! input namelist for itg.gc. This file should be called itg.in ! on the cray. $wdat ! !---------------------Make a note about this run-------------------- ! note='SMALL nonlinear test run for NTP test case parameters' ! !-----------------------Specify Grid Details----------------------- ! The comments are for ballooning coordinates, not slab. ld=17 ! # of meshpoints in the theta (parallel) direction ! ld should be of the form (2^n * 3^m * 5^p) + 1 nffty=16 ! # of y grid points nfftx=12 ! # of x grid points ! nffty and nfftx should be of the form (2^n*3^m*5^p) ! in order for the FFT's to be fast. De-aliasing is ! achieved by zeroing out the top 1/3 of the k's. ! The modes which are evolved have ! k = -kmax, ..., -1, 0, 1, ..., kmax ! where kmax=(nfft-1)/3, (using fortran integer rounding). ! From the reality condition, only half of the modes ! are independent, so only ky>=0 need to be kept. ! In terms of the older input parameters (md and nd) we used to use: ! md = (nffty-1)/3 +1 ! nd = 2*((nfftx-1)/3)+1 ! ! For backwards compatibility, one can still set md and nd instead: !md=17 ! number of modes in the +y (poloidal) direction ! (Thus the total # of ky modes is 2*(md-1).) !nd=33 ! number of modes in the radial direction. ! nd=-1 implies one mode with n=1 (for shearless cases) x0=-1.0 ! Extended box half-width in theta (along the field) ! If x0<0, x0 -> abs(x0)*pi ! For example, instead of x0=4.71289, you can use x0=-1.5 xp=-1.0 ! Twisting periodicity imposed at theta=+-xp ! If xp<0, xp -> abs(xp)*pi ! For example, instead of xp=3.1415927, you can use xp=-1. y0=5. ! ky = m / (y0 rho_s); Ly = 2 pi y0 rho_i ! if md=1 so we are doing the m=0 neoclassical test, ! then k_radial = 1/y0. z0=3.141593 ! theta0=z0*n/(nmax*m) ! or Radial Box Width Lx = Ly*nmax/(shat*z0) iperiod=3 ! iperiod = 0 -> 0 parallel b.c.'s ! iperiod = 1 -> periodic parallel b.c.'s ! iperiod = 2 -> twisted periodicity bc's ! iperiod = 3 -> "fully connected" FFTs ! iperiod=3 required for trapped electrons, for now. n0=10 ! 1/n0 = fraction of toroidal angle covered by the box ! n0 is used in the parallel BCs if iperiod=2 ! n0=0 to ignore the phase-shifts (assumes n0*qsf is integer). ! !----------------------Physics parameters--------------------------- ! beta_e=0.0 shr=1.5 ! shear parameter, shat qsf=2.4 ! safety factor, q epsn=0.4 ! L_ne / R eps=0.206 ! r/R for ions epse=0.0 ! r/R for electrons (0=adiabatic electrons only) etai=4.0 ! L_ni / L_T_perp etae=4.0 ! L_ne / L_Te etaipar=4.0 ! L_ni / L_T_||. Default is to set etaipar = etai alpha=0.0 ! s-alpha equilibrium beta parameter: alpha=-2Rq^2 dBeta/dr ! alpha is used only if igeo=0 ! igeo=0 ! igeo=1 -> Use geometric coefficients calculated ! using the input parameters in the two namelists below. ! If you are reading an experimental magnetic field, ! (iflux=1) qsf and shr are calculated from the ! field and override the values set in this section. ! Also, if rhoc (the normalized minor radius) is set in the ! "stuff" namelist, the value of eps chosen here is ! overridden. ! tiovte=1.0 ! Ti/Te nuii=0.000 ! nu_ii L_n/v_t nueeff=0.0 ! nu_e_eff L_n/v_t, effective electron collision frequency ! = nu_e/(r/R) normalized to our time units. ! ! = nustare*(1+1/Zeff)*3*sqrt(pi*r/R)*Ln/R/q*sqrt(mi/me) ! where nustare is the usual neoclassical/snap collision ! frequency parameter (ignoring e-e collisions), ! nustare = nu_ei*Zeff/(r/R)/omega_b ! nu_ei = 1/tau_e = Braginskii's definition ! omega_b = sqrt(2*r/R*Te/me)/(q R) = bounce frequency ! nspecies=1 ! if nspecies > 1 set additional parameters as follows: ! ! For each ion species, specify the density relative ! to the electron density with the following notation: n_I(1)=1.0 ! main ions. Default is n_I(1)=1.0 !n_I(2)=0.5 ! second ion species !n_I(3)=0.25 ! third ion species, etc. ! Note that for consistency, sum_s (Z_s n_s) = 1.0 ! where Z_s is the atomic number of the s^th species. ! ! Also, for each species except the main ion species, ! specify the following set of parameters: !rmass(2)=1.5 ! mass of impurity ion / mass of main ion: Default=1.0 !tau(2)=2.0 ! Temp of impurity ion / Temp of main ion: Default=1.0 !charge(2)=1.0 ! Charge of impurity ion / |Charge of electron|: Default=1.0 !eta(2)=4.0 ! Ratio of impurity density and perp. temp. scale lengths ! Default=etai !eta_par(2)=4. ! Ratio of impurity density and par. temp. scale lengths ! Default is eta_par(i)=eta(i). !Ln(1)=1.0 ! Ratio of ion(1) density scale length to electron density ! scale length !Ln(2)=1.0 ! Ratio of ion(2) density scale length to electron density ! scale length !Ln(3)=1.0 ! etc. ! Defaults=1.0 ! For consistency, the density scale lengths should satisfy ! the relation: ! 