VS COIL   N Turns N-1 Turns
Conductor pack width m 0.132 0.132
Conductor pack height m 0.128 0.128
Jacket OD mm 59.0 59.0
Jacket thickness mm 2.0 2.0
Insulation thickness mm 5.0 5.0
Conductor OD mm 45.0 45.0
Conductor ID mm 30.0 30.0
Conductor length per turn m 47.1 47.1
Feeder length per pole m 10.0 10.0
#Sub-circuits   4 3
#Turns per sub-circuit   1 1
Total conductor length per sub-circuit m 67.1 67.1
#Sub-circuits in series hydraulically   1 1
#Sub-circuits in parallel hydraulically   4 3
#Sub-circuits in series electrically   4 3
#Sub-circuits in parallel electrically   1 1
Base total current Amp-turn rms 35895 35895
#Turns effective   4 3
Per unit current p.u. 1.00 1.00
Current per turn effective Amp rms 8974 11965
Current per sub-circuit Amp rms 8974 11965
Net series/parallel circuit resistance at 20C mOhm 5.237 3.927
Flow velocity m/s 3.0 3.0
Water Inlet Temperature deg C 100 100
Coil delta_T deg C 21 34
Total delta_T across hydraulic circuit deg C 31 49
Maximum temperature deg C 121 134
Net series/parallel circuit resistance at average resistivity mOhm 7.291 5.468
Total ohmic dissipation kW 587 783
Volumetric nuclear heating rate watt/cc 0.48 0.48
Nuclear heated volume m3 8.57E-01 8.57E-01
Total nuclear heating kW 414 414
Total heat load kW 1001 1197
Heat load per hydraulic circuit kW 250 399
delta_T/sec (LOCW) degC/sec 1.2 1.9
Total Pressure Drop MPA 0.24 0.24
Boiling Pressure at Outlet Temp MPA 0.28 0.28
Return pressure MPA 0.56 0.56
Inlet pressure MPA 0.80 0.80
Total Cu wetted surface to TCWS m2 25 19
Total water volume in TCWS m3 0.19 0.14
VS BUS BAR      
Conductor width m 0.0500 0.0500
Conductor height m 0.1000 0.1000
Cooling hole diameter m 0.0175 0.0175
Current Amp rms 8974 8974
Avg conductor length per pole m 47 47
#Conductor in parallel electrically and hydraulically per pole   2 2
Resistance per pole at 20C mOhm 0.084 0.084
Flow velocity m/s 1.2 1.2
Flow per conductor m3/s 2.93E-04 2.93E-04
Mass flow per conductor kg/s 0.29 0.29
#Poles in series hydraulically   1 1
Hydraulic path delta_P MPA 0.04 0.04
Return pressure MPA 0.02 0.02
Inlet pressure MPA 0.17 0.17
Water Inlet Temperature deg C 45 45
Water delta_T deg C 3 3
Resistance per pole at average temperature mOhm 0.094 0.094
Ohmic dissipation per pole kW 8 8
Ohmic dissipation per unit length kW/m 0.16 0.16
Total # bus bar poles   16 16
Total ohmic dissipation, fraction of total coil + bus bar   0.09 0.09
Total flow m3/s 9.37E-03 9.37E-03
Total mass flow kg/s 9.3 9.3
Total bus bar resistance at 20C ohm 1.35E-03 1.35E-03
Total bus bar resistance at average temperature ohm 1.50E-03 1.50E-03
Total bus bar inductance henry 7.39E-05 7.39E-05
Coil resistance (upper + lower) at operating temperature ohm 1.46E-02 1.09E-02
Coil inductance (upper + lower anti-series) henry 1.22E-03 6.88E-04
Bus bar resistance at operating temperature ohm 1.50E-03 1.50E-03
Bus bar inductance henry 7.39E-05 7.39E-05
Total circuit resistance at operating temperature ohm 1.61E-02 1.24E-02
Total circuit inductance henry 1.30E-03 7.62E-04
Rated voltage Volt 2400 2400
Transient component      
I_max Amp per turn 60000 80000
Amplitude Amp 7.44E+04 9.92E+04
Tau_1 sec 0.304 0.304
Tau_2 sec 0.016 0.016
Peak current Amp per turn 60000 80000
Period Sec 10 10
Events per plasma Events 3 3
Noise component      
RMS Current Amp per turn 2907 3876
Peak Current Amp per turn 4111 5482
Fraction of max voltage driving noise   0.5 0.5
Impedance Z Ohm 2.76E-01 2.07E-01
Reactance X Ohm 2.75E-01 2.06E-01
Frequency Hz 33.8 25.3
Total Current      
Min plasma duration sec 200 200
Base period sec 10 10
I2T over base period Amp2-sec 8.05E+08 1.43E+09
I_rms over base & consecutive periods Amp per turn 8974 11965
I_rms over min plasma duration Amp per turn 2680 3728
VS Power Supply      
Rated voltage Volt 2400 2400
Equiv series resistance of cap bank Ohm 3.78E-03 3.78E-03
Capacitor bank Farad 5.208 5.208
Charger rated output power Watt 1.30E+06 1.30E+06
Equiv series resistance of charger Ohm 0.712 0.712
Charger rated current Amp 675 675
Charger rated apparent power Volt-amp 1.62E+06 1.62E+06
# coils   2 2
Simultaneity factor   1.00 1.00
Total input active power watt 1.30E+06 1.30E+06
Total input reactive power volt-amp-reactive 9.71E+05 9.71E+05
Total input apparent power volt-amp 1.62E+06 1.62E+06
Total ohmic + nuclear heat load from coils to TCWS watt 2.00E+06 2.39E+06
Total mass flow to coils from TCWS kg/s 15.4 11.5
TCWS Return pressure (minimum) MPA 0.56 0.56
Total Coil Pressure Drop to TCWS MPA 0.24 0.24
TCWS Inlet pressure (minimum) MPA 0.80 0.80
TCWS Water Inlet Temperature deg C 100 100
TCWS Water Outlet Temperature deg C 121 134
Total Cu wetted surface to TCWS m2 51 38
Total water volume in TCWS m3 0.38 0.28
Total heat load from bus bar to CCWS watt 1.21E+05 1.21E+05
Total mass flow to bus bar from CCWS kg/s 9 9