Dr. Stefan Gerhardt
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton, NJ 08543
á Ph.D.: Electrical Engineering, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2004.
á M.S.: Electrical Engineering, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 2001.
á B.S.: Interdisciplinary Degree in Applied Math, Engineering and
Physics, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998.
á Presidential Early Career Award in Science and Engineering (PECASE),
á American Physical Society Marshall Rosenbluth Award for Outstanding
Doctoral Dissertation in Plasma Physics, 2005.
á Harold Peterson Award: Outstanding Dissertation in the U. of Wisconsin
Electrical Engineering Department, 2005.
á DOE/Oak Ridge Associated Universities Award to attend the 51st
Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, 2001.
á Albert Augustus Radtke Scholarship, UW-Madison Physics Department,
á Phi Beta Kappa, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997.
á National Undergraduate Fellowship Program in Plasma Physics and Fusion
Energy Sciences, 1996.
Work Experience:
á Summer 1998-Spring 2004: Graduate Student at Helically Symmetric
eXperiment, Madison, U. of Wisconsin.
á Fall 1996-Spring 1998: Undergraduate Researcher, Madison Symmetric
Torus, Madison, U. of Wisconsin.
á Summer 1996: Summer Student, Magnetic Reconnection
Experiment, PPPL.
á Fall 1995-Spring 1996: Undergraduate Hourly, Madison Symmetric
Torus, Madison, Wisconsin.
Key Scientific Contributions:
Disruption halo currents: Developed innovative halo current diagnostics and
measurements of halo current characteristics, including characterization of the
critical non-axisymmetric dynamics of these currents [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 53, 023005 (2013)].
Disruption detection: Development of physics-based disruption detection
algorithms that synthesizes the results of many real time measurements but does
not rely on neutral-network training, achieving a high detection rate with
minimal late warnings and false positives – important for
FNSF/ITER/DEMO [S. P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 53, 063021
Disruptivity studies in high-performance ST plasmas: Demonstrated that the NSTX disruptivity is
minimized in high-bN scenarios with strong boundary shaping and broad
plasma profiles. [S.P.
Gerhardt, et al, NF 53, 043020 (2013)].
Plasma control development: Implemented bN control using pulse-width modulated neutral beams
as an actuator, and implemented numerous improvements to both RWM and vertical
position control systems [S.P.
Gerhardt, et al, Fusion
Sci. Tech. 61, 11 (2012)].
Predictive scenario modeling for NSTX-Upgrade: Used new free-boundary TRANSP to complete a
comprehensive study of NSTX-U scenarios, including a range of 100%
non-inductive scenarios, high-bt cases, and very long pulse examples; these
simulations now being used for both diagnostic simulations for NSTX-U and
development of coil and power supply operations requirements [S.P. Gerhardt, et
NF 52, 083020 (2012)].
TAE avalanche induced current transport: Developed phenomenological model of fast ion
current redistribution due to TAE avalanches, eliminating discrepancies in the
current profile modeling that occurred without the redistribution –
motivates studies of TAE for NBI-CD redistribution for FNSF and ITER-AT [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 51,
033004 (2011)].
Experimental development of high-performance ST scenarios: Lead high-bt (2008) and high-fNI (2009) discharge
development, including the highest sustained elongation in NSTX, development of
the low internal-inductance scenarios used for RWM control, and NSTX-U scenario
prototyping [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 51, 083047 (2011)].
ST confinement scaling: Quantified the scaling (with Pinj, ne,
Bt, Ip) of confinement and non-inductive current
components over a wide range of NSTX H-mode scenarios. Experimental results used to inform
modeling assumptions for NSTX-Upgrade and next-step STs [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 51,
083047 (2011)].
Edge localized mode (ELM) control: Demonstrated for the first time ELM pacing by
vertical jogs in a ST [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 50,
064015 (2010)].
Error field correction: Helped develop the optimal n>1 error field
correction strategy for NSTX, resulting in significantly improved routine
operation [S. P.
Gerhardt, et
al, Plasma
Phys. Control. Fusion, 52, 104003
Neoclassical tearing modes: Used soft x-ray emission to understand the coupled
mode structure of m/n=1/1+2/1 kink/tearing modes in NSTX high-performance
discharges. Showed importance of
rotation shear effects on the 2/1 NTM offset threshold [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 49,
032003 (2009)].
Novel FRC formation: Developed a new FRC formation scheme using co-helicity
merging of noble-gas formed spheromaks + solenoid induction [S.P. Gerhardt, et al, NF 48,
032001 (2008)].
FRC stability:
Developed FRC equilibria that are stable to all n=1 modes (tilt, shift, axial)
by proper shaping of the equilibrium field and (limited) use of passive
conductors. [S.P.
Gerhardt, et al, Phys. Plasmas
13, 112058 (2006)].
FRC sustainment:
Developed long-lived FRC sustained by solenoid induction and stabilized to
n=2-4 modes by FLR and resistive effects [S. P. Gerhardt, et al, PRL. 99, 245003 (2007)].
Flow damping in a quasi-symmetric stellarator: Demonstrated the reduction in flow damping
with quasi-symmetry compared to traditional stellarators, using a novel
interpretation of Mach probes and a new calculation of the non-orthogonal
Hamada coordinate basis vectors to allow theory/experiment comparisons [S. P. Gerhardt, et al, PRL. 94, 015002 (2005)].
Leadership, Responsibilities & Service:
á Published recent first-author papers in numerous critical areas of
spherical tokamak physics, including advanced scenario modeling &
experimental development, ELM pacing, error field correction, plasma stability,
plasma control, and disruption physics & detection.
á Referee for Nuclear Fusion, Physical Review Letters, Physics of Plasmas,
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, Review of Scientific Instruments, and
Fusion Science & Technology.
á Cognizant physicist for mission-critical NSTX magnetic diagnostics and
plasma control algorithms.
á Deputy leader for the NSTX Macroscopic Stability topical science group
á Leader of the NSTX Advanced Scenarios and Control topical science group
(2009-present), and author of corresponding chapter in NSTX-U 2014-2019 5-year
research plan (2013).
á Member of the DIII-D Physics Advisory Committee (2011-present).
á Member of the ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) Integrated
Operation Scenarios (IOS) group (2009-present).
á US Burning Plasma Organization, deputy (2012) and leader (2013) for the
Integrated Scenarios topical group.
á National coordinator for the 2013 Three Fusion Facility Joint Research
Target (JRT).
á Reviewer of major DOE proposals.
á Functioned as a primary interface between PPPL engineering and NSTX
physics in areas of plasma control, diagnostics, magnetic materials, and the
NSTX device configuration.
á Member of thesis committees in both MAE and Astrophysics departments.
á PPPL tour guide.
Peer Reviewed First Author Journal
1. S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, J.M.
Canik, and L. Owen, Ha detector system for the Helically Symmetric
Experiment, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75,
2981 (2004).
2. S. P. Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, J.M.
Canik, and D.T. Anderson, Experimental
evidence of reduced plasma flow damping with quasisymmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 015002 (2005).
3. S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B.
Anderson, and J.N. Talmadge, Electrode
and Langmuir probe tools used for flow damping studies in the Helically
Symmetric Experiment, Rev. Sci. Instrum.
75, 4621 (2004).
4. S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, and J.N.
Talmadge, Calculations of neoclassical
viscous damping on flux surfaces near magnetic islands in the Helically
Symmetric Experiment, Phys. Plasmas 12, 012504 (2005).
5. S.P. Gerhardt, J. N. Talmadge, J.M.
Canik, and D.T. Anderson, Measurements
and modeling of plasma flow damping in the Helically Symmetric Experiment, Phys. Plasmas 12, 056116 (2005).
6. S.P. Gerhardt, M. Inomoto, E. Belova,
M. Yamada, H. Ji, Y. Ren, and A. Kuritsyn, Equilibrium and stability studies of oblate field reversed
configurations in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, Phys. Plasmas 13, 112508 (2006).)
7. S. P. Gerhardt, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada,
H. Ji, M. Inomoto, Y. Ren, and B. McGeehan, Inductive
sustainment of a field-reversed configuration stabilized by shaping, magnetic
diffusion, and finite-Larmor-radius effects, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 245003 (2007).
8. S.P. Gerhardt, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada,
H. Ji, M. Inomoto, Y. Ren and B. McGeehan, New
Method for inductively forming an oblate field reversed configuration from a
spheromak, Nuclear
Fusion 48, 032001 (2008).
9. S. P. Gerhardt, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada,
H. Ji, M. Inomoto, C.M. Jacobson, R. Maqueda, B. McGeehan, and Y. Ren, Inductive sustainment of oblate
field-reversed configurations with the assistance of magnetic diffusion,
shaping, and finite-Larmor radius stabilization, Phys. Plasmas 15, 022502 (2008).
10. S.P. Gerhardt, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada,
H. Ji, Y. Ren, B. McGeehan, and M. Inomoto, Field-reversed
configuration formation scheme utilizing a spheromak and solenoid induction,
Phys. Plasmas 15, 032503 (2008).
11. S.P. Gerhardt, J.E. Menard, and the
NSTX Team, Characterization of the
plasma current quench during disruptions in the National Spherical Torus
Experiment, Nuclear
Fusion 49, 025002 (2009).
12. S.P. Gerhardt, D.P. Brennan, R.
Buttery, R.J. La Haye, S. Sabbagh, E. Strait, M. Bell, R. Bell, E. Fredrickson,
D. Gates, B. LeBlanc, J. Menard, D. Stutman, K. Tritz and H. Yuh, Relationship between onset thresholds, trigger types
and rotation shear for the m/n = 2/1 neoclassical tearing mode in a high-β
spherical torus, Nuclear Fusion 49, 032003 (2009).
13. S.P. Gerhardt, J-W. Ahn, J.M. Canik, R.
Maingi, R. Bell, D. Gates, R. Goldston, R. Hawryluk, B.P. Le Blanc, J. Menard,
A.C. Sontag, S. Sabbagh and K.
Tritz, First observation of ELM pacing
with vertical jogs in a spherical torus, Nuclear Fusion 50, 064015 (2010).
14. S. P. Gerhardt, J. E. Menard, J.-K.
Park, R. Bell, D. A. Gates, B. P. Le Blanc, S. A. Sabbagh and H. Yuh, Observation and correction of non-resonant
error fields in NSTX, Plasma Phys. Control.
Fusion, 52, 104003 (2010).
15. S.P. Gerhardt, E.
Fredrickson, D. A. Gates, et al., Calculation of the non-inductive current profile in
high-performance NSTX plasmas, Nuclear Fusion 51, 033004 (2011).
16. S.P. Gerhardt, et al., Recent progress toward
an advanced spherical torus operating point in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 51, 083047 (2011).
17. S.P. Gerhardt, D. Mastrovito, M.G. Bell, M. Cropper,
D. A Gates, E. Kolemen, J.
Lawson, B. Marsala, J.E.
Menard, D. Mueller, T. Stevenson, Implementation
of βN Control
in the National Spherical Torus Experiment, Fusion
Sci. Tech. 61, 11 (2012).
18. S. P.
Gerhardt, E.
Fredrickson, L. Guttadora, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, J. Menard, and H. Takahashi, Techniques for the measurement of disruption
halo currents in the National Spherical Torus Experiment, Rev. Sci.
Instrum. 82, 103502 (2011).
19. S.P. Gerhardt, J. Menard, S. Sabbagh and F. Scotti, Characterization
of disruption halo currents in the National Spherical Torus Experiment, Nuclear Fusion 52,
063005 (2012).
20. S.P.
Gerhardt, R. Andre, and J.E. Menard, Exploration
of the Equilibrium Operating Space for NSTX-Upgrade, Nuclear Fusion 52, 083020 (2012).
21. S.P. Gerhardt, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, D. Gates, B.P.
LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, D. Mueller, S.A. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, K. Tritz, H.
Yuh, Disruptions, Disruptivity,
and Safer Operating Windows in the High-b Spherical
Torus NSTX, Nuclear
Fusion 53, 043020 (2013).
22. S.P. Gerhardt, Dynamics of the Disruption Halo Current Toroidal
Asymmetry in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 53, 023005 (2013).
Note: This paper was selected
as a Nuclear Fusion ÒLabTalkÓ highlight in March, 2013
23. S. P. Gerhardt, D. S. Darrow, R. E. Bell, B. P. LeBlanc, J.E.
Menard, D. Mueller, A. L. Roquemore, S.A. Sabbagh, H. Yuh. Detection of Disruptions in
the High-b Spherical Torus NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 53, 063021 (2013).
Peer Reviewed Co-Authored Journal
1. B.E. Chapman, J.K. Anderson, T.M. Biewer, D.L. Brower, S. Castillo, P.K.
Chattopadhyay, C.S. Chaing, D. Craig, D.J. Den Hartog, G. Fiksel, P.W.
