Conductor pack width m 0.1230
Conductor pack height m 0.1760
Fraction of area to conductors   0.7578
Fraction of area to structure   0.2422
Jacket thickness m 0.0020
Insulation thickness m 0.0025
#Turns   6
Base peak current Amp-turn 90000
Form factor (rms/peak)   1.000
Base total current Amp-turn rms 90000
Jacket OD m 0.059
Jacket OD in 2.3228
Jacket ID m 0.055
Jacket ID in 2.1654
Jacket area m2 3.581E-04
Conductor OD m 0.050
Conductor OD in 1.9685
Conductor ID m 0.033
Conductor ID in 1.3123
Fraction ID/OD   0.6667 Jacket OD mm 59.0
Fraction ID/OD allowable   0.6667 Jacket thickness mm 2.0
Conductor area m2 1.091E-03 Insulation thickness mm 2.5
Cooling hole area m2 8.727E-04 Conductor OD mm 50.0
Conductor length per turn m 10.885 Conductor ID mm 33.3
Conductor length per turn ft 35.712 Conductor length per turn m 10.9
Feeder length per pole m 14.000 Feeder length per pole m 14.0
Feeder length per pole ft 45.932 #Sub-circuits   1
#Sub-circuits   1 #Turns per sub-circuit   6
#Turns per sub-circuit   6 Total conductor length per sub-circuit m 93.3
Total conductor length per sub-circuit m 93.3 #Sub-circuits in series hydraulically   1
Total conductor length per sub-circuit ft 306 #Sub-circuits in parallel hydraulically   1
#Sub-circuits in series hydraulically   1 #Sub-circuits in series electrically   1
#Sub-circuits in parallel hydraulically   1 #Sub-circuits in parallel electrically   1
#Sub-circuits in series electrically   1 Base total current Amp-turn rms 90000
#Sub-circuits in parallel electrically   1 #Turns effective   6
#Turns effective   6 Per unit current p.u. 1.00
Base current Amp rms 15000 Current per turn effective Amp rms 15000
Per unit current p.u. 1.00 Current per sub-circuit Amp rms 15000
Current per turn effective Amp rms 15000 Net series/parallel circuit resistance at 20C mOhm 1.850
Current per sub-circuit Amp rms 15000 Flow velocity m/s 3.0
Flow velocity feet/sec 9.84 Water Inlet Temperature deg C 100
Flow velocity m/s 3.0 Coil delta_T deg C 47
Allowable flow velocity m/s 8.0 Total delta_T across hydraulic circuit deg C 67
Flow per sub-circuit m3/s 2.62E-03 Maximum temperature deg C 167
Flow per sub-circuit GPM 41.50 Net series/parallel circuit resistance at average resistivity mOhm 2.501
Mass flow per sub-circuit kg/s 2.3 Total ohmic dissipation kW 563
Water Inlet Temperature deg C 100 Volumetric nuclear heating rate watt/cc 0.49
Allowable delta_T across coil deg C 47 Nuclear heated volume m3 2.16E-01
Allowable delta_T across full hydraulic circuit deg C 68 Total nuclear heating kW 106
Allowable Water Outlet Temperature deg C 168 Total heat load kW 669
Water Average Temperature deg C 134 Heat load per hydraulic circuit kW 669
cs0   4229.2 delta_T/sec (LOCW) degC/sec 1.8
cs1   -3.857 Total Pressure Drop MPA 0.26
cs2   0.06786 Boiling Pressure at Outlet Temp MPA 0.74
cs3   -0.0003745 Return pressure MPA 1.48
cs4   8.19E-07 Inlet pressure MPA 1.74
Specific Heat J/kg-C 4.29E+03 Total Cu wetted surface to TCWS m2 10
cv0   0.0017887 Total water volume in TCWS m3 0.08
cv1   -5.13E-05
cv2   7.91E-07
cv3   -6.75E-09
cv4   3.16E-11
cv5   -7.54E-14
cv6   7.17E-17
Water Dynamic Viscosity kG/m-s 2.22E-04
cd0   1005.4
cd1   -0.539
cd2   -0.0026713
Water Density kg/m3 8.85E+02
Water Kinematic Viscosity m2/s 2.50E-07
Water Reynold's Number   4.00E+05
Water Friction Factor   1.26E-02
Hydraulic path delta_P PA 1.59E+05
Hydraulic path delta_P psi 23
Plumbing Water Pressure Drop psi 15
Total Pressure Drop psi 38
Total Pressure Drop MPA 0.26
A1 8.0713
B1   1730.6300
C1   233.4260
A2   8.1402
B2   1810.9400
C2   244.4850
A   8.1402
B   1810.9400
C   244.4850
Boiling Pressure at Outlet Temp psi 107.5
Boiling Pressure at Outlet Temp PA 7.41E+05
Return pressure multiple of boiling   2.0
Return pressure psi 215.0
Return pressure PA 1.48E+06
Inlet pressure psi 253.0
Inlet pressure PA 1.74E+06
Allowable inlet pressure psi 1000.0
Water thermal resistance Watt/deg C 9.95E+03
100% IACS Resistivity at 20C ohm-m 1.72E-08
%IACS   80%
Resistivity at 20C ohm-m 2.16E-08
Net series/parallel circuit resistance at 20C ohm 1.85E-03
Temp Coefficient of Resistivity per deg C 0.0031
Average Resisitivity ohm-m 2.92E-08
Net series/parallel circuit resistance at average resistivity ohm 2.50E-03
Total ohmic dissipation Watt 5.63E+05
Volumetric nuclear heating rate watt/cc 0.49
Nuclear heated volume m3 2.156E-01
Total nuclear heating Watt 1.06E+05
Total heat load Watt 6.69E+05
Heat load per hydraulic circuit Watt 6.69E+05
Coil delta_T deg C 47.0
Total delta_T across hydraulic circuit deg C 67.2
Allowable delta_T across hydraulic circuit deg C 67.6
Maximum temperature deg C 167.2
Cu temp coefficient of specific heat per deg C 0.105
Cu 20C specific heat J/kg-degC 393.5
Cu specific heat at avg temp J/kg-degC 405.4464687
Cu density kg/m3 8950
Cu heat capacity J/degC 3.69E+05
delta_T/sec (LOCW) degC/sec 1.81
Cooling time constant sec 37.1