subroutine itg(icontrol) ! ! (c) Copyright 1991 to 1995 by Michael A. Beer, William D. Dorland, ! and Gregory W. Hammett. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ! ! See itg.hlp for more info. ! use itg_data use in, only: input use flr_terms, only: flr, flrinit use nl, only: courant use step, only: timestep use diagnostics, only: prstep, volsq, posten, preenr implicit none complex, dimension(:,:,:,:), pointer, save :: old_n, old_upar, old_tpar, old_qpar, old_tperp, old_qperp complex, dimension(:,:,:), pointer, save :: old_pot, save_phi, old_e_density, old_e_p, old_e_r, old_e_t, phi_bat complex, dimension(:,:), pointer, save :: omegaz real, dimension(:), pointer, save :: hdt, k_tim real g_target,error,d_target real t_start integer m,n,ncyclea,ncycleb,icontrol(2) interface subroutine baphi(phi) complex, dimension(:,:,:) :: phi end subroutine baphi end interface interface subroutine poisson(phi, a, b) complex, dimension(:,:,:) :: phi complex, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: a, b end subroutine poisson end interface interface subroutine kapav(a, b) complex, dimension(:,:,:) :: a, b end subroutine kapav end interface interface subroutine nonlin(a, b, c, d, e, f, phi) complex, dimension(:,:,:) :: phi complex, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: a, b, c, d, e, f end subroutine nonlin end interface interface subroutine nonline(a, b, c, d) complex, dimension(:,:,:) :: a, b, c, d end subroutine nonline end interface interface subroutine filter(a, b, c, d, e, f, dt) complex, dimension(:,:,:,:) :: a, b, c, d, e, f real, dimension(:) :: dt end subroutine filter end interface ! input files: ! ! 12 main namelist input file to control the run. ! 5 RUNNAME.resp a copy of itg.res to continue from a previous run. ! ! output files: ! ! 7 RUNNAME.res a complete dump of the common blocks. ! 9 RUNNAME.out printout of various results ! 20 RUNNAME.fields phi(x,y) for particle code. ! ! ************************************************************** ! ! Read namelists and set defaults call input ! Set up arrays, constants, and ic's call init ! initialize local arrays old_qpar = 0. ; old_qperp = 0. ; if(epse > 0.) old_e_density = 0. icontrol(2)=1 ! Allocate local arrays call allocate_local if(ifilter == -1) t_start=time(md) ! ! **************************************************** ! Top of the loop ! **************************************************** 100 continue ncycle=ncycle+1 ! ! Find L_T_crit: ! if(icrit /= 0 .and. ncycle >= 26) call critical(g_target,d_target,icontrol(2)) ! ! The code advances the fields in time using a simple explicit 2-step ! Runge-Kutta algorithm that is second order accurate in time. ! ! Take the first step with hdt=0.5*dt ! ! Calculate FLR corrections to the potential ! call flr(potential) if (epse > 0.0) call baphi(potential) ! Evaluate non-linear terms if needed if(lin /= 1) then call nonlin(density, u_par, t_par, q_par, t_perp, q_perp, potential) if (epse > 0.0) call nonline(e_density, e_p, e_r, phi_ba) endif ! ! Simple-minded way to adjust the time step for nonlinear runs to the ! radial Courant condition ! if(lin /= 1 .and. idt == 1) then if (.not.