Fontanna, C.B. Forest, S. P. Gerhardt,
A.K. Hansen, D. Holly, Y. Jiang, N.E. Lanier, S.C. Prager, J.C. Reardon, and
J.S. Sarff, Reduced edge instability and improved confinement
in the MST reversed-field pinch, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87,
205001 (2001).
2. N.E.
Lanier, S.P. Gerhardt, and D.J. Den
Hartog, Low-cost, robust, filtered spectrometer for absolute intensity
measurements in the soft X-ray region, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 1188
3. D.T. Anderson, A.F. Almagri, F.S.B. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, J. Radder and J.N. Talmadge, Initial experimental
results from HSX, J. Plasma and Fusion Research 78, 209 (2002).
4. C.
Deng, D.L. Brower, W.X. Ding, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, P. Probert, and J.N.
Talmadge, First results from the Multichannel interferometer system on HSX,
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 74, 1625 (2003).
5. K.M.
Likin, A. Abdou, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, D. Brower, J.
Canik, C. Deng, S.P. Gerhardt, W.
Guttenfelder, S. Oh, J. Radder, V. Sakaguchi, J. Schmitt, J. Tabora, J.N.
Talmadge, and K. Zhai, Comparison of electron cyclotron heating results in
the Helically Symmetric Experiment with and without quasi-symmetry, Plasma
Phys. Control Fusion 45, A133 (2003).
6. J.N. Talmadge, K.M. Likin, A. Abdou, A. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B.
Anderson, J. Canik, C. Deng, S.P.
Gerhardt, K. Zhai, ASTRA modeling of electron cyclotron heating in HSX,
Fusion Science and Technology 46,
255 (2004).
7. J.N.
Talmadge, and S.P. Gerhardt Numerical calculation of the Hamada basis vectors for
three-dimensional toroidal magnetic configurations, Phys.
Plasmas 12, 072513 (2005).
8. Y. Ren,
M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt, H. Ji, R.
Kulsrud, and A. Kuritsyn, Experimental
verification of the Hall effect during magnetic reconnection in a laboratory
plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95,
055003 (2005).
9. A.
Kuritsyn, M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt,
H. Ji, and Y. Ren, Experimental
measurements of the parallel and transverse Spitzer resistivities during
collisional magnetic reconnection, Phys.
Plasmas, 13, 055703 (2006).
10. M.
Yamada, Y. Ren, H. Ji, J. Breslau, S.P.
Gerhardt, R. Kulsrud, and A. Kuritsyn,
Experimental study of two fluid effects on magnetic reconnection in a
laboratory plasma with variable collisionality, Phys. Plasmas 13, 052119 (2006).
11. M.
Inomoto, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Yamada,
H. Ji, E. Belova, Y. Ren, and A. Kuritsyn, Coupling between global geometry and the local Hall effect leading to
reconnection-layer symmetry breaking, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 135002 (2006).
12. M.
Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, E.V.
Belova, R.C Davison, and D.R. Mikkelsen, A self-organized plasma with induction, reconnection, and injection
techniques: the SPIRIT concept for field reversed configuration research, Plasma
and Fusion Research 2, 004 (2007).
13. A.
Kuritsyn, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, Y.
Ren, and M. Yamada, Effect of global
boundary and local collisionality on magnetic reconnection in a laboratory
plasma, Geophys. Rev. Lett. 34, L16106 (2007).
14. H. Ji, E. Belova, S.P.
Gerhardt, and M. Yamada, Recent advances in the SPIRIT
(Self-organized Plasma with Induction, Reconnection, and Injection Techniques)
concept, Journal of
Fusion Energy 26, 93 (2007).
15. Y.
Ren, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S. P. Gerhardt,
and R. Kulsrud, Identification
of the electron-diffusion region during magnetic reconnection in a laboratory
plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett 101,
085003 (2008).
16. Y.
Ren, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S. Dorfman, S. P.
Gerhardt, and R. Kulsrud, Experimental
study of the Hall effect and electron diffusion region during magnetic
reconnection in a laboratory plasma, Phys. Plasmas 15, 082113 (2008).
17. H. Ji, Y.
Ren, M. Yamada, S. Dorfman, W. Daughton, S.
P. Gerhardt, New insights into the
dissipation in the electron layer during magnetic reconnection, Geophys.
Res. Lett., 35, L13106 (2008).
18. R.
Raman, T.R. Jarboe, D. Mueller, B.A. Nelson, M.G. Bell, R. Bell, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, J. Hosea, R. Kaita, H.
Kugel, B. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, R. Maqueda, J. Menard, M. Nagata, M. Ono, S.
Paul, L. Roquemore, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii and G. Taylor, Solenoid-free plasma startup in NSTX using transient
CHI, Nuclear Fusion 49,
065006 (2009).
19. J.-K.
Park, A. H. Boozer, J. E. Menard, A. M. Garofalo, M. J. Schaffer, R. J.
Hawryluk, S. M. Kaye, S. P. Gerhardt,
S. A. Sabbagh, and NSTX Team, Importance of plasma response to
nonaxisymmetric perturbations in tokamaks, Phys. Plasmas 16, 056115, (2009).
20. H.W.
Kugel, M. Bell, L. Berzak, A. Brooks, R. Ellis, S. P. Gerhardt, H. Harjes, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, R. Maingi, R.
Majeski, D. Mansfield, J. Menard, R.E. Nygren, V. Soukhanovskii, D. Stotler, P.
Wakeland, L.E. Zakharov, Physics
design requirements for the National Spherical Torus liquid lithium divertor, Fusion
Eng. And Design 84, 1125, (2009).
21. R. Maingi,
T. H. Osborne, B. P. LeBlanc, R. E. Bell, J. Manickam, P. B. Snyder, J. E.
Menard, D. K. Mansfield, H. W. Kugel, R. Kaita, S. P. Gerhardt, S. A. Sabbagh, F. A. Kelly, and the NSTX research
team, Edge-Localized-Mode Suppression through
Density-Profile Modification with Lithium-Wall Coatings in the National
Spherical Torus Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 075001 (2009).
22. J.-K. Park, A. H. Boozer, J. E. Menard, S. P. Gerhardt, and S. A. Sabbagh, Shielding of external magnetic perturbations
by torque in rotating tokamak plasmas, Phys. Plasmas 16, 082512 (2009).
23. D. A.
Gates et al, Overview of results from the
National Spherical Torus Experiment, Nuclear Fusion 49, 104016 (2009).
24. M.G.
Bell, H.W. Kugel, R. Kaita, L.E. Zakharov, H. Schneider, B.P. LeBlanc, D.
Mansfield, R.E. Bell, R. Maingi, S. Ding, S.M. Kaye, S.F. Paul, S.P. Gerhardt, J.M. Canik, J.C. Hosea,
G. Taylor and the NSTX Research Team, Plasma
response to lithium-coated plasma-facing components in the National Spherical
Torus Experiment, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 51, 124054 (2009).
25. H.W.
Kugel, D. Mansfield, R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J.P. Allain, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, S.
Kaye, B. LeBlanc, R. Majeski, J. Menard, D. Mueller, M. Ono, S. Paul, R. Raman,
A.L. Roquemore, P.W. Ross, et al, Evaporated
lithium surface coatings in NSTX, J. Nucl. Mat. 390, 1000 (2009).
26. S.A.
Sabbagh, J.W. Berkery, R.E. Bell, J.M. Bialek, S.P. Gerhardt, J.E. Menard, R. Betti, D.A. Gates, B. Hu, O.N. Katsuro-Hopkins,
B.P. LeBlanc, F.M. Levinton, J. Manickam, K. Tritz and H. Yuh, Advances in global MHD mode stabilization
research on NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 50,
025020 (2010).
27. J. M.
Canik, R. Maingi, T. E. Evans, R. E. Bell, S.
P. Gerhardt, B. P. LeBlanc, J. Manickam, J. E. Menard, T. H. Osborne, J.-K.
Park, S. F. Paul, P. B. Snyder, S. A. Sabbagh, H. W. Kugel, and E. A. Unterberg
(the NSTX Team), On Demand Triggering of
Edge Localized Instabilities Using External Nonaxisymmetric Magnetic
Perturbations in Toroidal Plasmas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 045001 (2010).
28. J. W.
Berkery, S. A. Sabbagh, R. Betti, B. Hu, R. E. Bell, S. P. Gerhardt, J. Manickam, and K. Tritz, Resistive Wall Mode Instability at Intermediate Plasma Rotation,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 035003 (2010).
29. R. Raman,
D. Mueller, B. A. Nelson, T. R. Jarboe, S.
Gerhardt, H. W. Kugel, B. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, J. Menard, M. Ono, S. Paul,
L. Roquemore, S. Sabbagh, and V. Soukhanovskii, Demonstration of Tokamak Ohmic Flux Saving by Transient Coaxial Helicity
Injection in the National Spherical Torus Experiment, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 095003 (2010).
30. J.M.
Canik, R. Maingi, T.E. Evans, R.E. Bell, S.P.
Gerhardt, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, J. Manickam, J.E. Menard, T.H. Osborne,
J.-K. Park, S. Paul, P.B. Snyder, S.A. Sabbagh, E.A. Unterberg and the NSTX
team, ELM destabilization by externally
applied non-axisymmetric magnetic perturbations in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 50, 034012 (2010).
31. J.E.
Menard, R.E. Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P.
Gerhardt, J.-K. Park, S.A. Sabbagh, J.W. Berkery, A. Egan, J. Kallman, S.M.
Kaye, B. LeBlanc, Y.Q. Liu, A. Sontag, D. Swanson, H. Yuh, W. Zhu and the NSTX
Research Team, Progress in understanding
error-field physics in NSTX spherical torus plasmas, Nuclear Fusion 50, 045008 (2010).
32. J.M.
Canik, A.C. Sontag, R. Maingi, R. Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, J. Menard, S. Paul, S.
Sabbagh and V.A. Soukhanovskii, Progress
in the development of ELM pace-making with non-axisymmetric magnetic
perturbations in NSTX,
Nuclear Fusion 50, 064016 (2010).
33. R.
Maingi, S.M. Kaye, R.E. Bell, T.M. Biewer, C.S. Chang, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, J. Hosea, B.P. LeBlanc,
H. Meyer, D. Mueller, G-Y. Park, R. Raman, S.A. Sabbagh, T.A. Stevenson
and J.R. Wilson, Overview of L–H power threshold
studies in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 50,
061010 (2010).
34. I.T.
Chapman, R.J. Buttery, S. Coda, S.
Gerhardt, J.P. Graves, D.F. Howell, A. Isayama, R.J. La Haye, Y. Liu, P.
Maget, M. Maraschek, S. Sabbagh, O. Sauter, the ASDEX Upgrade, DIII-D, HL-2A,
JT-60U , MAST , NSTX , TCV , Tore Supra Teams and JET-EFDA Contributors,
Empirical scaling of sawtooth
period for onset of neoclassical tearing modes, Nuclear Fusion 50, 102001 (2010).
35. M.
Ono, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, R Kaita, H.W.
Kugel, B.P. Leblanc, J.M. Canik, S. Diem, S.P. Gerhardt, J. Hosea, S.
Kaye, D. Mansfield, R. Maingi, J. Menard, S.F. Paul, R. Raman, S. Sabbagh, C.H.
Skinner, V. Soukhanovskii, G. Taylor, Implications of
NSTX lithium results for magnetic fusion research, Fusion Eng. Design. 85, 882
36. E.
Kolemen, D.A. Gates, C.W. Rowley, N.J. Kasdin, J. Kallman, S. Gerhardt, V. Soukhanovskii and D. Mueller, Strike point control for the National Spherical Torus Experiment
(NSTX), Nuclear Fusion 50,
105010 (2010).
37. J. W.
Berkery, S. A. Sabbagh, H. Reimerdes, R. Betti, B. Hu, R. E. Bell, S. P. Gerhardt, J. Manickam, and M.
Podestˆ, The role of kinetic effects,
including plasma rotation and energetic particles, in resistive wall mode
stability, Phys. Plasmas 17, 082504
38. R. J.
La Haye, D. P. Brennan, R. J. Buttery, and S.
P. Gerhardt, Islands in the stream:
The effect of plasma flow on tearing stability, Phys. Plasmas 17, 056110 (2010).
39. R.
Maingi, R. E. Bell, J. M. Canik, S. P.
Gerhardt, S. M. Kaye, B. P. LeBlanc, T. H. Osborne, M. G. Bell, E. D.
