TDPACK Routines

The package TDPACK contains the following routines:

Initialization Routines:
TDINIT - define eye position, line of sight, up direction, and stereo flag
TDPARA - define the reference parallelogram
TDCLRS - define colors for TDPACK
Parameter-Access Routines:
TDGETI - get the integer value of an internal parameter
TDGETR - get the real value of an internal parameter
TDGTRS - get the definition of a specified rendering style
TDSETI - set the integer value of an internal parameter
TDSETR - set the real value of an internal parameter
TDSTRS - define a specified rendering style
Point-Transforming Routines:
TDPRPT - from 3-space to the projection plane
TDPRPA - from the plane of the reference parallelogram to the projection plane
TDPRPI - from the projection plane to the plane of the reference parallelogram
Line-Drawing Routines:
TDLINE - draw the projection of a line in 3-space
TDLNPA - draw the projection of a line in the plane of the reference parallelogram
Grid-Drawing Routines:
TDGRDS - draw the grids on all the faces of a box in 3-space
TDGRID - draw the grid on a particular face of a box in 3-space
Label-Drawing Routines:
TDLBLS - draw labels for all faces of a box in 3-space
TDLBLA - draw labels for a particular face of a box in 3-space
TDPLCH - draw characters in the plane of the reference parallelogram
Surface-Drawing Routines:
TDDTRI - draw triangles defined by a triangle list
TDSTRI - add triangles defining a simple surface to a triangle list
TDITRI - add triangles defining an isosurface to a triangle list
TDMTRI - add triangles defining a 3D marker to a triangle list
TDOTRI - order the triangles in a triangle list for proper rendering
TDSORT - generic sorting routine
Simplified-Interface Routines:
TDEZ2D - simplified interface for drawing a surface
TDEZ3D - simplified interface for drawing an isosurface

Initialization Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdinit(float umid, float vmid, float wmid, float uori, float vori,
              float wori, float uthi, float vthi, float wthi, float otep)

This initialization routine is called to define the position of the eye, the position of the point looked at, which way is up, and whether or not a stereo view is to be done. TDINIT precomputes some quantities in TDPACK common blocks that will subsequently be used in projecting points from 3-space (U, V, and W coordinates) to 2-space (X and Y coordinates).

By default (that is to say, if the internal parameter 'SET' has its default value), TDINIT also calls the SPPS routine SET to define the mapping from the "user" coordinate system (the X/Y system) to the "fractional" coordinate system (in GKS terms, NDC space). This is done in such a way as to show in the projection plane a field of view of 'FOV' degrees. The viewport to be used in the fractional coordinate system is that defined by the values of the internal parameters 'VPL', 'VPR', 'VPB', and 'VPT'. In some situations, it may be desirable, after calling TDINIT, to call the SPPS routine GETSET to retrieve the arguments with which TDINIT called SET and then recall SET with a different set of arguments.

Normally, the creation of an image with TDPACK starts with a call to TDINIT (perhaps preceded by calls to TDSETI, TDSETR, and/or TDSTRS to reset internal parameters of the package) and continues with calls to draw objects. (Of course, if all of the arguments in a call to TDINIT have the same values as in the last call and the SET call that was done as a result is still in effect, then it's not necessary to repeat the call to TDINIT.)

For stereo views, one calls TDINIT with a negative OTEP, executes the object-drawing calls, calls TDINIT again with a positive OTEP, and then repeats all of the object-drawing calls. The exact way in which stereo views are drawn is also affected (slightly) by the value of the internal parameter 'STE'.

To understand how to specify the values of the TDPACK arguments, it may be helpful to examine this figure.


UMID, VMID, and WMID are input reals defining the position of the eye, (if a single view is being drawn), or of a point midway between the two eyes (if a stereo view is being drawn).

UORI, VORI, and WORI are input reals defining the position of the point the eye is looking at. That point defines the origin of the XY projection plane.

UTHI, VTHI, and WTHI are input reals defining the position of the third point needed to completely specify the orientation of the projection plane.

OTEP ("Offset To Eye Position") is an input real which is non-zero if and only if a stereo view is to be drawn. Make the value negative to draw a left-eye view, positive to draw a right-eye view. The magnitude of OTEP is the distance from either eye to the point midway between the eyes; if R represents the approximate distance from the eye to the objects being drawn, then OTEP may be set using a statement like

    OTEP = (+ or -) R * TAN(.017453292519943*ANGD/2.)

where the constant (.01745...) is just pi/180 and ANGD is the desired difference in the angle between the two views, in degrees; use a value of about 1 or 2 degrees for ANGD.

