TDPACK Table of Contents


Perimeters, Ticks, Grids, And Labels
Internal Parameters
The Reference Parallelogram


Initialization Routines:
TDINIT - define eye position, line of sight, up direction, and stereo flag
TDPARA - define the reference parallelogram
TDCLRS - define colors for TDPACK
Parameter-Access Routines:
TDGETI - get the integer value of an internal parameter
TDGETR - get the real value of an internal parameter
TDGTRS - get the definition of a specified rendering style
TDSETI - set the integer value of an internal parameter
TDSETR - set the real value of an internal parameter
TDSTRS - define a specified rendering style
Point-Transforming Routines:
TDPRPT - from 3-space to the projection plane
TDPRPA - from the plane of the reference parallelogram to the projection plane
TDPRPI - from the projection plane to the plane of the reference parallelogram
Line-Drawing Routines:
TDLINE - draw the projection of a line in 3-space
TDLNPA - draw the projection of a line in the plane of the reference parallelogram
Grid-Drawing Routines:
TDGRDS - draw the grids on all the faces of a box in 3-space
TDGRID - draw the grid on a particular face of a box in 3-space
Label-Drawing Routines:
TDLBLS - draw labels for all faces of a box in 3-space
TDLBLA - draw labels for a particular face of a box in 3-space
TDPLCH - draw characters in the plane of the reference parallelogram
Surface-Drawing Routines:
TDDTRI - draw triangles defined by a triangle list
TDSTRI - add triangles defining a simple surface to a triangle list
TDITRI - add triangles defining an isosurface to a triangle list
TDMTRI - add triangles defining a 3D marker to a triangle list
TDOTRI - order the triangles in a triangle list for proper rendering
TDSORT - generic sorting routine
Simplified-Interface Routines:
TDEZ2D - simplified interface for drawing a surface
TDEZ3D - simplified interface for drawing an isosurface

Internal Parameters

Parameters Accessed Using TDGETI, TDGETR, TDSETI, and TDSETR
'CS1' (Character Size 1)
'CS2' (Character Size 2)
'FOV' (Field Of View)
'HND' (Handedness)
'LSU', 'LSV', and 'LSW' (Light Source Position)
'SET' (Do-SET-Call Flag)
'SHD' (Shading Type Flag)
'STE' (Stereo Type Flag)
'VPB', 'VPL', 'VPR', and 'VPT' (Viewport Specifiers)
Parameters Accessed in Other Ways
Rendering-Style Arrays


Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
C Example 1