Introduction to the Unix Cluster. Node: xrsh

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xrsh and the Display Variable

When you have already logged into X-Windows, the easiest way to bring up a window to another machine is to drag down the first mouse button and select among the hosts available through your `Machines' menu (this assumes that your window manager has been configured to do this--- see Customizing). Another way to accomplish the same task is to simply type xrsh at the prompt, followed after a space by the name of your intended host:

        [lyman|2] xrsh suntsu 

What this actually does is run the command xrsh, where the absence of a command following the host name implies the default command xterm, allowing you to open up a window on your selected host. xrsh is simply rsh with some X features built-in. This (with the exception of the Crays) allows you to bypass the normal login procedures and use that computer's facilities with a window at your location (thus actually running the X client on the remote computer). By not incurring the default, you can run commands on remote computers without logging in.

Note---The xrsh method assumes that your `~/.cshrc' file on the remote computer contains `/usr/X11R6/bin' in your PATH. See see Login for more information.

One of the most important features about the xrsh command is that it automatically sends along your display environment variable to the remote host when it opens the new window, telling the remote computer where to send the client's output. The command xvms also does this. (See XVMS.) Displays are called something like `lyman:0.0', `thx40:0.0', and `', where the longer form is needed when running a client on a non-PPPL machine. To see what your display is (on UNIX systems), type echo $DISPLAY.

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