You can find here an information on how to contact:

Dr. Nikolai Nikolaevich Gorelenkov,

You can contact me by address below:

Plasma Physics Laboratory
P.O. Box 451
Princeton, NJ 08543-0451
E-mail in a column (sorry for this, thought it may reduced some spamming):
Phone: (609) 243 2552, FAX: (609) 243 2662

Using this link, NOVA/NOVA-C/NOVA-CN (here C stands for Constant of Motion extension), one can go to the concise description of those codes and plans on their upgrades.
Here one can find selected references regarding NOVA/NOVA-C ideal MHD/Constant of Motion kinetic hybrid code as well as the nonperturbative NOVA version, NOVA-CN.

Link to RBQ/ISEP related PPPL publications: link.

Link for the NOVA verification and validation page within the CSEP center activity.

Chirping criterion implemented in NOVA-C is reviewed here.

Useful link to the pdf file of the AST 558 lectures to graduate students follows
(first lecture, problems to solve for the second lecture and the second lecture)

Here one can find material on the FSP Energetic Particle physics component.
Following is the link to the Energetic Particle Science Focus Group meetings, EP SFG, with older maretials.