1/L_ne = Sum_i n_I(i)*charge(i)/L_n(i). ! (If L_ne=L_n(1)=L_n(2)=... this is trivially satisfied.) ! ! Note that by definition tau(1)=rmass(1)=1.0 ! However, you may choose charge(1).ne.1 to simulate ! non-hydrogenic plasmas. ! !---------------------Specify time step------------------------------- ! idt=1 ! idt=1 -> adjustable time step. idt=0 -> dt=dt0 ! Time step adjusts between dtmin and dt0 ! only for nonlinear runs. ! Default: idt=1 dtadj=0.1 ! Factor by which the time step is reduced below NL CFL limit ! Default: dtadj=0.1 dt0=0.04 ! maximum time step allowed (in units of Ln/cs) nstp=40 ! Total # of time steps to take nprnt=1 ! Print out some intermediate results every nprnt steps ! !------------------Choose number of moments to keep----------------- ! nperpmom=2 ! number of perpendicular moments (1-4). Default ! value is 2. (3,4) only work linearly. nparmom=4 ! number of parallel moments (3,4). Default ! value is 4. nemom=3 ! number of electron moments (3,4). 4 only works linearly. ! !--------------------Choose FLR model------------------------------ ! iflr=8 ! Select a model for : ! 1=1/(1+b/2) ! 2=not an option ! 3=Gamma_0^(1/2) ! 4=exp(-b/2) ! 5=1-b/2 ! 6=Like Ron in Poisson and NL terms ! 7=Full FLR but no Linsker effect ! 8=Gamma_^(1/2) with Pade in poisson (Default) ! 9=non-O(b) accurate, Gamma_^(1/2) with Pade in poisson !beta=0.0 ! filter width for particle shapes (see iflr) ! phi = Exp[-beta^2 k^2]*n_i etc. ! To match local gk runs, typical value is beta^2 = 1.0 ! Set beta=0. for no shaping. ! !-------------------Choose damping model------------------------- ! ! Always use Hammett-Perkins linear Landau damping model ! Select perpendicular damping models for nonlinear cases: ! inlpm=0 ! 1->Use nonlinear phase mixing model ! (Not available with 2 perp moments at present) ! ifilter=0 ! 0 -> no moment filters ! 1 -> filter each moment at every time step ! with an implicit viscosity determined by rmu1. ! For example, ! n -> n/(1 + dt*rmu1*b), ! v -> v/(1 + dt*rmu1*b), etc. ! rmu1=0.01 ! damping coefficient in filter ! !------------------------Miscellaneous------------------------ ! lin=0 ! 0= nonlinear 1=linear iodd=0 ! 1 -> odd modes initialized ! 2 -> even modes initialized ! 0 -> both initialized -- (Default is iodd = 0) icrit=0 ! 0 -> normal mode of operation ! 1 -> search for L_Tcrit ! 2 -> search for diffusion required to stabilize the mode. ! time step dt is proportional to 1/k_y for icrit=1 or 2. !gamma_0=0.1 ! Default value is 0.1 ! If icrit=1, search for L_Tcrit by finding the gradients ! for which the growth rates of the fastest growing modes ! equal gamma_0 and 0.5*gamma_0, then linearly extrapolate ! to the threshold gradient. ! Smaller values give better estimates of the critical ! gradient scale length *according to the gyrofluid model*, ! but take longer to calculate. !rdiff_0=0.05 ! Default value is 0.05 ! If icrit=2, search for D_ML by finding the diffusion ! needed to stabilize the mode by increasing the diffusion ! (rmu1) until gamma/k_perp**2 = rdiff_0. Smaller is more ! accurate. igradon=0 ! 1=constant background pressure gradient, no (m=0,n=0) ! mode in parallel or perpendicular pressure. ! 0=keep the (m=0,n=0) mode which may cause flattening. ! igradon=1 sometimes blows up in the 2-D case! iphi00=2 ! 0 -> set phi(ky=0,ky=0)=0, 1= Hamaguchi's 2=Hammett's ! iphi00=1 (presently the default) uses Hamaguchi's ! method, which allows non-physical electron ! transport. ! iphi00=2 uses Hammett's method which ensures that ! there is no cross-field particle transport ! when adiabatic electrons are assumed. ! iphi00=9 set phi=0 for all Fourier components, not just ! the (m=0,n=0) component. (This turns off the electric ! field for neoclassical comparisons.) nread=0 ! initial conditions 0=set by code 1=read from file ! 