Note that, if the origin is approximately in the middle of the objects being viewed, then it's probably appropriate to use a value of R computed as follows:

    R = SQRT((UMID-UORI)**2+(VMID-VORI)**2+(WMID-WORI)**2)


SUBROUTINE TDPARA (UA00, VA00, WA00, UV10, VV10, WV10, UV01, VV01, WV01)

#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdpara(float ua00, float va00, float wa00, float uv10, float vv10, float wv10,
                                                  float uv01, float vv01, float wv01)

This routine may be thought of as an initialization routine or as just a routine to access certain internal values; it simply transfers the values of its arguments into TDPACK labelled common blocks for later use by other TDPACK routines. These values define a "reference parallelogram". Each point in the plane in which the parallelogram lies can be identified by specifying its "parallelogram coordinates": a pair of reals, one of which may be thought of as an "X" coordinate and the other of which may be thought of as a "Y" coordinate.

Calls to TDPARA may be positioned without regard to calls to TDINIT because the two routines do not affect one another. Redefining the reference parallelogram affects the behavior of each of the routines TDPRPA, TDPRPI, TDGRID, TDLBLA, and TDPLCH, each of which makes use of parallelogram coordinates in some way. Be aware that each of the routines TDGRDS and TDLBLS calls TDPARA to redefine the reference parallelogram and neither of them restores the original definition when it is done.

If a point has "parallelogram coordinates" (XIPA,YIPA), then its actual 3-space coordinates are given by the following equations:

    U = UA00+XIPA*UV10+YIPA*UV01
    V = VA00+XIPA*VV10+YIPA*VV01
    W = WA00+XIPA*WV10+YIPA*WV01

The point with parallelogram coordinates (0,0) is in what might be thought of as the "lower left" corner of the parallelogram, while the point with parallelogram coordinates (1,1) is in what might be thought of as the "upper right" corner of the parallelogram. Any point of the plane in which the reference parallelogram lies can be identified using its parallelogram coordinates, not just the points inside the parallelogram itself.

Note that, although the reference parallelogram doesn't have to be rectangular, a non-rectangular one is probably not very useful; in fact, a square one defined by unit vectors is probably best, particularly if one is drawing characters in the plane of the reference parallelogram. For example, suppose that you want to write the characters "THE U/V PLANE" in that part of the U/V plane with U values between 0 and 100 and V values between 0 and 200; it is probably best, in this case, to use a reference parallelogram with an origin at (0,0,0), an "X" side with components (1,0,0) and a "Y" side with components (0,1,0). Then, in the call to TDPLCH, one can place the character string at parallelogram coordinates (50,100) and use a character size of 1.5. If one used a reference parallelogram with an origin at (0,0,0), an "X" side with components (100,0,0) and a "Y" side with components (0,200,0), one could place the character string at parallelogram coordinates (.5,.5) and use a character size of .015, but the characters written would be twice as high as they are wide, which is undesirable.


UA00, VA00, and WA00 are input reals defining the position of the "origin" of the parallelogram: the point with parallelogram coordinates (0,0).

UV10, VV10, and WV10 are input reals defining the U, V, and W components of the vector from the origin of the parallelogram to the point with parallelogram coordinates (1,0).

UV01, VV01, and WV01 are input reals defining the U, V, and W components of the vector from the origin of the parallelogram to the point with parallelogram coordinates (0,1).



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdclrs(int iwid, int ibow, float shde, float shdr, int iofc, int iolc, int ilmt)

This routine is called to do the GKS calls defining the following colors on a specified workstation (NSHD is equal to IOLC-IOFC+1, the number of elements in each block of color shades):

  Color 0 = the background color (black or white, depending on IBOW)
  Color 1 = the foreground color (white or black, depending on IBOW)
  Color 2 = pure red (RGB values 1,0,0)
  Color 3 = pure green (RGB values 0,1,0)
  Color 4 = pure blue (RGB values 0,0,1)
  Color 5 = pure cyan (RGB values 0,1,1)
  Color 6 = pure magenta (RGB values 1,0,1)
  Color 7 = pure yellow (RGB values 1,1,0)
  Colors IOFC through IOLC = gray shades, from white to black
  Colors IOFC+NSHD through IOLC+NSHD = shades of gray
  Colors IOFC+2*NSHD through IOLC+2*NSHD = shades of red
  Colors IOFC+3*NSHD through IOLC+3*NSHD = shades of green
  Colors IOFC+4*NSHD through IOLC+4*NSHD = shades of blue
  Colors IOFC+5*NSHD through IOLC+5*NSHD = shades of cyan
  Colors IOFC+6*NSHD through IOLC+6*NSHD = shades of magenta
  Colors IOFC+7*NSHD through IOLC+7*NSHD = shades of yellow