Fredrickson, K. C. Lee, J. E. Menard, J.-K. Park, and S. A. Sabbagh, Triggered Confinement Enhancement and
Pedestal Expansion in High-Confinement-Mode Discharges in the National
Spherical Torus Experiment Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 135004 (2010).
40. D. Mastrovito,
D. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, J. Lawson, C. Ludescher-Furth, R. Marsala, Plasma control system upgrade and increased
plasma stability in NSTX, Fus. Eng. Design 85, 447 (2010).
41. V.A.
Soukhanovskii, J.-W. Ahn, R.E. Bell, D.A. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, E. Kolemen, H.W. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, R.
Maingi, R. Maqueda, A. McLean, J.E. Menard, D.M. Mueller, S.F. Paul, R. Raman,
A.L. Roquemore, D.D. Ryutov, H.A. Scott, ÒSnowflakeÓ
divertor configuration in NSTX, J. Nucl. Mat. 415, S365 (2011)
42. V. A. Soukhanovskii, J.-W. Ahn, R.E. Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, et al. Taming the plasma material interface with
the "snowflake" divertor in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 51, 012001 (2011).
43. L. Delgado-Aparicio, D. Stutman, S. A. Sabbagh, R. E. Bell, J. W.
Berkery, K. Tritz, S P Gerhardt, B.
LeBlanc, M. Finkenthal, J. P. Levesque, K. C. Lee, J. Menard, S. Paul and L.
Roquemore, Soft X-ray measurements of
resistive wall mode behavior in NSTX, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 53, 035005 (2011).
M.A. Jaworski, S.P. Gerhardt, N.B.
Morley, T. Abrams, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, H. Kugel, R. Majeski, D.N. Ruzik, Macroscopic motion of liquid metal plasma
facing components in a diverted plasma, J. Nucl. Mat. 415, S985 (2011)
H.W. Kugel, M.G. Bell, J.P. Allain, R.E. Bell, S. Ding, S.P. Gerhardt, M.A. Jaworski, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, S.M. Kaye, B.P.
LeBlanc, R. Maingi, R. Majeski, R. Maqueda, D.K. Mansfield, D. Mueller, R.
Nygren, S.F. Paul, R. Raman, A.L. Roquemore, et al., NSTX plasma response to lithium coated divertor, J. Nucl. Mat. 415, S400 (2011).
46. R. Raman, D. Mueller, T. R. Jarboe, B. A.
Nelson, M. G. Bell, S. Gerhardt, B.
LeBlanc, J. Menard, M. Ono, L. Roquemore, and V. Soukhanovskii, Experimental demonstration of tokamak
inductive flux saving by transient coaxial helicity injection on national
spherical torus experiment, Phys. Plasmas 18, 092504 (2011).
47. J. W. Berkery, S. A. Sabbagh, R. Betti, R. E.
Bell, S. P. Gerhardt, B. P. LeBlanc,
and H. Yuh, Effect of Collisionality on
Kinetic Stability of the Resistive Wall Mode, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 075004 (2011).
48. A.C. Sontag, J.M. Canik, R. Maingi, J.
Manickam, P.B. Snyder, R.E. Bell, S.P.
Gerhardt, S. Kubota, B.P. LeBlanc, D. Mueller, T.H. Osborne and K.L. Tritz,
Pedestal characterization and stability
of small-ELM regimes in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 51, 103022 (2011).
49. R. Raman, et al., Overview of Recent Results from NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 51, 094011 (2011).
50. L. Delgado-Aparicio, D. Stutman, K. Tritz, F.
Volpe, K.L. Wong, R. Bell, M. Finkenthal, E. Fredrickson, S.P. Gerhardt, S. Kaye, B. LeBlanc, J. Menard, S. Paul and L.
Roquemore, Impurity transport experiments
and effects on MHD in the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX),
Nuclear Fusion 51, 083047 (2011).
51. R.J. Buttery, S. Gerhardt, R.J. La Haye, Y.Q. Liu, H. Reimerdes, S. Sabbagh, M.S.
Chu, T.H. Osborne, J.-K. Park, R.I. Pinsker, E.J. Strait, J.H. Yu and the
DIII-D and NSTX Teams, The impact of 3D
fields on tearing mode stability of H-modes, Nuclear Fusion 51, 073016 (2011).
52. J.A. Breslau, M.S. Chance, J. Chen, G.Y. Fu, S. Gerhardt, N. Gorelenkov, S.C. Jardin
and J. Manickam, Onset and saturation of
a non-resonant internal mode in NSTX and implications for AT modes in ITER,
Nuclear Fusion 51, 063027 (2011).
R. Maingi, D.P. Boyle, J.M. Canik, S.M. Kaye, C.H. Skinner, J.P. Allain, M.G.
Bell, R.E. Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, et
al., The effect of progressively increasing lithium
coatings on plasma discharge characteristics, transport, edge profiles and ELM
stability in the National Spherical Torus Experiment, Nuclear Fusion 52, 083001 (2012).
J.M. Canik, S.P. Hirshman, R. Sanchez, R. Maingi, J.-W. Ahn, R.E. Bell, A.
Diallo, S.P. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc,
J.E. Menard, J.-K. Park, M. Podesta and S.A. Sabbagh, First
use of three-dimensional equilibrium, stability and transport calculations for
interpretation of ELM triggering with magnetic perturbations in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 52, 054004 (2012).
55. Jong-Kyu Park, Jonathan E. Menard, Stefan P. Gerhardt, Richard J. Buttery,
Steve A. Sabbagh, Ronald E. Bell and Benoit P. LeBlanc, Sensitivity to Error Fields in NSTX High-b Plasmas, Nuclear Fusion 52, 023004 (2012).
56. S.S. Medley, Ya.I. Kolesnichenko, Yu.V.
Yakovenko, R.E. Bell, A. Bortolon, N.A. Crocker, D.S. Darrow, A. Diallo, C.W.
Domier, R.J. Fonck, E.D. Fredrickson, S.P.
Gerhardt, et al. Investigation of a
transient energetic charge exchange flux enhancement ('spike-on-tail') observed
in neutral-beam-heated H-mode discharges in the National Spherical Torus
Experiment, Nuclear Fusion 52,
013014 (2012).
57. E. Kolemen, D.A. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, D. Mueller, C. Rowley and V.
Soukhanovskii, Plasma modeling results
and shape control improvements for NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 51, 113024 (2012).
58. J.E. Menard, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Bell, et al., Overview
of the Physics and Engineering Design of NSTX Upgrade, Nuclear Fusion 52, 083015 (2012).
59. R. J. La Haye, R. J. Buttery, S. P. Gerhardt, S. A. Sabbagh, and D.
P. Brennan, Aspect ratio effects on
neoclassical tearing modes from comparison between DIII-D and National
Spherical Torus Experiment, Phys. Plasmas 19, 062506 (2012).
60. V.A. Soukhanovskii, Stefan Gerhardt, Robert Kaita, Adam McLean, and Roger Raman, Diagnostic Options for Radiative Divertor
Feedback Control on NSTX-U, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 10D716 (2012).
61. R. Raman, T. Abrams, T.R. Jarboe, H.W. Kugel,
D. Mueller, D. P. Stotler, S.P. Gerhardt,
M.G. Bell, J.E. Menard, & M. Ono, Massive
Gas Injection Plans for Disruption Mitigation Studies in NSTX-U, IEEE
Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials 132,
468 (2012).
62. Janardhan Manickam, Allen Boozer, and Stefan Gerhardt, Kink modes
and surface currents associated with vertical displacement events, Phys.
Plasmas 19, 082103 (2012).
63. V. A. Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, et al., Snowflake
divertor configuration studies in National Spherical Torus Experiment,
Phys. Plasmas 19, 082504 (2012).
R. J. Perkins, J. C. Hosea, G. J. Kramer, J.-W. Ahn, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, T. K. Gray, et al., High-Harmonic Fast-Wave Power Flow along
Magnetic Field Lines in the Scrape-Off Layer of NSTX, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 045001 (2012).
65. H.W. Kugel, J.P. Allain, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, R. Ellis, S.P. Gerhardt, et al., NSTX plasma operation with a Liquid Lithium
Divertor, Fusion
Engineering and Design 87, 1724 (2012).
66. M. Ono, M.G. Bell, R. Kaita, R. H.W. Kugel, J.W.
Ahn, J. P. Allain, D. Battaglia, R.E., Bell, J.M. Canik, S. Ding, S.
Gerhardt, et al., Recent progress of
NSTX lithium program and opportunities for magnetic fusion research, Fusion
Eng. Design 87, 1770 (2012).
67. E.D. Fredrickson, N.A. Crocker, D.S. Darrow, N.N.
Gorelenkov, G.J. Kramer, S. Kubota, M. Podesta, R.B. White, A. Bortolon, S.P. Gerhardt, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, B.
LeBlanc, F.M. Levinton and H. Yuh , Fast-ion
energy loss during TAE avalanches in the National Spherical Torus Experiment,
Nuclear Fusion 53, 013006 (2013).
68. S.M. Kaye, S. Gerhardt,
W. Guttenfelder, R. Maingi, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, B.P. LeBlanc, and M. Podesta,
The dependence of H-mode energy
confinement and transport on collisionality in NSTX, Nuclear Fusion 53, 063005 (2013).
R.J. Perkins, J.-W. Ahn, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, T.K. Gray, et al., Fast
Wave Power Flow Along SOL Field Lines in NSTX and the Associated Power
Deposition Profile Across the SOL in Front of the Antenna, submitted to
Nuclear Fusion (2012).
70. R. Raman, D. Mueller, S.C. Jardin,
T.R. Jarboe, B.A. Nelson, M.G. Bell, S.P.
Gerhardt, E.B. Hooper, et al., Non-inductive
Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI, accepted for publication
in Nuclear Fusion (2013).
71. D.J. Battaglia, C.S. Chang, S.M. Kaye, K. Kim,
S. Ku, R. Maingi, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc, J.
Menard, And the NSTX Team, Dependence
of the L-H Transition on X-point Geometry and Divertor Recycling on NSTX,
submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
72. S.A. Sabbagh, et al., Overview of Physics Results from the
National Spherical Torus Experiment, submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
73. E.D.
Fredrickson, N. N. Gorelenkov, M. Podesta, A. Bortolon, S. P. Gerhardt, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, B. LeBlanc, F. M. Levinton,
H. Yuh, Characteristics of
short wavelength Compressional AlfvŽn Eigenmodes, submitted to Nuclear
Fusion (2012).
74. Kimin Kim, Jong-Kyu
Park, Gerrit J. Kramer, Allen H. Boozer, Jonathan E. Menard, Stefan P. Gerhardt, Nikolas C. Logan,
Keith H. Burrell, and Andrea M. Garofalo, Calculation of neoclassical toroidal viscosity with a particle
simulation in the tokamak magnetic braking experiments,
submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
75. F. Scotti, V.A.
Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, S. Gerhardt,
W. Guttenfelder, S. Kaye, R. Andre, R. Kaita, B.P. LeBlanc, M. Podesta and the
NSTX Team, Study of Core Transport of
Intrinsic Impurities in ELM-free NSTX Discharges with Lithium Wall Conditioning,
submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
76. M.A.
Jaworski, T. Abrams, J.P. Allain, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, T.K. Gray, S.P. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel,
B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, A.G. McLean, J. Menard, R. Nygren, M. Ono, M. Podesta,
A.L. Roquemore, S.A. Sabbagh, F. Scotti, C.H. Skinner, V.A. Soukhanovskii, D.P.
Stotler, and the NSTX Team, Liquid
Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material Interactions in NSTX
High-Performance Plasmas, submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
77. M. Ono, M.A.
Jaworski, R. Kaita, H.W. Kugel, J-W. Ahn, J.P. Allain, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, D.
Clayton, J.M. Canik, S. Ding, S. Gerhardt, T.K. Gray, et al. Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium
Program and Prospects for Reactor-Relevant Liquid-Lithium Based Divertor
Development, submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
78. J.-K.Park, et
al., Observation of EHOs in NSTX and theoretical study of its active control
using HHFW antenna, submitted to Nuclear Fusion (2012).
79: R. Kaita, et
al., Characterization of fueling NSTX H-mode plasmas diverted to
a liquid lithium divertor,
accepted by The Journal of Nuclear Materials (2013).
80: E. D. Fredrickson, N. N. Gorelenkov, M. Podesta, A.
Bortolon, N. A. Crocker, S. P. Gerhardt,
R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, B. LeBlanc, F. M. Levinton, and H. Yuh, Non-linear
modulation of short wavelength compressional AlfvŽn eigenmodes, Phys. Plasmas 20, 042112 (2013).
81: V.
Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, S. Kaye, et al., Advanced
Divertor Configurations with Large Flux Expansion, accepted by The Journal
of Nuclear Materials (2013).