0=initialized by the code using pmag (below). ! 1=read initial conditions from the file RUNNAME.resp, ! which is a copy of the results file *.res from a ! previous run of gryffin. I.e., do: ! cp oldrun.res newrun.resp ! or ! ln -s oldrun.res newrun.resp ! This is used to start where a previous run finished. pmag=1.0 ! initial magnitudes of perturbations ! It iphi00=9 for the neoclassical equilibrium test, ! then pmag>0 initializes a density perturbation and ! pmag<0 initializes a temperature perturbation, both ! perturbations are of the form cos(k_r*r), where ! k_r = 1/y0. iseed=33 ! initial seed for random perturbations ntrace=1 ! (0,1) -> (off,on) (watch time steps go by) movieon=90000 ! Begin filming on this time step ninterv=10 ! Make a frame every ninterv time step. ihdf=1 ! 1->hdf,0->phi(x,y) is written into itg.fields ! for time steps after MOVIEON and at intervals NINTERV ! Default is ihdf=1 ! debug_plotlabel ='Wed 2nd Aug 1995 17:55:56.000' ! for debugging only, ! used to set the date/time labels at the bottom of the plots in the ! *.m file to reproduce the plots from an old run exactly. $end $stuff itor=1, ! Default: itor=1 ! itor=0 along with iflux=0 or -2 -> low-beta, ! concentric circle model equilibrium. ! This option yields essentially the same results ! as igeo=0 and is included for diagnostic purposes. ! itor=1 -> Full general geometry calculation. ! irho=1, ! See eik.dvi for more details. In short, choose a minor ! radius coordinate function from three different flux ! functions: ! irho=0 -> use the area (a/A) definition of rho ! irho=1 -> use the sqrt(toroidal flux) definition of rho ! irho=2 -> use the diameter (d/D) definition (default) ! !rhoc=0.5, ! radial coordinate of flux surface of interest (see irho) ! Note: rhoc overrides eps if a value other than -1 is ! assigned. ! rhoc=0 not allowed. For rhoc < 0.05 when iflux=1, see ! the history file documentation. ! iflux=0, ! Default: iflux=0 ! iflux=-2 -> use an old parameterization of the flux surface ! iflux=1 -> read in an EFIT output file for the magnetic ! information; must specify shot_time in efit_data namelist. ! iflux=0 -> use a parameterization of the flux surface ! ! NOTE: iflux = 0 or 1 are the preferred options. ! ! iflux=-1 is still under construction, but gives an analytical ! equilibrium with a separatrix and with desired akappa. ! ssdel=0. ! Shaf. shift (Delta/a) for this flux surface for AMFS ! Default: ssdel=0. ! shift=0., ! delta prime for AMFS ! Default: shift=0. ! shiftpri=0., ! delta prime prime for AMFS ! Default: shiftpri=0. ! akappa=1., ! elongation for analytical model flux surface (AMFS) ! Default: akappa=1. ! akappri=0., ! d kappa/ d rho for AMFS ! Default: akappri=0. ! akappri2=0., ! d kappa'/ d rho for AMFS ! Default: akappri2=0. ! tri=0.0, ! triangularity for AMFS ! Default: tri=0. ! tripri=0.0 ! d tri/d rho for AMFS ! Default: tripri=0. ! tripri2=0.0 ! d tri'/d rho for AMFS ! Default: tripri2=0. ! isym=0, ! isym=0 -> allow up-down asymmetry ! isym=1 -> symmetrize equilibrium about theta=0 (default) ! !ntheta=32, ! Defaults to value >= ldb*pi/x0. ! Set ntheta >= ldb*pi/x0 for best results. ! *** ntheta should be even. *** It is the ! number of theta grid points per 2 pi interval in the output ! tables of geometrical coefficients. ! Larger is better, particularly when reading in equilibria ! because this parameter determines the accuracy of some ! computations. Typically use 16-32, and 64-128 to check ! the details. ! !nperiod=1, ! Defaults to required size. ! Set nperiod >= 0.5 + x0/(2*pi) ! (2*nperiod-1) = number of 2 pi cells in the output table ! of geometrical coefficients. ! !airat=1.0, ! ignore for now; related to the separatrix position for AMFS ! via the current in the divertor coil. $end $efit_data big=2, ! use a cubic spline from NAG to get the EFIT data onto a ! finer grid if big>1. big should be an integer. ! Typically use big=8. ! shot_time='82205.02100', ! specification for the EFIT file that starts ! 'g0' and ends with this string. The first ! five digits are the D3D shot number. The last ! five digits are the shot time. $end shot_time='78797.03555', shot_time='78132.02400', shot_time='78132.02000', shot_time='85499.03500', shot_time='82205.03000',