The colors defined by calling TDCLRS may be used for any purpose, but they are particularly useful when calling TDPACK routines to render surfaces.


IWID is an input expression of type INTEGER specifying the workstation identifier.

IBOW is an input expression of type INTEGER specifying the basic color scheme (white on black or black on white). If IBOW is 0, the foreground color is white and the background color is black; if IBOW is non-zero, the opposite is true.

SHDE and SHDR are input expressions of type REAL, each between 0 and 1, inclusive, specifying how color shades are to be generated. Values of SHDE near 0 call for more intense shades to be used, while values near 1 call for more nearly pastel shades to be used. Values of SHDR near 0 say that a narrower range of shades is to be used, while values near 1 say that a broader range of shades is to be used.

IOFC and IOLC are input expressions of type INTEGER specifying the first and last integers in a block of color indices to be used for NSHD shades of gray ranging from pure white to pure black (where NSHD=IOLC-IOFC+1). The next NSHD indices (in numerical order) will be used for the shades of gray selected by SHDE and SHDR; the next NSHD indices after that for selected shades of red, the next NSHD indices after that for selected shades of green, and so on.

ILMT is an input expression of type INTEGER. Using a value between 1 and 7, inclusive, says that only that many blocks of NSHD indices will be defined. For example, if ILMT has the value 4, only the black-to-white scale and the shades of gray, red, and green will be generated; shades of blue, cyan, magenta, and yellow will not be. (This allows one to have more shades of each color at the expense of using fewer colors.) Using a value of ILMT less than 1 or greater than 7 will result in all 8*NSHD sets of color shades being defined.

Parameter-Access Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdgeti(char *pnam, int *ival)

Retrieve the value of an internal parameter. (For names and descriptions of all the internal parameters, look here).


PNAM is an input character string, the first three characters of which is the name of an internal parameter of TDPACK whose value is to be retrieved. It is recommended that the other characters of PNAM be used to describe the internal parameter; for example, use 'FOV - FIELD OF VIEW, IN DEGREES' instead of just 'FOV'.

IVAL is an output variable of type INTEGER in which the value of the internal parameter is to be returned. If the internal parameter is intrinsically of type REAL and has the value RVAL, then INT(RVAL) is returned in IVAL.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdgetr(char *pnam, float *rval)

Retrieve the value of an internal parameter. (For names and descriptions of all the internal parameters, look here).


PNAM is an input character string, the first three characters of which is the name of an internal parameter of TDPACK whose value is to be retrieved. It is recommended that the other characters of PNAM be used to describe the internal parameter; for example, use 'FOV - FIELD OF VIEW, IN DEGREES' instead of just 'FOV'.

RVAL is an output variable of type REAL in which the value of the internal parameter is to be returned. If the internal parameter is intrinsically of type INTEGER and has the value IVAL, then REAL(IVAL) is returned.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdgtrs(int irst, int *ifc1, int *ifc2, int *ifc3, int *ifc4, int *ilc1,
              int *ilc2, int *iltd, float *ustp, float *vstp, float *wstp)

Get the values defining a selected rendering style. (The "rendering styles" affect the appearance of the triangles drawn by a call to the routine TDDTRI.)


IRST is an input integer specifying the index of the particular rendering style which is to be retrieved.

IFC1, IFC2, IFC3, IFC4, ILC1, ILC2, ILTD, USTP, VSTP, and WSTP are described here.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdseti(char *pnam, int ival)

Set the value of an internal parameter. (For names and descriptions of all the internal parameters, look here).


PNAM is an input character string, the first three characters of which is the name of an internal parameter of TDPACK whose value is to be changed. It is recommended that the other characters of PNAM be used to describe the internal parameter; for example, use 'FOV - FIELD OF VIEW, IN DEGREES' instead of just 'FOV'.

