To add a private database uuu$DATA: ---------------------------------- o Edit COM$MGR:MDSPLUS_PRIVATE_DATABASES.COM Background: ---------- o MDSplus data are served to unix via MDS$TOP:MDSIP.COM, which executes MDS$ROOT:[SYSMGR]MDSIP.COM, which runs MDSIP.EXE. o MDSIP.EXE changes the "persona" of the server process via sys$persona_create and sys$persona_assume system services. Therefore, we were unable to create any default uuu$DATA logical name, because we don't adopt our USERNAME until we're already inside MDSIP.EXE o However, if necessary uuu$DATA definitions are available (e.g., in the system lnm table), then the server can see them. o The MDSPLUS_PRIVATE_DATABASES procedure gets executed at system startup from within COM$ Defines all known "uuu$DATA" logical names.