subroutine volsq(a,b,axb,axb_by_mode) c c Volume integral of q*p / Volume c c wp is volume integral over c (-zlen/2,zlen/2)(-ylen/2,ylen/2)(-xlen/2,xlen/2) c wpp is z integral for each m,n c c where zlen is 2.*xp if iperiod=2 and 2.*x0 otherwise. c c BD 6/22/95: c dVol picks up a factor of jacobian in general geometry. c This would change our previous answers slightly, since we c ignored 1/B(theta) in the previous volume averages. To recover c the earlier results, the variable "jacobian" should be independent c of theta for igeo=0. However, this doesn't work because the c jacobian factor in poisson retained its theta dependence. Thus, c the logic here may look a little odd: ignore the jacobian factor c if igeo=0, (to compare with old results) but not for igeo=1, even c if itor=0. c c This means that igeo=1, itor=0 nonlinear runs will not give same c result as igeo=0 runs! c implicit none include 'itg.par' include 'itg.cmn' complex a(lz,mz,nz),b(lz,mz,nz) real axb_by_mode(mz,nz),axb,zero(mz),vnorm,dz0,dz(lz) integer l,m,n,init data init/1/ save init c dz0=2.*x0/ldb if( then l_left=1 l_right=ld-1 endif axb=0.0 c ylen=2.*pi*y0 c xlen=2.*pi*y0*(float(nd-1)/2.)/(shr*z0) c c This logic is wrong for input md=-1. c zero(1)=1.0 do m=2,md zero(m)=0.5 enddo do l=l_left,l_right if(igeo.eq.0) then dz(l)=dz0 else dz(l)=dz0*jacobian(l) endif enddo do n=1,nd do m=1,md axb_by_mode(m,n)=0. vnorm=0. do l=l_left,l_right vnorm=vnorm+dz(l) axb_by_mode(m,n)=axb_by_mode(m,n) . +(real(a(l,m,n))*real(b(l,m,n)) . +aimag(a(l,m,n))*aimag(b(l,m,n)))*dz(l) enddo axb_by_mode(m,n)=axb_by_mode(m,n)/vnorm*zero(m) axb=axb+axb_by_mode(m,n) enddo enddo c c Debug: c if(init.eq.1) write(*,*) 'int(J dtheta)= ',vnorm c if(init.eq.1) init=0 c return end