IVAL is an input expression of type INTEGER whose value is the desired new value of the internal parameter. If the internal parameter is intrinsically of type REAL, it will be given the value REAL(IVAL).



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdsetr(char *pnam, float rval)

Set the value of an internal parameter. (For names and descriptions of all the internal parameters, look here).


PNAM is an input character string, the first three characters of which is the name of an internal parameter of TDPACK whose value is to be changed. It is recommended that the other characters of PNAM be used to describe the internal parameter; for example, use 'FOV - FIELD OF VIEW, IN DEGREES' instead of just 'FOV'.

RVAL is an input expression of type REAL whose value is the desired new value of the internal parameter. If the internal parameter is intrinsically of type INTEGER, it will be given the value INT(RVAL).



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdstrs(int irst, int ifc1, int ifc2, int ifc3, int ifc4, int ilc1,
              int ilc2, int iltd, float ustp, float vstp, float wstp)

Set the values defining a selected rendering style. (The "rendering styles" affect the appearance of the triangles drawn by a call to the routine TDDTRI.)


IRST is an input integer specifying the index of the particular rendering style which is to be changed.

IFC1, IFC2, IFC3, IFC4, ILC1, ILC2, ILTD, USTP, VSTP, and WSTP are described here.

Point-Transforming Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdprpt(float ui3d, float vi3d, float wi3d, float *xi2d, float *yi2d)

Given the coordinates of a point in 3-space, get the coordinates of its projection in the projection plane.


UI3D, VI3D, and WI3D are input reals specifying the coordinates of a point in 3-space.

XI2D and YI2D are output reals specifying the coordinates of the projection in 2-space.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdprpa(float xipa, float yipa, float *xi2d, float *yi2d)

Given the parallelogram coordinates of a point, get the coordinates of its projection in the projection plane. This routine is essentially the inverse of the routine TDPRPI.


XIPA and YIPA are input reals specifying the parallelogram coordinates of a point. (The parallelogram is as defined by a prior call to TDPARA.)

XI2D and YI2D are output reals specifying the coordinates of the projection of the point in the projection plane.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdprpi(float xi2d, float yi2d, float *xipa, float *yipa)

Given a point in the projection plane, retrieve the parallelogram coordinates of that point in the reference parallelogram (as defined by the last call to TDPARA) that projects into it. This routine is essentially the inverse of the routine TDPRPA.


XI2D and YI2D are input reals specifying the coordinates of a point in the projection plane.

XIPA and YIPA are output reals specifying the parallelogram coordinates of that point in the reference parallelogram that projects into (XI2D,YI2D).

Line-Drawing Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdline(float ucp1, float vcp1, float wcp1, float ucp2, float vcp2, float wcp2)

Draw the projection of a line joining two points in 3-space.


UCP1, VCP1, and WCP1 are input reals - the 3-space coordinates of the first 3-space point.

UCP2, VCP2, and WCP2 are input reals - the 3-space coordinates of the second 3-space point.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdlnpa(float xcp1, float ycp1, float xcp2, float ycp2)

Draw the projection of a line joining two points in the reference parallelogram (as defined by the last call to TDPARA).


XCP1 and YCP1 are input reals - the parallelogram coordinates of the first point in the reference parallelogram.

XCP2 and YCP2 are input reals - the parallelogram coordinates of the second point in the reference parallelogram.

Grid-Drawing Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdgrds(float umin, float vmin, float wmin, float umax, float vmax, float wmax,
              float ustp, float vstp, float wstp, int igrt, int ihid)

Draw perimeters, optionally with ticks or grid lines, on the six sides of a box. This routine calls TDPARA and will therefore change the definition of the reference parallelogram.


UMIN, VMIN, WMIN, UMAX, VMAX, and WMAX are real input values, each of which specifies one of the coordinate values defining the box in 3-space. The names of these should make it clear what they are.

USTP, VSTP, and WSTP are real input values specifying step sizes between ticks or grid lines in the U direction, the V direction, and the W direction, respectively. If one of these values is less than or equal to zero, the ticks or grid lines in the associated direction are omitted.

IGRT is an integer input value of the form 10*IGRN+IGRF, where IGRN is a value specifying what to draw on the near sides of the box and IGRF is a value specifying what to draw on the far sides of the box, where "near" and "far" are as defined by the current line of sight. Each of IGRN and IGRF can have one of the values 0 (draw nothing), 1 (draw just a perimeter), 2 (draw a perimeter with inward-pointing ticks), or 3 (draw a perimeter with a grid). For example, to draw grids on the far side of the box and just perimeters on the near sides of the box, use IGRT = 13.