82: M. Podesta,
E.D. Fredrickson, S.P. Gerhardt, G. Kramer, N. Gorelenkov, and R. White,
of Alfvn Eigenmodes in the TAE range on the National Spherical Torus
Experiment-Upgrade, submitted to Physics of
Plasmas (2013).
Significant Presentations:
1. Measurements and modeling of electrode-induced plasma flows in HSX, Joint US-European Transport Task
Force Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin, 2003.
3. Measurements and Modeling of Electrode Biased Discharges in the
HSX Stellarator. Joint Meeting of US-Japan
Workshop and Kyoto University 21st COE Symposium on "New
Approaches in Plasma Confinement Experiments in Helical Systems", Kyoto,
4. Progress and Plans for FRC
Studies in MRX-FRC, US-Japan Exchange 2004: New Directions and Physics for
Compact Toroids, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2004.
5. Measurements and Modeling of Electrode Biased Discharges in the HSX
Stellarator, Invited talk at the 20th IAEA
Fusion Energy Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, 2004.
6. Measurements and Modeling of Plasma Flow Damping in the HSX Stellarator, Invited talk at 46th Meeting of the Division of Plasma
Physics, Savannah, Georgia, 2004.
7. Reduced Neoclassical Flow Damping with Quasi-Symmetry: Measurements and
Modeling from HSX, Invited talk at 47th
Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Denver, Colorado, 2005.
8. Equilibrium and Stability of Oblate Free-Boundary
FRCs in MRX, Innovative Confinement Concepts Conference, Austin, Texas,
9. Stability of Oblate Free-Boundary FRCs in MRX, US/Japan
Workshop on Compact Torus Plasmas, Swarthmore College, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, 2007.
10. Ohmic Sustainment of Free
Boundary Compact Toroids in MRX, Innovative Confinement Concepts Workshop,
College Park, Maryland, 2007
11. Studies
of Resonant and Non-Resonant 3-D Fields in NSTX,
Invited talk at 14th Workshop
on Active Control of MHD Stability, Active MHD Control in ITER, Princeton, NJ,
12. Development of High‐ Elongation, High‐ Beta Discharges
for Steady State Spherical Torus Applications, 37th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma
Physics, Dublin, Ireland, 2010.
13. Tools
For Developing Advanced Spherical Tokamak Plasmas in NSTX, Innovative
Confinement Concepts 2010, Princeton, NJ, 2010.
14. Developing the Core
Physics Scenarios For Next Step STs, Invited talk at 53rd Annual Meeting of
the APS DPP, Salt Lake City, UT, 2011.
15. Disruption Precursors and
Detection in NSTX, US BPO Disruption Mitigation Workshop, San Diego, CA, 2012.
16. Disruptions
in the High-b Spherical Torus NSTX,
Invited talk at the 24th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, San Diego, USA, 2012.
17. Disruption
Detection and Halo Currents in NSTX, Invited talk at 17th MHD
Mode Control Workshop, New York, New York, 2012.
Seminars presented at U. of
Wisconsin, U. of Maryland, Columbia University, PPPL, and MIT. Presentations at
various ITPA meetings.
Presentations to the NSTX Physics
Advisory Committee in 2009-2013, NSTX 5-Year Plan Review Committee in 2013.
Conference Proceedings (all with
associated poster or oral presentation)
1. F.S.B. Anderson, D.T. Anderson, A.F. Almagri, J. Chen, S.P. Gerhardt, V. Sakaguchi, J. Shafii,
and J.N. Talmadge, HSX Final Alignment, Assembly, and Initial Operation,
12th International Stellarator Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, 1999.
2. D.T.
Anderson, A.F. Almagri, F.S.B. Anderson, J. Chen, S.P. Gerhardt, V. Sakaguchi, J. Shafii, and J.N. Talmadge, Initial
Experimental Program Plans for HSX, 12th International
Stellarator Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, 1999.
3. S.P. Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, D.T. Anderson, and S.A. Dettrick, Monte Carlo Diffusion Calculations and Plans for Electric Field Studies
in HSX, 12th International Stellarator Conference, Madison,
Wisconsin, 1999.
4. S.P. Gerhardt, A. F. Almagri, D.T.
Anderson, and J.N. Talmadge, Initial Results from Biased Electrode
Experiments in HSX, Proceedings of the 13th International
Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, 2002.
5. J.W.
Radder, D.T. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt,
A.F. Almagri, F.S.B. Anderson, J.N. Talmadge, D.L. Brower, and C. Deng, The
Effects of Symmetry Breaking on Plasma Formation in the Helically Symmetric
Experiment, Proceedings of the 13th International
Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, 2002.
6. J.N.
Talmadge, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B Anderson, A.F. Almagri, C. Lechte, S.P. Gerhardt, and J. Radder, Transport
in HSX ECH Plasmas at .5T, Proceedings of the 13th International
Stellarator Workshop, Canberra, Australia, 2002.
7. S. P. Gerhardt, A. Abdou, A. Almagri,
D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, D. Brower, J. Canik, C. Deng, W. Guttenfelder,
K. Likin, S. Oh, J. Tabora, V. Sakaguchi, J. Scmitt, J.N. Talmadge, and K.
Zhai, Experimental Evidence of Improved Confinement with Quasisymmetry in
HSX, Proceedings of the 19th
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research
(Lyon, 2002), IAEA.
8. K.M.
Likin, J.N. Talmadge, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, C. Deng, S.P. Gerhardt, and K. Zhai, Absorption
of X-Wave at the Second Harmonic in HSX, 15th
Topical Conference on Radio Frequency Power in Plasmas, Moran, 2003.
9. S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, J. Canik,
and W. Guttenfelder, Measurements and Modeling of Bias Induced Flows in the
HSX Stellarator, Proceedings of the 14th International
Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald, Germany, 2003.
10. J.
Canik, D.T. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt,
and J.N. Talmadge, Neutral Density Measurements in HSX, Proceedings of
the 14th International Stellarator Workshop, Greifswald,
Germany, 2003.
11. J.N.
Talmadge, K.M. Likin, A. Abdou, A. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, J.
Canik, C. Deng, S.P. Gerhardt, and
K. Zhai, Electron Cyclotron Heating in Various Configurations of HSX,
Proceedings of the 14th International Stellarator
Workshop, Greifswald, Germany, 2003.
12. S. P. Gerhardt, A.F. Almagri, D.T.
Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, D. Brower, J.M. Canik, C. Deng, W. Gettenfelder,
K.M. Likin, V. Sakaguchi, J.N. Talmadge, K. Zhai, Measurement ad Modeling of Electrode Biased Discharges in the HSX
Stellarator, Proceedings of the 20th
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research
(Vilamoura, Portugal, 2004), IAEA.
13. J.N. Talmadge, J. Schmitt, S.P. Gerhardt, and D.T. Anderson, Quasisymmetry-Breaking and Increased Parallel Viscous
Damping near Magnetic Islands in HSX, Proceedings of the 15th
International Stellarator Workshop, Madrid, Spain, 2005
14. S. P. Gerhardt, M. Inomoto, E.V.
Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji, and Y. Ren, Studies
of Free Boundary Field-Reversed Configurations with Improved Stability in the
Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, Proceedings
of the 21st International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research, Paper IC/P7-13 (Chengdu, China, 2006), IAEA.
15. E.
Belova, R.C. Davidson, H. Ji, M. Yamada, and S. P. Gerhardt, Effects of
Energetic Beam Ions on Stability Properties of Field Reversed Configurations,
Proceedings of the 21st
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
Paper TH/P3-17, (Chengdu, China, 2006), IAEA.
16. S.A.
Sabbagh, J.M. Bialek, R.E. Bell, J.W. Berkery, S.P. Gerhardt, O.N. Katsuro-Hopkins, J.E. Menard, R. Betti, D.A.
Gates, B. Hu, B.P. LeBlanc, F.M. Levinton, J. Manickam, K. Tritz, and H. Yuh, Advances in Global MHD Mode Stabilization
Research on NSTX, Proceedings of the 22nd International Conf. on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Paper EX/5-1, (Geneva,
Switzerland 2008), IAEA.
17. R. J.
Buttery, S.P. Gerhardt, A. Isayama,
R. J. La Haye, E. J. Strait, D. P. Brennan, P. Buratti, D. Chandra, S. Coda, J.
De Grassie, P. Gohil, M. Gryaznevich, D. F. Howell, G. Jackson, C. Holcomb, M.
Maraschek, A. Polevoi, H. Reimerdes, D. Raju, S. Sabbagh, S. Saarelma, M.
Schaffer, A. Sen, the DIII-D, JT-60 and NSTX teams and JET-EFDA contributors, Multimachine Extrapolation of Neoclassical Tearing
Mode Physics to ITER, Proceedings of the 22nd International
Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Paper IT/P6-8,
(Geneva, Switzerland, 2008), IAEA.
18. D. A.
Gates, et al, Overview of Results from
the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX),
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Paper OV/3-1, (Geneva, Switzerland, 2008),
19. R.
Kaita, H. Kugel, M.G. Bell, R.Bell, J. Boedo, C. Bush, R. Ellis, D. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, T. Gray, et al., Plasma Performance Improvement with
Lithium-Coated Plasma-Facing Components in NSTX, Proceedings
of the 22nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research, Paper EX/P4-9, (Geneva, Switzerland, 2008), IAEA.
20. R. Maingi, R. E.
Bell, M.G. Bell, D.A Gates, E.D. Fredrickson, S.P. Gerhardt, R. Kaita,
et al., Modification of edge plasma profiles in ELM-suppressed discharges
with lithium coatings in NSTX, Paper P-2.175, 36th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009.
21. L. Dalgado-Aparicio,
K. Tritz, M. Finkenthal, D. Stutman, S.A. Sabbagh, J. Berkery, J. Levesque, R.
Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc, et al. Multi-energy SXR
characterization of stabilized resistive wall modes in NSTX, Paper P-2.173,
36th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009.
22. S.P. Gerhardt, D.A. Gates, J.M. Canik,
M.G. Bell, R. Bell, S, Kaye, E. Kolemen, H. Kugel, B.P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi,
J.E. Menard, S.A. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, and H. Yuh Development of High-Elongation, High-Beta Discharges for Steady State
Spherical Torus Applications, paper O5.126, 37th EPS Conference on
Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, 2010.
23. J.M.
Canik, R. Maingi, A.C. Sontag, J.-W. Ahn, R.E. Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, H.W. Kugel, B.P.
LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, S.F. Paul, S.A. Sabbagh, V.A. Soukhanovskii, ELM Pacing with 3D Magnetic
Perturbations in NSTX,
paper P2-123, 37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin,
Ireland, 2010.
24. A.
Sontag, J. Canik, R. Maingi, J. Manickam, P. Snyder, R. Bell, S. Gerhardt, S. Kubota, B. LeBlanc, T.
Osborne, K. Tritz, Edge Stability of Small-ELM
Regimes in NSTX,
37th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P2-160, Dublin,
Ireland, 2010.
25. J.M. Canik, R. Maingi, A.C. Sontag, R.E. Bell, D.A.
Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, et al. Optimization of Density and Radiated Power
Evolution Control using Magnetic ELM Pace-making in NSTX,
Proceedings of the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Paper EXC/8-1, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
L. Delgado-Aparicio, K. Tritz, D. Stutman, W. Solomon, S. Kaye, E. Fredrickson,
S. Gerhardt, F. Volpe, et al., Dependence of
Particle Transport on Collisionality, Rotation and MHD in NSTX, Paper EXC/P4-04, Proceedings of the 23nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
R. Maingi, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, J.M. Canik, E. Fredrickson, S.P. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, et al., Modification of Edge Profiles, Edge
Transport, and ELM Stability with Lithium in NSTX, Paper EXD/2-2, Proceedings of the 23nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
E. Kolemen, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt,
R. Kaita, et al. Plasma Modeling Results,
Control Improvement for NSTX and Applications to ITER, Paper EXD/P3-18, Proceedings of the 23nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
A. Sontag, J.M. Canik, R. Maingi, J. Manickam, P. Snyder, R.E. Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, F. Kelly, et al., Pedestal Characterization and Stability of
Small-ELM Regimes in NSTX, Paper EXD/P3-31, Proceedings of the 23nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
V.A. Soukhanovskii, J.W. Ahn, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, et al., Synergy between the Innovative ÒSnowflakeÓ
Divertor Configuration and Lithium Plasma-Facing Component Coatings in NSTX, Paper
EXD/P3-32, Proceedings of the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma
Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
S.A. Sabbagh, J.W. Berkery, J.M. Bialek, R.E. Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, et al., Resistive
Wall Mode Stabilization and Plasma Rotation Damping Considerations for
Maintaining High Beta Plasma Discharges in NSTX, Paper EXS/5-5 Proceedings
of the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
S.P. Gerhardt, D.A. Gates, M.G.
