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2D Mode Fitting Comparing Geometric Basis Functions

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Compensating Sensor - Coil CouplingsΒΆ


Example -- Compensating Arrays for Vacuum Coupling to 3D Coils

This script tests array compensation by using
vacuum and plasma shots with identical 3D fields.
These shots where taken from J. King's 2013-23-01
experiment validating 3D Magnetics responses.


import magnetics

############################################## Variables

vshot = 153482 # vacuum I-Coils at 10kHz
pshot = 153480 # corresponding plasma shot
xlim = (3.5e3,4.5e3) # spans 2 amplitudes
base = (3.5e3,3.9e3)

############################################## Comparison Function (stick to 1D Arrays for clarity)

def check_compensation(arrayname,vshot,shot,base,xlim,smooth=1,exclude=[]):
	Compare 1D array mode fit's using the standard compensation
	and direct compansation (subtracting the vacuum shot data).

	# setup
	magarray = magnetics.differenced_arrays[arrayname].deepcopy()
	vacarray = magarray.deepcopy()

	# First off, check the vacuum shot compensation
	fvac,avac = magnetics.plt.subplots(2,figsize=(8,6))
	vacarray = vacarray.remove_baseline(*base)
	fvac = vacarray.plotdata(axes=avac[0])
	vacarray = vacarray.compensate(c=False,pair=True,fun_type='transfer',xlim=xlim)
	vacarray = vacarray.remove_baseline(*base)
	fvac = vacarray.plotdata(axes=avac[1])
	avac[0].set_title('Coupling Signals')
	avac[1].set_title('Compensated Signals')

	# fit plasma resp. using transfer function compensation
	magarray = magarray.compensate(c=False,pair=True,fun_type='transfer',xlim=xlim)
	magarray = magarray.smooth(smooth)
	magarray = magarray.remove_baseline(*base)[1],xlim=xlim,exclude=exclude)
	ffit, =

	# fit plasma resp. using direct compensation (subtracting out vacuum data)
	magarray = magarray.smooth(smooth)
	vacarray = vacarray.smooth(smooth)
	magarray = magarray.remove_baseline(*base)
	vacarray = vacarray.remove_baseline(*base)
	for name,sensor in magarray.sensors.iteritems():
		magarray.sensors[name] = sensor-vacarray.sensors[name][1],xlim=xlim,exclude=exclude)
	ffit, =,figure=ffit)
	return fvac,ffit

############################################## Run some cases

# Check arrays right in front of the driving coils (tough cases!)
# radial field sesnors should have largest coupling
frvac,frfit = check_compensation('ISLD67B',vshot,pshot,base,xlim)
# poloidal field should have less coupling
fpvac,fpfit = check_compensation('MPID67B',vshot,pshot,base,xlim)

# In each case, the transfer function reduces the vacuum data
# by an order of magnitude, which is a good start.
# The plasma reponse modes look identical using both compensation
# techniques, from which we conclude the standard compensation is
# doing a sufficient job for physics analysis. Hooray!

(Source code)