IHID is an integer input value set to 0 to draw only those sides of the box that cannot be hidden by something inside the box or to 1 to draw only those sides of the box that can be hidden by something inside the box. Standard operating procedure is to call TDGRDS before drawing surfaces inside a box, with IHID set to 1, and then call it again after drawing surfaces inside a box, with IHID set to 0.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdgrid(float xbeg, float xstp, int noxs, float ybeg, float ystp,
              int noys, int igrd)

Draw a perimeter, optionally with ticks or grid lines, around the edges of the reference parallelogram defined by the last call to TDPARA. This routine is normally called indirectly (by virtue of a call to TDGRDS), but there is no reason why it should not be called directly.


XBEG, XSTP, and NOXS define where ticks or grid lines are to be drawn along the "X" axis of the parallelogram (at XBEG, XBEG+XSTP, XBEG+2*XSTP, ... XBEG+NOXS*XSTP). XBEG and XSTP are input reals and NOXS is an input integer.

YBEG, YSTP, and NOYS define where ticks or grid lines are to be drawn along the "Y" axis of the parallelogram (at YBEG, YBEG+YSTP, YBEG+2*YSTP, ... YBEG+NOYS*YSTP). YBEG and YSTP are input reals and NOYS is an input integer.

IGRD defines what is to be drawn and has one of the values 1 (draw just a perimeter), 2 (draw a perimeter with inward-pointing ticks), or 3 (draw a perimeter with a grid).

Label-Drawing Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdlbls(float umin, float vmin, float wmin, float umax, float vmax,
              float wmax, char* unlb, char* vnlb, char* wnlb, char* uilb,
              char* vilb, char* wilb, int ipck)

Draw labels on selected sides of a projected box. This routine calls TDPARA and will therefore change the definition of the reference parallelogram; it also changes the value of the internal parameter 'CS2'.


UMIN, VMIN, WMIN, UMAX, VMAX, and WMAX are input expressions of type REAL, each of which specifies one of the coordinate values defining the box in 3-space. The names of these should make it clear what they are.

UNLB, VNLB, and WNLB are character strings containing numeric labels to be placed on a U axis, a V axis, or a W axis, respectively. The labels need not be in any particular order, but they have to be separated by blanks and each has to be readable using a FORTRAN format of the form "En.0", where "n" is the length of the label.

UILB, VILB, and WILB are character strings containing informational labels for a U axis, a V axis, or a W axis, respectively.

IPCK is an input integer determining which edges of the box are labelled. If IPCK is zero, all six outer edges are labelled, but if IPCK is non-zero, only three edges are labelled, one set of three if IPCK is negative, a different set if IPCK is positive.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdlbla(int iaxs, char* ilbl, char* nlbl, float xat0, float xat1,
              float yat0, float yat1, float angd)

This routine is called to put labels on a particular edge of a box.

It is assumed that TDPARA has been called to define the reference parallelogram to be a rectangle in 3-space lying in one corner of one face of the box being labelled. The sides of this rectangle are assumed to be vectors of length 1 (that is to say, the rectangle defines a unit square within that face of the box). It is also assumed that the value of the internal parameter 'CS2' has been set in the same way that TDLBLS would reset it, using a code sequence like


(where UMIN, UMAX, VMIN, VMAX, WMIN, and WMAX are as defined for a call to TDLBLS).


IAXS is an input integer saying which edge of the face is being labelled (1 => left, 2 => right, 3 => bottom, and 4 => top, where the meanings of "left", "right", "bottom", and "top" are defined by the orientation of the reference parallelogram).

ILBL is an input character string to be used as an informational label. If the string is blank, no informational label is written.

NLBL is an input character string containing numeric labels. The labels need not be in any particular order, but they have to be separated by blanks and each has to be readable using a FORTRAN format of the form "En.0", where "n" is the length of the label. If the string is blank, no informational label is written.

XAT0 and XAT1 are the real values of "X" associated with the left and right edges of the face being labelled, where "left" and "right" are defined in terms of the current reference parallelogram.

YAT0 and YAT1 are the real values of "Y" associated with the bottom and top edges of the face being labelled, where "bottom" and "top" are defined in terms of the current reference parallelogram.