Bell, J.M. Canik, R.E. Bell, et al., Performance
of Discharges with High Elongation and Beta in NSTX and Near Term Paths toward
Steady State, Paper EXS/P2-08, Proceedings of the 23nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
R.J. Buttery, S.P. Gerhardt, R.J. La
Haye, et al., The Impact of 3D Fields on
Tearing Mode Stability of H-Modes, Paper EXS/P5-03, Proceedings of
the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
J.-K. Park, J.E. Menard, S.P. Gerhardt,
M.J. Schaffer, et al. Robust Correction
of 3D Error Fields in Tokamaks including ITER, Paper EXS/P5-12,
Proceedings of the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
E.D. Fredrickson, N. Gorelenkov, E. Belova, N. Crocker, S. Kubota, M Podesta`,
S.P. Gerhardt, et al., Observation of Global Alfven Eigenmode
Avalanche-like Events on the National Spherical Torus Experiment, Paper
EXW/P7-06, Proceedings of the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma
Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
J. Breslau, M.S. Chance, J. Chen, G. Fu, S.P.
Gerhardt, N. Gorelenkov, S.C. Jardin, and J. Manickam, Onset and Saturation of a Non-Resonant Internal Mode in NSTX and
Implications for AT Modes in ITER, Paper THS/P2-03, Proceedings of
the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear
Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
I. Bandyopadhyay, S.P. Gerhardt,
S.C. Jardin, R.O. Sayer, Y. Nakamura, S. Miyamoto, G. Pautasso, M. Sugihara,
and ASDEX Upgrade and NSTX Teams, TSC
Modelling of Major Disruption and VDE Events in NSTX and ASDEX- Upgrade and
Predictions for ITER, Paper ITR/P1-16, Proceedings of the 23nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
J.C. Wesley, P.C. De Vries, N.W. Eidietis, S.M. Flanagan, S.P Gerhardt, et al, Disruption,
Halo Current and Rapid Shutdown Database Activities for ITER, Paper
ITR/P1-26, Proceedings of the 23nd International Conf. on Plasma
Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (Daejon, Korea, 2010), IAEA.
Battaglia, C.-S. Chang, S.M. Kaye, S. Ku, R. Maingi, J.-W. Ahn, R.E. Bell, A.
Diallo, S. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc,
J. Menard, V. Soukhanovskii, Dependence of the LH
power threshold on the X-point radius, 38th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P1.118, Strasbourg,
France, 2011.
E. D. Fredrickson, N. A. Crocker, D.
Darrow, N. N. Gorelenkov, S. Kubota, M. Podesta, A. Bortolon, S. Gerhardt, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, B.
LeBlanc, F. M. Levinton, H. Yuh, Internal Amplitude
Measurements of CAE and GAE, 38th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P2.119, Strasbourg, France, 2011.
J.W. Berkery, S.A. Sabbagh, R. Betti, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S.P. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc, J.
Manickam, and M. Podesta, Resistive wall
mode kinetic stability advancements for refined comparison with experiments, 38th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P1.078, Strasbourg, France, 2011.
42. R.J. La Haye, R.J. Buttery, S.P. Gerhardt, S.A. Sabbagh, and D.P.
Brennan, Aspect Ratio Effects on
Neoclassical Tearing Modes from Comparison Between DIII-D and NSTX, 38th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P2.088, Strasbourg, France, 2011.
43. S.A. Sabbagh, J.W. Berkery,
J.M. Bialek, S.P. Gerhardt, O.
Katsuro-Hopkins, Y.S. Park, R.E. Bell, R. Betti, A. Diallo, D.A. Gates, B.P.
LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, M. Podesta, K. Tritz, H. Yuh, Advances in resistive
wall mode stabilization to maintain high beta, low internal inductance plasmas
in NSTX, 38th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P5.104, Strasbourg, France, 2011.
44. V.
A. Soukhanovskii, J.-W. Ahn, D. Battaglia, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, et al., The snowflake divertor: a game-changer for
magnetic fusion devices?, 38th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P3.109, Strasbourg, France, 2011.
45. D.
Mueller, E. Kolemen, N. Eidietis, S.
Gerhardt, S.H. Hahn, J. Kim, Y.S. Park, S.A. Sabbagh, M.L. Walker and
S.W. Yoon, Performance
of and future improvements to plasma control in KSTAR, 39th
EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
46. V. A.
Soukhanovskii, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, S.
Gerhardt, et al., Divertor
heat flux mitigation with impurity-seeded standard and snowflake divertors in
NSTX, 39th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics,
Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
47. F.
Scotti, V.A.Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, W. Guttenfelder, S. Kaye, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, B.P. Leblanc and
the NSTX Team, Study
of Intrinsic Impurities Core Transport in the National Spherical Torus
Experiment, 39th
EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
48. R.
Raman, T.R. Jarboe, B.A. Nelson, D. Mueller, S.C. Jardin, C.E. Kessel, D.P.
Stotler, T. Abrams, M.G. Bell, S.P.
Gerhardt, S.M. Kaye, B.P. LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, M. Ono, E.B. Hooper, V.A.
Soukhanovskii, and the NSTX Research Team, Progress on CHI Plasma Start-up and MGI
Experiments on NSTX, 39th EPS Conference on Plasma
Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
49. E. T.
Meier, V. A. Soukhanovskii, R. E. Bell, S.
Gerhardt, R. Kaita, H. W. Kugel, B. P. LeBlanc, S. F. Paul, T. D. Rognlien,
F. Scotti, M. V. Umansky, Modeling
core impurity reduction via divertor gas injection in NSTX, 39th
EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
50. S. P. Gerhardt, R. Bell, M. Bell, J. Berkery, A. Boozer, E.
Fredrickson, E. Kolemen, B. P. LeBlanc, R. Maingi, J. Manickam, A. McLean, J.
Menard, D. Mueller, R. Raman, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, and H. Yuh, Disruptions in the High-b Spherical
Torus NSTX, Paper EX/9-3, Proceedings of the 24nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
51. S. M. Kaye, S. Gerhardt, R. E. Bell, A. Diallo, W.
Guttenfelder, B. P. LeBlanc, and R. Maingi, The Dependence of H-mode Energy Confinement and
Transport on Collisionality in NSTX, Paper EX/7-1,
Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled
Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
52. R. Maingi, D. P. Boyle,
J. Canik, S. Kaye, T. Osborne, C. Skinner, M. Bell, R. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, et al., The Nearly Continuous Improvement of Discharge Characteristics and Edge Stability with Increasing
Lithium Coatings in NSTX, Paper EX/11-2, Proceedings of the 24nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
53. R. Raman, D. Mueller, S.
Jardin, T. Jarboe, B. Nelson, M. Bell, S.
Gerhardt, E. Hooper, S. Kaye, C. Kessel, J. Menard, M. Ono, and V.
Soukhanovskii, Non-inductive
Plasma Start-up in NSTX Using Transient CHI, paper EX/P2-10,
Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
54. F. Scotti, V. A.
Soukhanovskii, S. Kaye, S. Gerhardt,
R. Andre, W. Guttenfelder, R. E. Bell, B. P. LeBlanc, and R. Kaita, Study of Carbon and Lithium Neoclassical Impurity
Transport in ELM-Free H-Mode Discharges in NSTX, Paper
EX/P3-34, Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012),
55. E. Kolemen, M. Walker,
D. Gates, D. Mueller, A. S. Welander, J. Menard, D. Humphreys, and S. Gerhardt, Vertical Stability of NSTX
and NSTX-U, Paper EX/P4-28,
Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
56. V. Soukhanovskii, R. E.
Bell, S. P. Gerhardt, S. Kaye, E.
Kolemen, B. P. LeBlanc, E. Meier, J. E. Menard, A. G. McLean, S. F. Paul, T. D.
Rognlien, D. D. Ryutov, F. Scotti, M. V. Umansky, D. Battaglia, A. Diallo, R.
Kaita, R. Maingi, D. Mueller, M. Podesta, R. Raman, and A. L. Roquemore, Snowflake Divertor as Plasma-Material
Interface for Future High Power Density Fusion Devices, Paper
EX/P5-21, Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012),
57. D. Battaglia, C. S.
Chang, S. Kaye, S. H. Ku, R. Maingi, R. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, B. LeBlanc, and J. Menard, Dependence of the L-H Power Threshold on
X-point Geometry, Paper EX/P5-28,
Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
58. M. Jaworski, T. Abrams,
J. P. Allain, M. Bell, R. Bell, A. Diallo, T. Gray, S. Gerhardt, et al., Liquid Lithium Divertor Characteristics and Plasma-Material
Interactions in NSTX High-Performance Plasmas, Paper EX/P5-31,
Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
59. R. Perkins, J. W. Ahn,
R. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, T.
Gray, D. Green, E. F. Jaeger, J. Hosea, M. Jaworski, B. LeBlanc, G. Kramer, A.
McLean, R. Maingi, C. Phillips, P. Ryan, S. Sabbagh, G. Taylor, J. Wilson, and
L. Roquemore, Fast Wave Power Flow
along SOL Field Lines in NSTX, Paper EX/P5-40, Proceedings of the 24nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
60. E. Fredrickson, D.
Darrow, N. Gorelenkov, G. Kramer, M. Podesta, S. Gerhardt, et al., Fast-ion Energy Loss during TAE Avalanches in the National Spherical
Torus Experiment, Paper Ex/P6-05, Proceedings of the 24nd
International Conf. on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research,
(San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
61. J. Berkery, S. Sabbagh,
R. Bell, R. Betti, J. Bialek, A. Diallo, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, O. Katsuro-Hopkins, B. LeBlanc, J. Manickam, J.
Menard, Y. S. Park, M. Podesta, and H. Yuh, Global Mode Control and Stabilization for
Disruption Avoidance
in High-b NSTX Plasmas, Paper EX/P8-07,
Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on Plasma Physics and
Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012), IAEA.
62. J. Menard, T. Brown, J.
Canik, J. Chrzanowski, L. Dudek, L. El-Guebaly, S. Gerhardt, et al., Progress on Developing the Spherical Tokamak for Fusion Applications, Paper
FTP/3-4, Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012),
63. M. Ono, M. Bell, M.
Jaworski, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, J. W. Ahn, R. Bell, J. P. Allain, J. Canik, S.
Ding, S. Gerhardt, et al., Recent Progress in the NSTX/NSTX-U Lithium Program
and Prospects for Reactor-relevant Liquid-lithium Based Divertor Development, Paper
FTP/P1-14, Proceedings of the 24nd International Conf. on
Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, (San Diego, USA, 2012),
Conference Poster
Presentations (incomplete):
1. D.T. Anderson, A.F. Almagri, F.S.B
Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, P.H.
Probert, V. Sakaguchi, J. Shafi, J.L. Shohet, J.N. Talmadge, and S. Kitajima, Overview
of the Initial HSX Experimental Program, APS-DPP, New Orleans, 1998.
2. F.S.B. Anderson, D.T. Anderson, A. F.
Almagri, S.P. Gerhardt, P.H.
Probert, V. Sakaguchi, J. Shafi, J.L. Shohet, J. N. Talmadge, and S. Kitajima, Fabrication
and Initial Operation of the Helically Symmetric Experiment, APS-DPP, New
Orleans, 1998.
3. S. P.
Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, and J.L. Shohet, The Magnetic
Field Structure outside the Separatrix in HSX, APS-DPP, New Orleans, 1998.
4. J.L. Shohet, G. Han, S.P. Gerhardt, T. Budimulia, and A.F. Almagri, Quantum
Mechanical Non-Relativistic Spectra of Free-Free Bremsstrahlung from HSX,
APS-DPP, New Orleans, 1998.
5. D.T. Anderson, A.F. Almagri, F.S.B.
Anderson, J. Chen, S.P. Gerhardt, V.
Sakaguchi, J. Shafi, and J.N. Talmadge, First Plasma Results and Initial
Experimental Plan for HSX, APS-DPP, Seattle, 1999.
6. J.N. Talmadge, A. Almagri, D.T. Anderson,
F.S.B Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, V.
Sakaguchi, J Shafi, R. J. Vernon, T.S. Bigelow, and K.M. Likin, Electron
Cyclotron Heating at .5 T in HSX, APS-DPP, Seattle, 1999.
7. S.P.
Gerhardt and J.N. Talmadge, Diffusion Coefficient and
Electric Field Studies for HSX using Monte Carlo Methods, APS-DPP, Seattle,
8. B.E. Chapman, J.K. Anderson, T.M. Biewer,
S. Castillo, P.K. Chattopadhyay, C.S. Chiang, D.J. Craig, G. Fiksel, P.W.
Fontanna, C.B. Forest, S.P. Gerhardt,
A.K. Hansen, D.J. Den Hartog, D. Holly, N.E. Lanier, S.C. Prager, J.S. Sarff,
D.L. Brower, and Y. Jiang, Reduced Edge Instability and Improved Confinement
in the MST RFP, APS-DPP, Seattle, 1999.
