ElVis 10/11/2017
1.  Optimized for displaying graphs from RPLOT.  Turned off interfaces to other programs.
2.  Added "Save Data" to right-click pop-up menu.  Writes text file of data in selected plot.
3.  Ported to Java version 1.8.

ElVis 5/31/2012
1.  Added functionality to Linear MHD Workflow.  Pest, Pest1, Pest2, Pest3, and Balloon can be run at PPL via the user interface. 
2.  M3DC1 runs on hopper at Nersc and requires a Nersc account, batch allocation, and ssh keys.
3.  An lmhd run can originate from a GEQ file, Plasma State file, EQDSKA file, or a refined equilibrium eqb1 file.
4.  EFIT files are retrieved for NSTX runs from 2008, 2009, and 2010 stored in /p/bigblue/equil_runs/NSTX.
5.  TRANSP runs for NSTX shots are retrieved from PPL's MDSplus database.
6.  History listing automatically updates whenever History page is displayed.

ElVis 5/3/2012
1.  Added new method for running rplot on the PPL cluster and displaying in ElVis.  ElVis starts rplot running in an xterm on fusiongrid.pppl.gov.  Graphs are drawn in the legacy rplot window and in an ElVis graphwindow.  When running ElVis on a Linux or Mac computer go to Desktop-->RPLOT-->ssh portal... and enter your desired working directory on the PPL cluster. When running on Windows, go to Desktop-->RPLOT-->local command and enter the command for running ElVis on the cluster, e.g. ssh -X fusiongrid /p/fgweb/bin/elvisrplot.csh computerName portNumber workDir.  The computer name and port number are shown in the ElVis titlebar.  The working directory and command are saved as preferences for subsequent rplot sessions.

Another option within PPL is to run the nx client on the local computer and connect to the nx server on cportal.pppl.gov.  Then users have a desktop on the cluster and can run /p/fgweb/bin/runelvis without installing ElVis or Java on their local computer.

ElVis 2/1/2012
1.  Added system property to suppress checking for a new version.
Run -DallowUpgrade=false to suppress checking for new version.

2.  Fixed legend labels to draw within legend box.
3.  Added system property to show/hide file chooser box for download destination.  Off by default.
4.  Added description of NUBEAM name list parameters to menu page.
5.  Web services:  files are stored in user's /u/el_ directory with a symbolic link to /p/fgweb.
6.  Plotting gnuplot files:  data files can be multiple columns.  Set X and Y axis labels.

ElVis 7/5/2011
1.  NUBEAM namelist:  Some parameters from the name list are available to the user. Be sure to type the Enter key after changing a value.

ElVis 5/3/2011
1.  NUBEAM Job Submit page:  The number of deposition particles is used in the calculation.

ElVis 4/22/2011
1.  NUBEAM Job Submit page:  Added a checkbox to request cleaning up the debug files after a run is finished.
2.  NUBEAM Job Status page:  When a run is selected for View Details, the text output from the run is shown in the Status area.  Text messages are added to the status monitor as the job runs.

ElVis 4/4/2011
1.  Improvements to Job Status page of NuBeam web service.  The analyze buttons, get_fbm and Plot, are only activated when a completed run is selected.  Submitting a job will be confirmed by popping up a dialog box.
2.  Loading templates is faster for netCDF files with 3-D data.

ElVis 3/7/2011
1.  Fixed problems with NuBeam web service.
2.  Added Linux command line script, runelvispdf, for plotting 9 graphs from a TRANSP run.
3.  Added example RPLOT scripts for making individual plots.  Each script returns to main menu level so next script can run.

ElVis 11/24/2010
1.  Improved handling of template mismatches when loading netcdf files.  Plotting continues if a mismatch is detected.  Messages are written to the console window and the status log file.  A Template Mismatch label is drawn in the graphs where detected.  The names of the templates are sorted in alphabetical order.

Note:  the row,column indexing in the template file and in the printed messages starts at 0,0.  The row, column indexing shown at the top of the user interface panel starts at 1,1.

2.  Preliminary version of 3-D color point plotting.  This is a new visualization that shows the amount of points in addition to their x-y location.  Color-coded line segments are drawn vertically in 3-D.  The length of each segment is proportional to the number of points at each location in the 2-D color point plot.  The preliminary version does not label the axes.

Create the 2-D color point plot using 3 variables from a netCDF file.  Then right click on the point plot to bring up the pop-up menu.  Select 3D Points.  A new window is displayed with the 3-D color plot.  Drag the thumbwheels to rotate the view.  Click on the box at the edge of the thumbwheel to reset the rotation.  The slider along the right edge of the window controls zoom.  The Point Size slider in the Graph Editor changes the thickness of the vertical lines.

3.  Fixed display problem with Help-->What's New in ElVis and the launcher.

ElVis    10/6/2010

1.  Color point plots:  Graph Editor  --  X Axis and Y Axis:
    a.  Added text fields for the range of the axis.  The text fields show the numerical value of the minimum and maximum of the axis.  The numerical value is updated as you zoom and scroll.  Enter a value in one or both text fields and click on the Set button to display a specific range for the current graph.

    b.  Added axis locking.  If you check the box for Lock then subsequent plots will be drawn with the current axis settings.  If the graph is zoomed or scrolled while this checkbox is checked, then the text fields will change and the updated values will be applied to subsequent plots.

    c.  A histogram of the point colors is displayed, printed, and saved.  The histogram is calculated when the variable is plotted.  The histogram is displayed in the color-coded legend.  A gray dot is drawn indicating the number of plotted points per color.  The range is shown above the legend, such as 0 - 87, with 0 at the left edge of the legend and and the maxium frequency at the right edge.  The horizontal location of the dot indicates the number of points plotted with that color.  The display of the histogram can be turned off by going to the Graph Editor tab for the Legend and unchecking the box for Hist (next to the point size slider).

    A listing of the histogram is printed in the ElVis Console Window.  The Console is iconified in the lower left corner of the main ElVis window.  Open the Console Output window.  It will show each index value and the number of corresponding points in the graph.

    When ElVis exits the lines of text in the Console Output window are automatically written to a statuslog file in the Elvis directory in your home directory.  The file is named statuslog_* where * recycles from 0 through 9 each time ElVis is run so up to 10 log files can exist.  The file is written when ElVis exits.  Check the dates on the statuslog files to see the latest one.

Prior Versions