ANGD is an input real specifying the angle, in degrees, at which the labels are to be written. This angle is defined with reference to the current reference parallelogram.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdplch(float xpos, float ypos, char *chrs, float size, float angd, float cntr)

Draw a character string at a specified position in the plane of the reference parallelogram.


XPOS and YPOS are input reals specifying the parallelogram coordinates of a point relative to which the character string is to be positioned.

CHRS is an input character string, suitable for input to the PLOTCHAR routine PLCHHQ.

SIZE is an input real, specifying the width of the characters to be used as a multiple of the "X" dimension of the reference parallelogram. If the reference parallelogram is not a square, distortion of the characters is to be expected: for example, if the reference parallelogram is twice as wide as it is high, then the same will be true of characters drawn by TDPLCH.

ANGD is an input real specifying the angle, in degrees, at which the character string is to be drawn relative to the reference parallelogram (0 => in the direction of positive X, 90 => in the direction of positive Y, 180 => in the direction of negative X, and so on).

CNTR is an input real specifying how the character string is to be centered relative to the point (XPOS,YPOS) within the reference parallelogram. If CNTR = -1, the leading edge of the character string will be placed at (XPOS,YPOS); if CNTR = 0, the center of the character string will be placed at (XPOS,YPOS); and if CNTR = +1, the trailing edge of the character string will be placed at (XPOS,YPOS). Other values may be used, with the logical results; for example, if CNTR = -.5, the point halfway between the leading edge and the center of the character string will be placed at (XPOS,YPOS).

Surface-Drawing Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tddtri(float *rtri, int mtri, int *ntri, int *itwk)

Draw the triangles defined by a triangle list (arguments RTRI, MTRI, and NTRI). The triangles are drawn in the order specified by the contents of the permutation array ITWK.

The exact manner in which each triangle is drawn depends on the rendering style selected for it. Generally, it is first filled with a user-selected color; if a wire-frame image is desired and no lines are to be considered hidden, this step may be skipped. The fill color can be a specific one chosen by the user (sometimes, it is useful to pick the background color) or one selected from a range of user-specified colors according to the angle between a line from the light source to the center of the triangle and the normal to the plane of the triangle (which results in a shading of the surface). After the triangle is filled, line segments representing its boundary and/or its intersection with planes of constant U, V, and/or W may be drawn in a user-specified contrasting color.


RTRI is a real input array, dimensioned 10 by MTRI, in which a list of triangles has been stored, probably by means of calls to TDSTRI, TDITRI, and/or TDMTRI, and sorted, probably by means of a call to TDOTRI.

If you put triangles in the triangle list directly, keep in mind the following: For each value of i from 1 to NTRI, RTRI(1,i), RTRI(2,i), and RTRI(3,i) are the U, V, and W coordinates of the first vertex of the triangle, RTRI(4,i), RTRI(5,i), and RTRI(6,i) are the U, V, and W coordinates of the second vertex of the triangle, RTRI(7,i), RTRI(8,i), and RTRI(9,i) are the U, V, and W coordinates of the third vertex of the triangle, and RTRI(10,i)=REAL(irst), where irst is the index of the desired rendering style array for the triangle. The order of the vertices is meaningful: they must be given in counter-clockwise order as viewed from the "top". It is better if all of the triangles in a triangle list are about the same size.

MTRI is an input integer specifying the second dimension of RTRI and thus the maximum number of triangles the triangle list will hold.

NTRI is an input integer specifying the number of triangles currently in the triangle list. (It is the user's responsibility to zero this initially; its value is increased by each call to a triangle-generating routine like TDSTRI, TDITRI, or TDMTRI and may be increased by a call to the triangle-ordering routine TDOTRI.)

ITWK is an integer input array, dimensioned at least NTRI, containing a permutation of the integers from 1 to NTRI (probably generated by calling the routine TDOTRI).



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdstri(float *u, int nu, float *v, int nv, float *w, int lw1d,
              float *rtri, int mtri, int *ntri, int irst)

Add triangles defining a simple surface to the triangles in a triangle list.


U is a real input array, dimensioned NU, in which are stored values of an independent variable u. It must be the case that U(1) < U(2) < ... U(NU-1) < U(NU).

NU is an input integer specifying the dimension of the array U.

V is a real input array, dimensioned NV, in which are stored values of an independent variable v. It must be the case that V(1) < V(2) < ... V(NV-1) < V(NV).

NV is an input integer specifying the dimension of the array V.