9. S.R. Castillo, J.K. Anderson, T.M.
Biewer, B.E. Chapman, C.B. Forest, S. P.
Gerhardt, D.J. Den Hartog, and N.E. Lanier, Measurement of the Zeff
Profile in MST, APS-DPP, Seattle, 1999.
10. B.E. Chapman, J.K. Anderson,
T.M. Biewer, S. Castillo, P.K. Chattopadhyay, C.S. Chaing, D.J. Craig, N.A.
Crocker, G Fiksel, P. W. Fontana, C.B. Forest, S.P. Gerhardt, A. K. Hansen, D.J. Den Hartog, D. Holly, N.E.
Lanier, S.C. Prager, J. C. Reardon, J.S. Sarff, D.L. Brower, and Y. Jiang, Modifications
to confinement and the current profile with auxiliary current drive in the MST
RFP, APS-DPP, Quebec City, 2000.
11. D.T. Anderson, A.F. Almagri,
F.S.B. Anderson, L. Feldner, S.P.
Gerhardt, B. Harper, J.W. Radder, V. Sakaguchi, J. Shafii, J.N. Talmadge,
R.J. Vernon, K Zhai, D. L. Brower, and C. Deng, ECH Operation of HSX at
B=.5T, APS-DPP, Quebec City, 2000.
12. S. P.
Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, Spectroscopic Diagnostics on
the HSX Stellarator, APS-DPP, Quebec City, 2000.
13. J.W. Radder, D.T. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, A.F. Almagri, F.S.B.
Anderson, J.N. Talmadge, D.L. Brower, and C. Deng, The Effects of Symmetry
Breaking on Plasma Formation in the Helically Symmetric Experiment, APS-DPP, Long Beach, 2001.
14. A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson,
C. Deng, S.P. Gerhardt, and J.N.
Talmadge, Effects of Symmetry on Energy Content and Soft X-ray Profiles in
the Helically Symmetric Experiment, APS-DPP,
Long Beach, 2001.
15. S.P. Gerhardt,
A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, and J.N. Talmadge Initial
Results from Biased Electrode Experiments in HSX, APS-DPP, Long Beach, 2001.
16. C. Deng, D.L. Brower, W.X.
Ding, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, P. Probert, J. Radder, and J.N. Talmadge, Measurements
of Electron Density Profile and Fluctuations in HSX, APS-DPP, Long Beach, 2001.
17. S.P. Gerhardt, A.F. Almagri, D.T.
Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, and J.N. Talmadge, Measurements of Plasma Flow in
the HSX Stellarator using Mach Probes and UV Spectroscopy, 14th
Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, 2002.
J. Canik, D.T. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt,
and J.N. Talmadge, Measurements of Neutral Density and Fueling through Ha Emission in HSX, 14th
Topical Conference on High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Madison, 2002.
19. S.P. Gerhardt,
A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, J. Canik, and J.N. Talmadge, Plasma
Flow Studies in the HSX Stellarator, APS-DPP,
Orlando, 2002.
20. J.M. Canik, D.T. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, and J.N. Talmadge, Evidence
of Reduced Direct Losses in HSX, APS-DPP,
Orlando, 2002.
21. W.A. Guttenfelder, D.T.
Anderson, J. Canik, S.P. Gerhardt,
and J.N. Talmadge, Initial Turbulence Probe Measurements in HSX, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2002.
22. C. Deng, D.L. Brower, J.M.
Canik, S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson,
and F.S.B. Anderson, Electron Density Distribution in HSX, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2002.
23. A.F. Almagri, A.E. Abdou,
D.T. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, and
J.N. Talmadge, Soft X-ray Measurements in HSX the Helically Symmetric
Stellarator, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2002.
24. A. Abdou, A.F. Almagri, D.T.
Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, J.N.
Talmadge, and R. O'Connell, Hard X-ray Diagnostics in the HSX, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2002.
25. K.M. Likin, J.N. Talmadge,
D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, A.F. Almagri, S.P. Gerhardt, J.M. Canik, and C. Domier, ECE Diagnostic on the
HSX Stellarator, APS-DPP, Orlando,
26. S.P.
Gerhardt, A. Abdou, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B.
Anderson, D. Brower, J. Canik, C. Deng, W.A. Guttenfelder, K. Likin, P.H.
Probert, S. Oh, J. Tabora, V. Sakaguchi, J. Schmitt, J.N. Talmadge, and K.
Zhai, Comparisons of ECH Plasmas with and without Symmetry in the Helically
Symmetric Experiment, Workshop on Innovative Confinement Concepts, Seattle,
F.S.B. Anderson, A. Abdou, A. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, J. Canik, S.P. Gerhardt, W. Guttenfelder, K.M.
Likin, S. Oh, J. Radder, V. Sakaguchi, J. Schmitt, J. Tabora, J.N. Talmadge, K.
Zhai, D. Brower, and C. Deng, Experimental Plan and Recent Results from HSX,
APS-DPP, Albuquerque, 2003.
28. K.M. Likin, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B.
Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, J.N.
Talmadge, K. Zhai, and C. Deng, Electron Cyclotron Heating at B=0.5T in HSX,
APS-DPP, Albuquerque, 2003.
29. S.P.
Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, J. Canik, W.A. Guttenfelder, J.N. Talmadge, and C.
Deng, Characteristics of Electrode Biased Discharges in HSX, APS-DPP,
Albuquerque, 2003.
30. J. Canik, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, C. Deng,
and L. Owen, Neutral Density Modeling and Measurements in HSX, APS-DPP,
Albuquerque, 2003.
31. W. A. Guttenfelder, D.T. Anderson, J. Canik, S.P. Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, and C.
Lechte, Characteristics of Edge Turbulence in HSX, APS-DPP,
Albuquerque, 2003.
32. C. Deng, D. L. Brower, J. Canik, S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, and
F.S.B. Anderson, Particle Transport and Density Fluctuations in HSX,
APS-DPP, Albuquerque, 2003.
33. S.P.
Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, J.M. Canik, and the HSX Team, Measurements and
Modeling of Plasma Flow Damping in the HSX Stellarator, Workshop
on Innovative Confinement Concepts, Madison, 2004.
34. Y. Ren, S.P.
Gerhardt, H. Ji, R. Kulsrud, and M. Yamada, Study of the Fine Structures and Fluctuations in the Current Sheet in
MRX, APS-DPP, Savannah, 2004.
35. A.J. Carver, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, A. Kuritsyn, and Y. Ren,
Study of Boundary Effects on the
Reconnection Rate in MRX, APS-DPP, Savannah, 2004.
36. M. Yamada, H. Ji, R. Kulsrud, S.P. Gerhardt, A. Kuritsyn, Y. Ren, and
Y. Wang, Study of Global and Local
Physics of Magnetic Reconnection on MRX, APS-DPP, Savannah, 2004.
37. A. Kuritsyn, S.P. Gerhardt, H. Ji, Y. Ren, and M. Yamada, Study of the Ion Dynamics in the MRX Current Sheet, APS-DPP,
Savannah, 2004.
38. S.P.
Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, E. Belova, D. Mikkelsen, S. Zweben, R.C.
Davidson, and R. Kaita, FRC Studies via
Spheromak Merging in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, APS-DPP,
Savannah, 2004.
39. J.N. Talmadge, A. Abdou, A.F. Almagri, D.T.
Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, D.L. Brower, J.M. Canik, C. Deng, S.P. Gerhardt, W. Guttenfelder, C.H.
Lechte, K.M. Likin, J. Lu, S. Oh, J. Radder, V. Sakaguchi, J. Schmitt, and Z.
Zhai, Overview of the HSX Experimental
Program, APS-DPP, Savannah, 2004.
40. J.M. Canik, D.T. Anderson, C. Deng, S.P. Gerhardt, J.N. Talmadge, and K.
Zhai, Neoclassical Transport in HSX,
APS-DPP, Savannah, 2004.
41. C. Deng, D. Brower, D. Spong, A.
Abdou, A.F. Almagri, D.T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, K.M. Likin, S. Oh, V. Sakaguchi, J.N. Talmadge,
and K. Zhai, Evidence for Alfvenic
Fluctuations in the Quasi-Helically Symmetric HSX Plasmas, APS-DPP,
Savannah, 2004.
42. J. Schmitt, S.P. Gerhardt, D.T. Anderson, and J.N. Talmadge, Calculation of Neoclassical Viscous Damping
Due to Magnetic Islands in the HSX Stellarator, APS-DPP, Savannah, 2004.
43. D.L. Brower, C. Deng, D.A. Spong, A. Abdou,
A.F. Almagri, D. T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, W. Guttenfelder, K. Likin, S. Oh, V. Sakaguchi, J.N.
Talmadge, and K. Zhai, Observation of
Fast-Electron-Driven Alfenic Modes in the HSX Stellarator, EPS, 2005.
44. D.L. Brower, C. Deng, D.A. Spong, A. Abdou,
A.F. Almagri, D. T. Anderson, F.S.B. Anderson, S.P. Gerhardt, W. Guttenfelder, K. Likin, S. Oh, V. Sakaguchi, J.N.
Talmadge, and K. Zhai, Observation of
Fast-Electron-Driven Alfvenic Modes in the HSX Stellarator, Transport Task
Force, 2005.
42. S.P.
Gerhardt, M. Inomoto, M. Yamada, H. Ji, A. J. Carver, A. Kuritsyn, B.
McGeehan, and Y. Ren, Stability Studies
of Compact Toroid Plasmas in MRX, APS-DPP, Denver, 2005.
43. J. Schmitt, J.N. Talmadge, D.T. Anderson, and S.P. Gerhardt, Increased Parallel Viscous Damping Near Magnetic Islands in HSX,
APS-DPP, Denver, 2005.
44. S.P.
Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, and M. Inomoto, Equilibrium Reconstruction Techniques Applied to compact Toroid
Plasmas in MRX, APS-DPP, Denver, 2005.
45. M. Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Inomoto, R. Kulsrud, A. Kuritsyn, and Y. Ren, Study of Two-fluid Effects during Magnetic
Reconnection in a Laboratory Experiment, APS-DPP, Denver, 2005.
46. M. Inomoto, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, B. McGeehan, A. Kuritsyn, Y. Ren,
and E. Belova, Reconnection and Ion
Acceleration Processes during Counter Helicity Merging of Spheromaks in the MRX,
APS-DPP, Denver, 2005.
47. E.V. Belova, R.C. Davidson, H. Ji, M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt, and M. Inomoto, Three-Dimensional Hall-MHD Simulation of
Counter-Helicity Spheromak Merging and FRC Formation, APS-DPP, Denver,
48. Y. Ren, M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt, H. Ji, R. Kulsrud, A. Kuritsyn, and M. Inomoto, Experimental Studies of the Hall Effect
and Fluctuation in MRX, APS-DPP, Denver, 2005
49. A.J. Carver, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, A. Kuritsyn, Y. Ren, and
M. Inomoto, Spectroscopic Studies of
Merging Spheromak Plasmas in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, APS-DPP,
Denver, 2005.
50. H. Ji, M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt, E. Belova, M. Inomoto, and Y. Ono, Recent Advances in the SPIRIT Concept,
ICC 2006, Austin, Texas.
51. H. Ji, A. Kuritsyn, M. Yamada, S.P. Gerhardt, and Y. Ren, Effects of Global Boundary and Local
Collisionality on Magnetic Reconnection in MRX, APS-DPP, Philadelphia,
52. M. Yamada, Y. Ren, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Inomoto, R. Kulsrud, S. Dorfman, and Y. Wang, Experimental Study of Two-fluid Effects on
Magnetic Reconnection, APS-DPP, Philadelphia, 2006.
53. Y. Ren, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, A. Kuritsyn, R. Kulsrud, and H. Torreblanca, The Hall Effect and Magnetic Fluctuations
during Fast Reconnection in MRX, APS-DPP, Philadelphia, 2006.
54. S. Dorfman, H. Jim M. Yamada, Y. Ren, and S.P. Gerhardt, Active Perturbation of the Reconnecting Current Sheet in MRX,
APS-DPP, Philadelphia, 2006.
55. H. Torreblanca, S.P. Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, and Y. Ren, Mach Probe Measurements in the Context of the Hall Effect in MRX,
APS-DPP, Philadelphia, 2006.
56. E.V. Belova, R.C. Davidson, S.P. Gerhardt, and C. Cothran, Two-fluid Simulations of Counter-Helicity
Spheromak Merging and Oblate FRC stability in MRX and SSX Experiments,
APS-DPP, Philadelphia, 2006.