((nread == 1) .and. (ncycle < 3))) call courant endif ! time = time + dt hdt =0.5*dt ! ! Take a half time step. ! call timestep(old_n, old_upar, old_tpar, old_qpar, old_tperp, old_qperp, & density, u_par, t_par, q_par, t_perp, q_perp, old_e_density, & old_e_p, old_e_r, old_e_t, e_density, e_p, e_r, e_t, hdt) ! ! Solve Poisson equation ! if (epse > 0.0) call kapav(phi_ba, old_e_density) call poisson(old_pot, old_n, old_tperp) ! ! If ifilter=1, include (hyper-)viscosity-like terms in each equation. ! (n,v,tpar,qpar,T,q) ! if (iabs(ifilter) == 1) then call filter(old_n, old_upar, old_tpar, old_qpar, old_tperp, old_qperp, hdt) endif ! !***************************************************************** ! Take the second step with a full dt to find values at (n+1)*dt !***************************************************************** ! ! Evaluate various FLR corrections to phi. ! call flr(old_pot) if (epse > 0.0) call baphi(old_pot) ! ! Evaluate non-linear terms if needed. ! if(lin /= 1) then call nonlin(old_n, old_upar, old_tpar, old_qpar, old_tperp, old_qperp, old_pot) if (epse > 0.0) call nonline(old_e_density, old_e_p, old_e_r, phi_ba) endif ! ! Take a full time step. ! call timestep(density, u_par, t_par, q_par, t_perp, q_perp,& old_n,old_upar, old_tpar, old_qpar, old_tperp, old_qperp, e_density, & e_p, e_r, e_t, old_e_density, old_e_p, old_e_r, old_e_t, dt) ! ! check particle conservation ! ! if (mod(ncycle,nprnt) == 0) then ! ! save old phi_ba, so it's not overwritten ! ! phi_bat = phi_ba ! call baphi(potential) ! call pcons ! ! reload old phi_ba ! ! phi_ba = phi_bat ! endif ! ! Solve Poisson equation: ! if (epse > 0.0) call kapav(phi_ba,e_density) call poisson(potential,density,t_perp) ! ! If ifilter = 1, include (hyper-)viscosity-like terms in each equation. ! (n,v,tpar,qpar,T,q) ! if (iabs(ifilter) == 1) then call filter(density, u_par, t_par, q_par, t_perp, q_perp, dt) endif ! ! Keep time history of the potential. ! if(mod(ncycle, nfreq) == 0) then nfreqcnt=nfreqcnt+1 utim(nfreqcnt,:,:)=potential(lhistory,:,:) timf(nfreqcnt)=time(md) endif ! ! Check the energy balance. ! ncyclea=ncycle+1 ncycleb=ncycle-1 if(mod(ncyclea,nprnt) == 0) call preenr if(ncycle /= 1 .and. mod(ncycleb,nprnt) == 0) call posten ! ! Save some results for printing later. ! if(mod(ncycle,nprnt) == 0 .or. (ncycle == 1)) then ne = ne + 1 call prstep(t_start) if(icrit /= 0 .and. ncycle >= 26) call tc_out(g_target,d_target,error,icontrol) ! ! if ifilter = -1, use time-dependent viscosity-like terms in each equation. ! (n,v,tpar,qpar,T,q) proportional to sqrt(int(dt chi)) ! if(ifilter == -1) call rdiffset endif if(mod(ncycle+1, nprnt) == 0 .and. icrit /= 0) save_phi=potential if(ntrace == 0) goto 1000 if(mod(ncycle,nprnt) == 0) then if(ntrace == 1) then if (epse > 0.0) then write(*,2000) ncycle,dt(md),wpfx(ne,1),qfluxe(ne), & wpfx(ne,1)/qfluxe(ne),fluxe(ne),fluxi(ne,1) else if(ifilter == -1) then write(*,2002) ncycle,rdiff(1,1),-wpfx(ne,1)/eta(1) write(123,*) timo(ne),rdiff(1,1),-wpfx(ne,1)/eta(1), & chi_int,1.5*rdiff(1,1)-wpfx(ne,1)/eta(1) else write(*,2001) ncycle,dt(md),wpfx(ne,1) endif endif else if (epse > 0.0) then write(59,2000) ncycle,dt(md),wpfx(ne,1),qfluxe(ne), & wpfx(ne,1)/qfluxe(ne),fluxe(ne),fluxi(ne,1) else write(59,2001) ncycle,dt(md),wpfx(ne,1) endif endif endif 2000 format(' n: ',i4,' dt: ',f6.4,' Q_i: ',1pe10.2,' Q_e: ',1pe10.2, & ' Q_i/Q_e: ',1pe10.2, ' Gamma_e: ',1pe10.2,' Gamma_i: ',1pe10.2) 2001 format(' n: ',i4,' dt: ',f6.4,' Q_i: ',1pe10.2,' adiabatic electrons') 2002 format(' n: ',i4,' D: ',1pe10.2,' chi: ',1pe10.2) 1000 continue if(icontrol(1) == 1) goto 200 if(ncycle < nstp) goto 100 200 continue ! ! take out B variation of kperp rho for post gamma/k^2 calculation ! do n=1,nd do m=1,md rkperp2(:,m,n)=rkperp2(:,m,n)/bmaginv(:)**2 enddo enddo contains subroutine tc_out(g_target,d_target,err,icontrol) ! ! Write critical temperature gradient info ! or D_R info ! complex, dimension(:,:), pointer, save :: omega0 real, dimension(:,:), pointer, save :: e1, g1, dml, e_crit, D_old real, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: e2, g2 complex w0,w1 complex phi1,phi0 real err real g_rate real D_max,g_max real g_target,d_target real dmix integer :: done = 0 integer i,l,m,n,init,icontrol(2),lsave,m_min if(.not.associated(omegaz)) allocate (omegaz(md, nd), e1(md, nd), D_old(md, nd), & g1(md, nd), dml(md, nd), e_crit(md, nd), k_tim(md), omega0(md, nd)) m_min=2 if(md == 1) m_min=1 if(icontrol(2) == 2) init=1 if(done == 3) done=0 icontrol(2)=3 lsave=ldb/2+2 if(init == 1) then init=0 do m=m_min,md D_old(m,:)=0. omegaz(m,:)=1. dml(m,:)=1. enddo else g_max=-1.e10 do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md phi0=save_phi(lsave,m,n) phi1=potential(lsave,m,n) omega0(m,n)=omegaz(m,n) omegaz(m,n)=ii*log(phi1/phi0)/dt(m) g_max=max(g_max,aimag(omegaz(m,n))) D_old(m,n)=dml(m,n) enddo enddo call dm_calc(potential,omegaz,dml,D_max) endif if(icrit == 1) then err=0. do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md g_rate=aimag(omegaz(m,n)) w0=omega0(m,n) w1=omegaz(m,n) err=max(err,sqrt(cabs((w1-w0)/(w1+w0)))) err=max(err,abs((g_rate-g_target)/(g_target+g_rate))) enddo enddo endif if(icrit == 2) then err=0. do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md dmix=dml(m,n) err=max(err,abs((dmix-d_target)/(d_target+dmix))) err=max(err,abs((dmix-D_old(m,n))/(dmix+D_old(m,n)))) enddo enddo endif if(err < tol .or. ncycle == nstp) done=done+1 if(done == 1) then done=2 if(icontrol(1) == 0) open(unit=1,file=runname(1:lrunname)//'.dmix') ! if(icrit == 1) write(*,*) D_max,g_max,etak(m_min,1,1), & ! ncycle,err,g_target,d_target if(icrit == 2) then ! write(*,*) D_max,ncycle,err,d_target ! write(*,*) (rdiff(j),j=1,n_ktheta) done=3 endif g_target=gamma_0/2. do m=m_min,md g1(m,:)=aimag(omegaz(m,:)) e1(m,:)=etak(m,:,1) enddo if(ncycle == nstp) done=3 endif if(done == 3) then if(icrit == 1) then ! write(*,*) D_max,g_max,etak(m_min,1,1),ncycle,err,g_target allocate (e2(md, nd), g2(md, nd)) do m=m_min,md g2(m,:)=aimag(omegaz(m,:)) e2(m,:)=etak(m,:,1) where (g2(m,:)-g1(m,:) /= 0) e_crit(m,:)=e2(m,:)-g2(m,:)*(e2(m,:)-e1(m,:))/(g2(m,:)-g1(m,:)) elsewhere e_crit(m,:)=-1.e10 end where enddo deallocate (e2, g2) write(*,*) do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md if(e_crit(m,n) == -1.e10) then write(*,2002) rky(m,n),r0(m,n) else write(*,2001) time(m),rky(m,n),r0(m,n),& e_crit(m,n),e_crit(m,n)/epsn endif enddo enddo write(*,*) icontrol(1)=1 endif if(icrit == 2) then do m=m_min,md dm_out(m,:)=dml(m,:)+rdiff(m,:) enddo write(*,*) do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md write(*,2000) time(m),rky(m,n),r0(m,n),dm_out(m,n) enddo write(*,*) enddo icontrol(1)=1 endif return endif 2000 format(' time= ',f7.2,' k_theta= ',f6.4,' theta_0= ',f8.6,' D_ML= ',f8.5) 2001 format(' time= ',f7.2,' k_theta= ',f6.4,' theta_0= ',f6.4,' Ln/LT_crit= ',f8.5,' R/LT_crit= ',f8.5) 2002 format('Failed to find LT_crit for k_theta= ',f6.4,' theta_0= ',f6.4) end subroutine tc_out subroutine dm_calc(a,omegaz,dml,D_max) complex, dimension(:,:,:) :: a