# GNU Makefile # 01/15/98 C. Ludescher # 08/25/98 CAL add texi # # Check for new $(CODESYSDIR)/source/doc/*.hlp # Convert to .html # # Must be run from ...help directory for perl to work # Also: old files must be deleted; otherwise perl script will append. # SRC = $(TRANSPROOT)/codesys/source/doc f_new = transp.hlp pspline.hlp nubeam.hlp trread.hlp trxplib.hlp \ trgraf.hlp ufiles.hlp uread.hlp sg.hlp xplasma.hlp tek2ps.hlp \ xplot.hlp xtc.hlp port_strategy.hlp supralu.hlp \ trbugs.hlp trnews.hlp common_errors.hlp trdatbuf_lib.hlp files = tfiles = ufiles.texi new_Up = $(shell date --date= +"%D" ) help: help0 help1 tex help_new ../transp/index.html help0: @echo hlp Files: $(files) @echo texi Files: $(tfiles) @echo TRANSPROOT: $(TRANSPROOT) # Note: $* = target stem; $@ = current target # $< is the source # 12/10/98 replaced "cp $< ." with sed # 02/11/03 convert http to URL help1: $(foreach file,$(files),$(file)) %.hlp: $(SRC)/%.hlp -rm $@ $*_hlp.html body_$*_hlp.html @sed -e"s//\>/g" $< > $@.foo1 @sed -e's#http://\([^ ]* \|[^ ]*$$\)# http://\1 #g' $@.foo1 > $@ $(TRANSPROOT)/bin/hlptohtml.perl $@ rm $@ $@.foo* touch $@ help_new: $(foreach file,$(f_new),$(file)) %.hlp: $(SRC)/%.hlp -rm $@ $*_hlp.html body_$*_hlp.html echo new @sed -e"s//\>/g" $< > $@.foo1 @sed -e's#http://\([^ ]* \|[^ ]*$$\)# http://\1 #g' $@.foo1 > $@ $(TRANSPROOT)/bin/hlptohtml.perl $@ @sed -e's/html"/html" Target="main"/' $*_hlp.html > $*_hlp.htm rm $@ $@.foo* touch $@ tex: $(foreach file,$(tfiles),$(file)) %.texi: $(SRC)/%.texi -rm $*_manual.html cp $< $*_manual.texi texi2html $*_manual.texi rm $*_manual.texi touch $@ ../transp/index.html: trbugs_hlp.html sed -e "s# Updated: .* # Updated: ${new_Up} #" $@ > foo mv foo $@