57. S.P.
Gerhardt, M. Inomoto, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji, Y. Ren, S. Dorfan, E.
Martin, Studies of Equilibrium and
Stability of Oblate FRCs in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, APS-DPP,
Philadelphia, 2006.
58. E. Martin, S.P.
Gerhardt, M. Yamada, H. Ji, T. Ren S. Dorfman, and H. Toreblanca, Plans and Progress of Electrode Biased
Plasmas in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment, APS-DPP, Philadelphia,
59. S. P.
Gerhardt, E.V. Belova, M. Yamada, H. Ji, Y. Ren, B. McGeehan, C. Jacobson,
and M. Inomoto, Studies of Inductively Sustained
Compact Toroids in MRX, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2007.
60. M. Yamada, Y. Ren, H. Ji, S.P Gerhardt, B. McGeehan, C. Jacobson, J. Baumgaertel, R. Kulsrud,
and S. Dorfman, Identification of a
Two-scale Diffusion Layer During Magnetic Reconnection in a Laboratory Plasma,
APS-DPP, Orlando, 2007.
61. B. McGeehan, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, C. Jacobson, J.
Baumgaertel, and S. Dorfman, Investigation
of the 3-D profile of the reconnection layer with and without a guide field,
APS-DPP, Orlando, 2007.
62. C. Jacobson, M. Yamada, H. Ji, S.P. Gerhardt, B. McGeehan, Study of the Effects of Guide Field on
Reconnection in MRX, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2007.
63. J.A. Baumgaertel, S. Dorfman, B. McGeehan S.P. Gerhardt, H. Ji, and M. Yamada, Active Perturbations in the Outflow Region
of the MRX Current Sheet, APS-DPP, Orlando, 2007.
64. D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, H. Kugel, J.E. Menard, and S.A. Sabbagh, Advanced Scenario Development on NSTX,
APS-DPP, Dallas, 2008.
65. J. Canik, R. Maingi, T. Evans, T. Osborne, S.P. Gerhardt, J.K. Park, S. Sabbagh,
Z. Unterberg, ELM Destabilization by
Magnetic Perturbations at NSTX, APS-DPP, Dallas, 2008.
66. S.A. Sabbagh, J.W. Berkery, J.M. Bialek, R.E.
Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, B.
LeBlanc, J. Manickam, J.E. Menard, R. Betti, and B. Hu, Global Mode Stability and Active Control in NSTX, APS-DPP, Dallas,
67. R.W. Hawryluk, S.A. Sabbagh, R. Maingi, J.
Bialek, J.M. Canik, S.P. Gerhardt,
J.E. Menard, and J.-K. Park, NSTX EML and
RWM Control Experiments and Modeling for ITER, APS-DPP, 2008.
68. H.W. Kugel, D. Mansfield, M.G. Bell, R. Bell,
D. Gates, S.P. Gerhardt, R. Kaita,
J. Kallman, S. Kaye. B. LeBlanc, R. Majeski, D. Mueller, S. Paul, L. Roquemore, P.W. Ross, H. Schneider,
H. Skinner, J. Timberlake, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, W.R. Wampler, R.
Maingi, R. Wilgen, J.P. Allain, R. Raman,
NSTX Experiments with Lithium
Plasma-Facing Components -- Recent Results and Future Plans,
APS-DPP, Dallas, 2008.
69. P.
W. Ross, R.E. Bell, D.A. Gates, S.P.
Gerhardt, S.M. Kaye, B.P. LeBlanc, S.S. Medley, R.B. White, M. Podesta, Ion Power Balance in NSTX, APS-DPP,
Dallas, 2008.
70. S.P.
Gerhardt, R.J. La Haye, E.J.
Strait, R.J. Buttery, D. Brennan, E. Fredrickson, D. Gates, M. Maraschek, J.E. Menard, S.A.
Sabbagh, Overview of Neoclassical Tearing
Mode Studies in NSTX, APS-DBB, Dallas, 2008.
71. J. Kallman, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, R. Ellis, S.P. Gerhardt, M.A. Jaworski, A.L.
Roquemore, and S. Zweben, Edge and
Scrape-off Layer Diagnostics for the NSTX Liquid Lithium Divertor, APS-DPP,
Dallas, 2008.
72. S. Paul, M.G. Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, H.W. Kugel, J. Kallman, R. Kaita, J.A. Robinson, Dependence of impurity accumulation on IP
and the outer gap in the presence of lithium deposition in NSTX, APS-DPP,
Atlanta, 2009.
73. J. Kallman, R. Kaita, H. Kugel, E. Kolemen,
M.A. Jaworski, J.W. Ahn, D. Gates, S.
Gerhardt, R. Maingi, J. Robinson, A.L. Roquemore, V. Soukhanovskii, Development of Operational Scenarios and
Edge Diagnostics for the NSTX Liquid Lithium Divertor, APS-DPP, Atlanta,
74. J.M. Canik, R. Maingi, A.C. Sontag, S.P. Gerhardt, S. Kaye, R.E. Bell, D.
Gates, R. Goldston, B.P. LeBlanc, J. Menard, J.-K. Park, T. Evans, T. Osborne, S. Sabbagh, E.A.
Unterberg, NSTX ELM Pacing and L-H
Threshold Experiments for ITER, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
75. Hiro Takahashi,
Eric Fredrickson, Josh Kallman, Stefan
Gerhardt, Robert Kaita, Dennis Mansfield, Stuart Zweben, Rajesh
, Study of
Thermo-electrically Driven Scrape-Off-Layer Current (SOLC) in NSTX Tokamak, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
76. S.C. Jardin, J.
Breslau, J. Chen, S. Gerhardt, N.
Ferraro, X. Luo, K. Jansen, M. Shephard, Initial
application of the M3D-C1 code to the study of non-ideal modes in
NSTX, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
77. M.G. Bell
H. Kugel
, D. Mansfield
, R. Kaita
, S. Gerhardt
, S. Paul
, R.E. Bell, R.
J. Canik, Plasma Response to
Lithium-Coated Plasma-Facing Components in NSTX, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
78. David Gates
, S.P. Gerhardt
, E. Kolemen, Advanced
Scenario and Plasma Control Development on NSTX, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
79. Luis F.
Delgado-Aparicio, K. Tritz, M. Finkenthal
D. Stutman
, S.A.
Sabbagh, J. Berkery, S. Gerhardt, R. Bell, B. LeBlanc, J.
Manickam, J. Menard, L. Roquemore, SXR measurements of
Resistive Wall Mode behavior in NSTX,
APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
80. Stefan Gerhardt, Jon Menard, Jong-Kyu
Park, Ron Bell, Dave Gates, Benoit LeBlanc, Steve Sabbagh, Howard Yuh, Error Field Physics and Correction at High Beta in NSTX, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
81. J.K. Lepson, P.
Beiersdorfer, M. Bitter, L. Roquemore, G. Zimmer, S. Gerhardt, J. Kallman, R. Kaita, Identification
and time evolution of impurities in NSTX plasmas, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
82. H.W. Kugel, M.
Viola, R. Ellis, M. Bell, S. Gerhardt,
R. Kaita, J. Kallman, R. Majeski,
D. Mansfield, A.L. Roquemore, H. Schneider, J. Timberlake, L. Zakharov, R.E.
Nygren,J.P. Allain, R. Maingi, V. Soukhanovskii, Status of
National Spherical Torus Experiment Liquid Lithium Divertor, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
83. Frederick Kelly,
Eric Fredrickson, Stefan Gerhardt,
Rajesh Maingi, Jon Menard, Steve Sabbagh, Hiro Takahashi, Investigation of ELM magnetic precursors in NSTX discharges with and
without lithium wall coatings,
APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
84. J. Kallman, R.
Kaita, H. Kugel, E. Kolemen, M.A. Jaworski, J.W. Ahn, D.
Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Maingi, J.
Robinson, A.L. Roquemore, V. Soukhanovskii, Development of
Operational Scenarios and Edge Diagnostics for the NSTX Liquid Lithium Divertor, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
85. Jong-Kyu Park,
Jonathan Menard, Stefan Gerhardt,
Allen Boozer, Steve Sabbagh, Michael Schaffer, Stephen Wolfe, Study of Error Field Physics in Tokamaks and Implications for ITER, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
86. Oksana
Katsuro-Hopkins, S.A. Sabbagh, J.M. Bialek, S.P. Gerhardt, Design of a
Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian controller for resistive wall mode stabilization in
NSTX, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
87. S.A. Sabbagh, J.W.
Berkery, J.M. Bialek, L. Delgado-Aparicio, K. Tritz, R.E. Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, B. LeBlanc, Search for Multiple Resistive Wall Modes at High Normalized Beta in NSTX, APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
88. R.J. Buttery, C.D.
Challis, R.J. La Haye, S.P. Gerhardt,
Sensitivity of Tearing Mode Beta Limits to Rotation
and Current Profile, APS-DPP, Atlanta,
89. A.C. Sontag, J.M.
Canik, R. Maingi, D.A. Gates, S.P.
Gerhardt, V.A. Soukhanovskii, Discharge Evolution
Control via 3D Field ELM Pacing in NSTX,
APS-DPP, Atlanta, 2009.
90. S.
, D. Gates
J. Menard
R. Bell
J. Canik
H. Kugel
E. Fredrickson
R. Maingi
S. Sabbagh
V. Soukhanovskii
K. Tritz
H. Yuh, Progress in the
Development of Advanced Spherical Torus, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010.
91. James Bialek, S.A.
Sabbagh, L. Delgado-Aparicio, S.P.
, Multi-mode RWM analysis
of NSTX high beta plasmas, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010.
92. H.W. Kugel
M.G. Bell
, R. Bell
, S. Gerhardt
, M.A. Jaworski,
J. Kallman
, B. Leblanc,
D. Mueller,
S. Paul
, A.L.
F. Scotti,
C.H. Skinner
, J.
, L.E. Zakharov
, J.P. Allain
, C.
B. Heim, R. Maingi
, R Nygren R. Raman
, S.
, V. Soukhanovskii
, Overview of
NSTX Liquid Lithium Divertor Performance and Divertor Upgrade Plans, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010.
93. R.J. La
, R.J. Buttery,
Gerhardt, S.A. Sabbagh, D.P. Brennan
, Comparison of Aspect Ratio Effects on Neoclassical Tearing Modes Between
DIII-D and NSTX, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010.
94. Stephen Jardin,
Robert Andre, Jin Chen, Stefan
Gerhardt, Christiane Ludescher, Doug McCune, Royce Sayer, Free Boundary Modeling of NSTX Plasmas, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
95. F. Scotti, VA.
Soukhanovskii, R.E. Bell, S. Gerhardt,
M. Jaworski, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, H.W. Kugel, B.P. Leblanc, R. Maqueda, S.F.
Paul, M. Podesta, A.L. Roquemore, D.J. Battaglia, R. Raman, Core impurity reduction using divertor D2 injection in
lithium-conditioned H-mode discharges in NSTX, APS
DPP, Chicago, 2010
96. R. Maingi, J.
Canik, R. Bell, S. Gerhardt, S.
Kaye, B. LeBlanc, T. Osborne, Triggered confinement and
pedestal temperature enhancement in NSTX H-mode discharges, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
97. H. Takahashi, E.
Fredrickson, S. Gerhardt, M.
Jaworski, R. Kaita, J. Kallman, D. Mansfield, S. Zweben, S. Sabbagh, R. Maingi,
I. Joseph, Response of Thermo-electrically Driven
Scrape-Off-Layer Current (SOLC) during ELMs to Discharge Manipulation in NSTX
Tokamak, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
98. J.A.
, M.S. Chance,
J. Chen
, G.-Y. Fu
, S. Gerhardt
, N.
, S.C. Jardin
, J. Manickam, Multiphysics Analysis of a Non-Resonant Internal Mode in NSTX, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
99. Egemen Kolemen,
D.A. Gates, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita,
J. Kallman, H. Kugel, D. Mueller, V. Soukhanovskii
, Results of the NSTX Control Experiments, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
100. M.G. Bell
S.P. Gerhardt
, D.
, N. Pomphrey, A.H. Boozer, Measuring Error
Fields in ITER Before Its First Plasma, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
101. A. Sontag
J. Canik
, R. Maingi, J. Manickam
, R. Bell
, S. Gerhardt
, B. LeBlanc, S. Kubota, T. Osborne
, P. Snyder, K.
Tritz, Edge Stability of Small-ELM Regimes in NSTX, APS DPP, Chicago, 2010
102. J.M.
, J.-W. Ahn
, R. Maingi, R.E. Bell
, A.