complex, dimension(:,:) :: omegaz real, dimension(:,:) :: dml real :: norm, D_max, avekp2 integer :: l, m, n D_max=0. do n=1,nd do m=1,md avekp2=0.0 norm=0.0 do l=1,ldb avekp2=avekp2+rkperp2(l,m,n)*cabs(a(l,m,n))**2 norm=norm+cabs(a(l,m,n))**2 enddo if (norm /= 0.0 .and. avekp2 /= 0.) then avekp2=avekp2/norm dml(m,n)=aimag(omegaz(m,n))/avekp2 else dml(m,n)=0. endif D_max=max(D_max,dml(m,n)) enddo enddo end subroutine dm_calc subroutine critical(g_target,d_target,icontrol2) ! ! Find the critical temperature gradient or the diffusion needed ! to stabilize the mode. ! ! gamma_0 should be made a function of k_theta. ! real, dimension(:,:), pointer, save :: p2, etak_0, d_0, k_p2 real g_target, d_target real dum, d_fac, e_fac, avekp2 integer i, l, m, n, init, icontrol2, m_min save init if(.not.associated(p2)) allocate (p2(md, nd), etak_0(md, nd), d_0(md, nd), k_p2(md, nd)) ! ! Assume m=1 is ky=0 mode unless md=1; don't calculate anything for ! ky=0 mode here: ! m_min=2 if(md == 1) m_min=1 if(icontrol2 == 1) then init=icontrol2 icontrol2=2 endif if(init == 1) then init=2 g_target=gamma_0 d_target=rdiff_0 call volsq(potential,potential,dum,p2) do m=m_min,md etak_0(m,:)=etak(m,:,1) d_0(m,:)=rdiff(m,:) k_tim(m)=time(m) k_p2(m,:)=p2(m,:) enddo else if(init == 2) then call volsq(potential,potential,dum,p2) if(icrit == 1) then if(gamma_0 /= g_target) then do m=m_min,md etak_0(m,:)=etak(m,:,1) k_tim(m)=time(m) k_p2(m,:)=p2(m,:) enddo gamma_0=g_target endif do m=m_min,md e_fac=exp(2.*gamma_0*(time(m)-k_tim(m))) etak(m,:,1)=etak_0(m,:)/sqrt(p2(m,:)/k_p2(m,:)/e_fac) etak_par(m,:,1)=etak(m,:,1) enddo if(nspecies > 1) then do i=2,nspecies do m=m_min,md etak(m,:,i)=etak(m,:,1) etak_par(m,:,i)=etak_par(m,:,1) enddo enddo endif call flrinit(0) else if(icrit == 2) then if(rdiff_0 /= d_target) then do m=m_min,md d_0(m,:)=rdiff(m,:) k_tim(m)=time(m) k_p2(m,:)=p2(m,:) enddo rdiff_0=d_target endif do n=1,nd do m=m_min,md avekp2=0. dum=0. do l=1,ldb avekp2=avekp2+cabs(potential(l,m,n))**2*rkperp2(l,m,n) dum=dum+cabs(potential(l,m,n))**2 enddo if(dum /= 0.) then avekp2=avekp2/dum else avekp2=0. endif d_fac=exp(2.*rdiff_0*avekp2*(time(m)-k_tim(m))) rdiff(m,n)=d_0(m,n)*sqrt(p2(m,n)/k_p2(m,n)/d_fac) enddo enddo endif else return endif end subroutine critical subroutine rdiffset ! ! This routine calculates the diffusion associated with particle noise ! in GK PIC simulations. The code evaluates an analytical derivation ! by Greg Hammett. The parameters ifilter, N_p, n_zpic, and bmax are ! described in the input file ( ! integer m, n real tmp, fa_par, fac fa_par=2*pi*qsf/epsn/float(n_zpic) ! a_par/L_n do n=1,nd do m=1,md tmp=0.5*sqrt(pi/2)*eta(1)**2/float(n_p)*fa_par*chi_int*bmax/(2+bmax) ! first time step hack if(rdiff(m,n) == 0.) then rdiff(m,n)=tmp else fac=1+sqrt(2/pi)/fa_par/(rdiff(m,n)-wpfx(ne,1)/eta(1)/1.5) & *2/bmax*(2+bmax)/(1+bmax) rdiff(m,n)=tmp*alog(fac) endif enddo enddo end subroutine rdiffset subroutine allocate_local allocate (hdt(md)) allocate (old_n(ld,md,nd,nspecies), old_upar(ld,md,nd,nspecies), & old_tpar(ld,md,nd,nspecies), old_qpar(ld,md,nd,nspecies), & old_tperp(ld,md,nd,nspecies), old_qperp(ld,md,nd,nspecies)) allocate (old_pot(ld,md,nd), save_phi(ld,md,nd)) if(epse > 0.) & allocate (old_e_density(kdpass, md, nd), old_e_p(kdpass, md, nd), & old_e_r(kdpass, md, nd), old_e_t(kdpass, md, nd), phi_bat(kdpass, md, nd)) end subroutine allocate_local end subroutine itg