% \relax is used to prevent all publications by the same author in a given % year being sorted by title. They will be listed in the same order as here. % Note that "%" is not a comment character in bibtex files as it is in % LaTeX or Tex *.tex files. Any comment is allowed outside of an entry. % To comment out an entry, remove the leading "at" sign! % You can use the "comment" field in an entry. \hyphenation{Mass-a-chu-setts} @ARTICLE{BCH, AUTHOR = "Beer and Cowley and Hammett"} @Article{Kruskal58, Author = "Kruskal 58"} @Article{Antonsen, Author = "Antonsen"} @Article{DimitsLee, Author = "DimitsLee"} @Article{Denton, Author = "Denton"} @Article{Rew_geo, Author = "Rewoldt et al. geometry "} @Article{KR, Author = "KR"} @Article{TOQ, Author = "TOQ"} @Article{TOQ2, Author = "TOQ2"} @Article{EFIT, Author = "EFIT"} @Article{vmoms, Author = "vmoms"} @Article{jsolver, Author = "jsolver"} @Article{chease, Author = "chease"} @Article{Miller98, Author = "Miller98"} @Article{Mercier-Luc, Author = "Mercier-Luc"} @Article{Bishop, Author = "Bishop"} @Article{Greene_Chance, Author = "Greene Chance"}