of the input file: icount=iargc() if(icount .ge. 1) then call getarg(1,runname) else write(6,*) 'What is the name of the *.in input file?' write(6,*) '(without the .in suffix):' read(5,*) runname endif lrunname=index(runname,' ')-1 write(6,*) 'Running itg for ', runname(1:lrunname) c Run a shell script to strip out tab characters and comments, which c some compilers can't handle, from the namelist input file: command='gfbin/nmlstrip '//runname(1:lrunname)//'.in '//char(0) call ishell(command) c c read namelist c open(unit=12,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.ins',status='old') read(12,wdat) inquire(unit=21,name=fullname) c close(unit=12) c (Namelist input file not closed until after geometry subroutine called c in init.f.) open(unit=9,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.out') ! Open output file c c Choose multiple of pi for x0 if x0<0: c if(x0.eq.1.e10) then x0=pi*2.5 else if( x0=pi*abs(x0) endif if(xp.eq.1.e10) then xp=pi*2.5 else if( xp=pi*abs(xp) endif c c If searching for critical gradient, force linear run only: c if( .and. lin.eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Forcing lin=1 because' lin=1 endif if(icrit.eq.2 .and. rmu1.eq.-1000.) rmu1=0.01 c Set default value of etaipar if(etaipar.eq.-100.) etaipar=etai c c By definition these quantities are fixed: c tau(1)=1.0 rmass(1)=1.0 c Setup the different rho's, etc. for multiple species: do i=1,nspecies if(eta(i).eq.-100) eta(i)=etai if(eta_par(i).eq.-100.) eta_par(i)=eta(i) if(charge(i).eq.-100.) charge(i)=1. if(Ln(i).eq.-100.) Ln(i)=1. if(tau(i).eq.-100.) tau(i)=1. if(rmass(i).eq.-100.) rmass(i)=1. c c Derived quantities: c rho(i)=sqrt(tau(i)*rmass(i))/charge(i) vt(i)=sqrt(tau(i)/rmass(i)) enddo nu_ii(1)=nuii if( then do i=2,nspecies nu_ii(i)=nuii*charge(i)**4*n_I(i)*vt(i)/ . (n_I(1)*tau(i)**2) enddo endif c c If ihdf=0, open itg.fields c if(ihdf.eq.0) open(unit=20,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.fields') c c check for errors or problems in the namelist input: if(nstp/nprnt .lt. 2) then write(*,*) 'Warning: Reducing nprnt !' nprnt=nstp/2 endif c if(nstp/nprnt .gt. nez) then write(*,*) 'Warning: Increasing nprnt !' nprnt=nstp/nez endif if(iperiod .ge. 0 .and. iperiod .le. 2) then indomz=ndomz inconz=nconz if(indomz .ne. 1 .or. inconz .ne. 1) then write(*,*) 'Error: ndomz and nconz parameters in itg.par' write(*,*) ' MUST be set to 1 for iperiod = 0, 1, or 2' call aborter(6,' aborter called from input.f') endif endif c c If closure coefficients aren't set in the namelist, then c use the values from M.A.Beer Ph.D. thesis. c if(nu1r .eq. -1.e10) then write(*,*) 'setting default closure coefficients from Beer''s thesis' if (nperpmom.eq.2.and.nparmom.eq.4) then nu1r=2.019 nu1i=-1.620 nu2r=.433 nu2i= 1.018 nu3r=-.256 nu3i=1.487 nu4r=-.070 nu4i=-1.382 nu5r=-8.927 nu5i=12.649 nu6r= 8.094 nu6i= 12.638 nu7r= 13.720 nu7i= 5.139 nu8r= 3.368 nu8i= -8.110 nu9r= 1.974 nu9i= -1.984 nu10r= 8.269 nu10i= 2.060 elseif (nperpmom.eq.1.and.nparmom.eq.3) then nu1r=1.232 nu1i=.437 nu2r=-.912 nu2i=.362 nu3r=-1.164 nu3i=.294 nu4r=.478 nu4i=-1.926 nu5r=.515 nu5i=-.958 else call aborter(6,'only set up for 3+1 or 4+2 moments') endif endif c if(nemom.eq.3) then if(nucr .eq. -1.e10) then nuar=.290 nuai=-.071 nubr=-1.102 nubi=-.689 nucr=.817 nuci=1.774 endif elseif(nemom.eq.4) then if(nudr .eq. -1.e10) then nuar=-.038 nuai=.073 nubr=.657 nubi=-.060 nucr=-1.522 nuci=-1.085 nudr=.905 nudi=2.073 endif else call aborter(6,'only set up for 3 or 4 electron moments') endif initx='Initial' initkx='Initial' initkp='Initial' inity='Initial' initky='Initial' stepnlps=0 c return end