, S.P. Gerhardt
B.P. LeBlanc
, J.E. Menard
, J.-K. Park
, M. Podesta,
S.A. Sabbagh, Effect of 3-D magnetic
perturbations on pedestal structure and transport in NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
103. Janardhan
Manickam, Stefan Gerhardt, Allen
Boozer, Onset conditions for disruptions during VDEs, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
104. Hironori
Takahashi, Eric Fredrickson, Stefan
Gerhardt, Stewart Zweben, Amplifying and Transforming of
External Error Field by Scrape-Off-Layer Current (SOLC) in Tokamaks, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
105. Stanley Kaye, Stefan Gerhardt, Rajesh Maingi, Ron
Bell, Ahmed Diallo, Benoit LeBlanc, Effect of collisionality
on energy transport in NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
106. J. Bialek,
J.W. Berkery,
S.A. Sabbagh, R. Betti,
, A. Diallo
, S.P.
, B.P. LeBlanc
J. Manickam, M.
Podesta, Validation of RWM Kinetic Stability Model and
Physics Implications in NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
107. F. Scotti, .A.
Soukhanovskii, S. Kaye, R. Andre, S.
Gerhardt, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, B.P. Leblanc, M. Podesta, S.A. Sabbagh, .W.
Kugel, R. Kaita, M.G. Bell, Study of C and Li
neoclassical transport in NSTX Li-conditioned ELM-free H-mode discharges, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
108. S.S. Medley, G.J.
Kramer, R.E. Bell, E. Belova, E.D. Fredrickson, S.P. Gerhardt, B.P. LeBlanc, M. Podesta, Y. Ren
, A.L.
Roquemore, N.A. Crocker, Transient energetic
charge exchange flux enhancement observed in NSTX neutral-beam-heated H-mode
discharges, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
109. V.A.
Soukhanovskii, S.P. Gerhardt
R. Kaita
E. Kolemen
, H.W. Kugel
, J.E.
Menard, R. Maingi
A. McLean, Snowflake
divertor configuration studies for NSTX-Upgrade, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
110. R. Raman
T.R. Jarboe
, B.A. Nelson, D. Mueller
, S.P. Gerhardt,
H.W. Kugel,
G. Taylor, Progress on CHI and MGI Experiments on NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
111. H.W.
, M.G. Bell
, R. Bell
, A. Diallo,
S. Gerhardt
, M. Jaworski
R. Kaita,
J. Kallman,
B. Leblanc
, D.
, D. Mueller
, S. Paul,
, F. Scotti
, C.H. Skinner
, J.
Timberlake, L. Zakharov, J.P.
B. Heim,
C. Taylor, A. McLean,
R. Maingi, R.
Raman, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii,
Comparison of
Diverted Plasmas Incident on Liquid Lithium and Lithiated Molybdenum, and
Graphite Surfaces, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
112. J.W.
S.A. Sabbagh
, J.M. Bialek,
Katsuro-Hopkins, R.E. Bell, S.P.
B.P. LeBlanc, K. Tritz, RWM
Stabilization to Sustain High Normalized Beta at Low Internal Inductance in
NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
113. Egemen Kolemen,
D.A. Gates
, S.P. Gerhardt
D.A. Humphreys
, D. Mueller
, V. Soukhanovskii
, M.L.
Walker, Control Development for NSTX and the Effects
of Strong Shaping, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
114. R.J. Perkins,
R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt,
J.C. Hosea, M. Jaworski, B.P. LeBlanc, G.J. Kramer, C.K. Phillips, L.
Roquemore, G. Taylor, J.R. Wilson, S. Zweben, J.-W. Ahn, T.K. Gray, D.L. Green,
A. McLean, R. Maingi, P.M. Ryan,. Wilgen, K. Tritz, HHFW Edge
Heating Properties for H-mode Plasmas in NSTX, APS
DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
115. V.A.
Soukhanovskii, S.P. Gerhardt
, R.
, E. Kolemen
, H.W. Kugel
, J.E. Menard, R.
, A. McLean
, Snowflake divertor
configuration studies for NSTX-Upgrade, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
116. J.W.
, S.A. Sabbagh
, J.M. Bialek
, O.
Katsuro-Hopkins, R.E. Bell
, S.P.
, B.P. LeBlanc, K. Tritz, RWM
Stabilization to Sustain High Normalized Beta at Low Internal Inductance in
NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City,
117. R.J. La Haye,
R.J. Buttery, S.P. Gerhardt, S.A.
Sabbagh, Rotation in the Plasma Flow Frame of Marginal
Neoclassical Tearing Mode Islands in DIII-D and NSTX, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011
118. R. Kaita, H.
, M.G. Bell
, R. Bell
, M. Diallo
, S. Gerhardt
, M. Jaworski
J. Kallman
, S. Kaye
, B. LeBlanc
, D.
, J. Menard
, D. Mueller
, S. Paul
A.L. Roquemore
, F. Scotti
, C.H. Skinner
, L. Zakharov, J.P.
, A. McLean
, R. Maingi
, R. Nygren, R. Raman
S. Sabbagh
,V. Soukhanovskii, Overview of
NSTX Liquid Lithium Divertor Performance and Divertor Upgrade Plans, APS DPP, Salt Lake City, 2011.
119. E. T. Meier, V. A.
Soukhanovskii, R. E. Bell, S. Gerhardt,
R. Kaita, H. W. Kugel, B. P. LeBlanc, S. F.
Paul, T. D. Rognlien, F. Scotti, M. V. Umansky, Modeling core impurity reduction via divertor gas injection in NSTX, 39th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P1.002, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
120. F. Scotti, V.A.
Soukhanovskii, S. Kaye, S. Gerhardt,
R. Andre, W. Guttenfelder, R.E. Bell, B.P. Leblanc, R. Kaita and
the NSTX Team, Study
of Intrinsic Impurities Core Transport in the National Spherical Torus
Experiment, 39th
EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P4.031, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
121. R. Raman, T.R.
Jarboe, B.A. Nelson, D. Mueller, S.C. Jardin, D.P. Stotler, T. Abrams, M.G.
Bell, S.P. Gerhardt, C.E. Kessel,
S.M. Kaye, B.P. LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, M. Ono, E.B. Hooper, V.A. Soukhanovskii,
and the NSTX Research Team, Progress
on CHI Plasma Start-up and MGI Experiments on NSTX, 39th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P2.008, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
122. D. Mueller, E.
Kolemen, N. Eidietis, S. Gerhardt,
S.H. Hahn, J. Kim, Y.S. Park, S.A. Sabbagh, M.L. Walker and
S.W. Yoon, Performance
of and future improvements to plasma control in KSTAR, 39th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P5.027, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
123. E. D. Fredrickson,
N. A. Crocker, D. Darrow, N. N. Gorelenkov, G. Kramer, S. Kubota, M. Podesta,
A. Bortolon, S. Gerhardt, R. E.
Bell, A. Diallo, B. LeBlanc, F. M. Levinton, R. White, H. Yuh, Fast-ion energy loss during TAE avalanches in the
National Spherical Torus Experiment, 39th EPS
Conference on Plasma Physics, paper P5.0050, Stockholm, Sweden, 2012.
124. J.W. Berkery,
S.A. Sabbagh, J.M. Bialek, Y.S. Park, S.P.
Gerhardt, R.E. Bell, B.P.
Wall Mode Physics and Control to Sustain High Normalized Beta in NSTX, APS DPP, Providence, 2012
125. R.J. Perkins, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, J.C. Hosea,
M.A. Jaworski, B.P. LeBlanc, G.J. Kramer, C.K. Phillips, L. Roquemore, G.
Taylor J.R. Wilson, J.-W. Ahn,
T.K. Gray, D.L. Green, A. McLean, R. Maingi, P.M. Ryan, E.F. Jaeger, S.
Sabbagh, Fast wave power flow along SOL
field lines in NSTX, APS DPP, Providence, 2012
126. J. Bialek, J.
Berkery, S. Sabbagh,
O. Katsuro-Hopkins, R. Betti, R. Bell, S. Gerhardt, B. LeBlanc
, Y. Liu,
Kinetic RWM Stabilization Physics and RWM
State-Space Control in NSTX High Beta Plasmas, APS
DPP, Providence, 2012
127. Joel Hosea, R.E.
Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, M.A.
Jaworski, G.J. Kramer, B.P. LeBlanc, R.J. Perkins, C.K. Phillips, L. Roquemore,
G. Taylor, J.R. Wilson, J-W. Ahn, T.K. Gray, R. Maingi, A. McLean, P.M. Ryan,
S. Sabbagh, and the NSTX Team, SOL Properties of HHFW
Electron Heating Generated H-modes in NSTX, APS
DPP, Providence, 2012
128. E.T. Meier, V.A.
Soukhanovskii, A.G. McLean, T.D. Rognlien, D.D. Ryutov, R.E. Bell, A. Diallo, S. Gerhardt, R. Kaita, B.P. LeBlanc,
J.E. Menard, M. Podesta, F. Scotti, UEDGE modeling of NSTX
and NSTX-U snowflake divertor configurations, APS
DPP, Providence, 2012
129. C.K.
Phillips, N. Bertelli, R.V. Budny,
S. Gerhardt, J.C. Hosea, B.P.
LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, G. Taylor, E.J. Valeo, J.R. Wilson, E.F. Jaeger, P.T. Bonoli, J.C. Wright, R.W. Harvey, L.A.
Berry, D.L. Green
, Initial predictive
studies of HHFW heating in the NSTX-U device, APS
DPP, Providence, 2012
130. J.M. Canik, R.
Maingi, S.P. Gerhardt, M.A.
Jaworski, J.E. Menard, D.P. Stotler, E. Meier, V.A. Soukhanovskii, Physics design of a cryo-pumping system for
NSTX-U, APS DPP, Providence, 2012
131. V.A.
Soukhanovskii, A.G. McLean, E.T. Meier, T.D. Rognlein, D.D. Ryutov, R.E. Bell,
A. 132. Diallo, S.P. Gerhardt, R.
Kaita, E. Kolemen, B.P. LeBlanc, J.E. Menard, M. Podesta, F. Scotti, PPPL, NSTX-U
TEAM, Divertor scenario development for
NSTX Upgrade, APS DPP, Providence, 2012
133. M. Podesta, N.N.
Gorelenkov, E.D. Fredrickson, S.P.
Gerhardt, G.J. Kramer, Initial predictions of
linear TAE stability in NSTX-U, APS DPP, Providence, 2012
134. S.P. Gerhardt, J. Breslau, E.
Fredrickson, S. Jardin, R. Kaita, J. Manickam, J. Menard, S. Sabbagh, Columbia
University, F. Scotti, H. Takahashi, PPPL, A.H. Boozer, Characterization of Disruption Halo Currents in NSTX, APS DPP, Providence, 2012.
135. Hironori Takahashi,
Eric Fredrickson
, Stefan Gerhardt
Error Field in Ideal Magnetically Symmetric Tokamaks
Generated through Asymmetric Shadows Cast by Neutral Beams on Divertor Floor, APS DPP, Providence, 2012.
136. J. Menard, J.
Bialek, J. Canik, J. Chrzanowski, D. Gates, S. Gerhardt, W. Guttenfelder, S. Kaye, E. Kolemen, R. Maingi, M.
Mardenfeld, D. Mueller, C. Neumeyer, M. Ono, E. Perry, S. Raftopoulos, R.
Ramakrishnan, R. Raman, Y. Ren, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, T. Stevenson, R.
Strykowsky, P. Titus, K. Tresemer, H. Zhang, Y. Zhai, A. Zolfaghari, NSTX Accomplishments and NSTX Upgrade
Research Plans in Support of Fusion Next-Steps, SOFE-2013, San Francisco,
137. J. Menard, T.
Brown, J. Canik, L. El-Guebaly, S.
Gerhardt, A. Jaber, S. Kaye, E. Meier, L. Mynsberge, C. Neumeyer, M. Ono,
R. Raman, S. Sabbagh, V. Soukhanovskii, P. Titus, G. Voss, R. Woolley, A.
Zolfaghari, ST-FNSF Mission and
Performance Dependence on Device Size, SOFE-2013, San Francisco, 2013.
138. N. D. Atnafu, M.
Denault, M. Smith, L. Dudek, S. Gerhardt,
G. Labik, T. Stevenson, P. Titus, W. Blanchard, NSTX-U Vacuum Vessel Design Modification, SOFE-2013, San Francisco, 2013.
139. K. Tresemer, S. Gerhardt, A. Brooks, A. Jariwala, R.
Raman, Modification of NSTX-U Row 1
Outboard and Inboard Divertor Tiles for the Protection of the PF-1C Coils, SOFE-2013, San Francisco, 2013.