Following is the material in support of the FSP Wave - Particle (Energetic Particle - EP part)
physics component (maintained by N.N. Gorelenkov -

1. List of experts to engage in the discussion of the EP physics component (Nov 2009)

Prof. Herbert Berk, IFS, University of Texas at Austin
Prof. W. W. Heidbrink, University of Irvine
Dr. D. A. Spong, ORNL
Dr. G.-Y. Fu, PPPL, Princeton University
Dr. R. Nazikian, PPPL, Princeton University

2. Management plan for EP physics components (Dec 2009)

Existing codes/model survey
    1. Identify physics issues
    2. Identify their priorities
Assess the component elements
    1. model limitations
    2. implementation readiness
Gap analysis
V&V plan
Suggested improvements
Finalizing the reports and plans.

Milestones and Deliverables

(level of efforts: 0.1 FTE)
Milestone:       Identify EP component elements
Deliverables:  Documentation of physics models and available codes/models for the component
1. Compile the information about existing numerical software/models
2. Outline each subcomponent model and its applicability
2a. Models should include quasilinear diffusion for fast ion transport and initial value code being developed now
3. Compress this information for the community experts outreach on the component sub-elements

Q3 (level of efforts: 0.1 FTE)
Milestone: Analyze EP component models readiness analysis
Deliverables: Analysis present capabilities and their implementation for each subcomponent
1. For each subcomponent assess the completeness of the implemented model
2. Set requirements for physics readiness on the basis of user's input/documentations
3. Identify minimal physics model requirements for the framework

Q4 (level of efforts: 0.1 FTE)
Milestone: Gap analysis for EP components
Deliverables: Analysis and documentation of the component physics models gaps for
framework simulations
1. Basing on previous analysis summarize the gaps for each component
2. Analysis and documentation of the gaps and their possible remediation
3. Connections to the base theory program, scidac etc in addressing these gaps

Q5 (level of efforts: 0.1 FTE)
Milestone: Analysis of the V&V requirements for the component
Deliverables: Verification and validation plans for each components
1. Develop a set of requirements and criteria for V&V plans for each (sub)components
    of EP part
2. Requirements for the validation methods, synthetic diagnostic, plasma measurements
3. V&V plans for integrated into the framework components

(level of efforts: 0.1 FTE)
Milestone: Subcomponents integration plan
Deliverables: Outline and the draft of the integration plan
1. Summarizing the findings from the planning process
2. Work with other FSP  teams to coordinate the plan
3. Draft Execution plan.

Q7 (level of efforts: 0.2 FTE)
Milestone: Finalize the FSP Planning report
1. Finalized version of the FSP report
2. Finalized execution plan and all other required documents.

3. Feedback on EP component (January 2010)

The feedback material is collected, see

4. Outline of EP components (March 2010)

The material reflects the feedback information received from the community and place at the FSP website. It is being prepared as of March 2010.