W is a real input array, dimensioned NU by NV and having FORTRAN first dimension LW1D, in which are stored values of a dependent variable w(u,v). The points (((U(I),V(J),W(I,J)),I=1,NU),J=1,NV) define a surface that one wishes to draw.

LW1D is an input integer specifying the FORTRAN first dimension of the array W. It must be the case that LW1D is greater than or equal to NU.

RTRI is a real input/output array, dimensioned 10 by MTRI, in which a list of triangles is stored.

MTRI is an input integer specifying the second dimension of RTRI and thus the maximum number of triangles the triangle list will hold.

NTRI is an input/output integer specifying the number of triangles currently in the triangle list. It is the user's responsibility to zero this initially and its value is increased by each call to a triangle-generating routine like TDSTRI. If NTRI becomes equal to MTRI, TDSTRI does not take an error exit; instead, it just stops generating triangles. Therefore, it's a good idea, after calling TDSTRI, to check the value of NTRI against the dimension MTRI; if they're equal, it probably means that the triangle list filled up and that the rendered surface will be incomplete.

IRST is an input integer specifying the index of the rendering style to to be used for the triangles added to the triangle list by this call. Look here for descriptions of the internal parameters defining the rendering styles, here for a description of the routine used to get the values of these internal parameters, and here for a description of the routine used to set their values.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tditri(float *u, int nu, float *v, int nv, float *w, int nw,
              float *f, int lf1d, int lf2d, float fiso, float *rtri,
              int mtri, int *ntri, int irst)

Add triangles defining an isosurface to the triangles in a triangle list.


U is a real input array, dimensioned NU, in which are stored values of an independent variable u. It must be the case that U(1) < U(2) < ... U(NU-1) < U(NU).

NU is an input integer specifying the dimension of the array U.

V is a real input array, dimensioned NV, in which are stored values of an independent variable v. It must be the case that V(1) < V(2) < ... V(NV-1) < V(NV).

NV is an input integer specifying the dimension of the array V.

W is a real input array, dimensioned NW, in which are stored values of an independent variable w. It must be the case that W(1) < W(2) < ... W(NW-1) < W(NW).

NW is an input integer specifying the dimension of the array W.

F is a real input array having first and second FORTRAN dimensions LF1D and LF2D, respectively, in which are stored the values of a dependent variable f(u,v,w). F(I,J,K) is the value of the function f at the position (U(I),V(J),W(K)); the equation "f(u,v,w)=FISO" defines a surface that one wishes to draw.

LF1D and LF2D are the first and second FORTRAN dimensions of the array F. It must be the case that LF1D is greater than or equal to NU and that LF2D is greater than or equal to NV.

FISO is that value of the function f defining the isosurface to be drawn.

RTRI is a real input/output array, dimensioned 10 by MTRI, in which a list of triangles is stored.

MTRI is an input integer specifying the second dimension of RTRI and thus the maximum number of triangles the triangle list will hold.

NTRI is an input/output integer specifying the number of triangles currently in the triangle list. It is the user's responsibility to zero this initially and its value is increased by each call to a triangle-generating routine like TDITRI. If NTRI becomes equal to MTRI, TDITRI does not take an error exit; instead, it just stops generating triangles. Therefore, it's a good idea, after calling TDITRI, to check the value of NTRI against the dimension MTRI; if they're equal, it probably means that the triangle list filled up and that the rendered surface will be incomplete.

IRST is an input integer specifying the index of the rendering style to to be used for the triangles added to the triangle list by this call. Look here for descriptions of the internal parameters defining the rendering styles, here for a description of the routine used to get the values of these internal parameters, and here for a description of the routine used to set their values.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdmtri(int imrk, float umrk, float vmrk, float wmrk, float smrk,
              float *rtri, int mtri, int *ntri, int irst, float umin,
              float vmin, float wmin, float umax, float vmax, float wmax)

Add triangles defining a 3D marker to the triangles in a triangle list.


IMRK is an input expression of type INTEGER having an absolute value between 1 and 5, inclusive, specifying the type of marker to be generated. If the value of IMRK is less than zero, the triangles will not be clipped against the sides of the data box, otherwise, they will.

UMRK, VMRK, and WMRK are input expressions of type REAL specifying the 3-space coordinates of the center point of the marker.

SMRK is an input expression of type REAL specifying the radius of the marker in 3-space.

RTRI is a real input/output array, dimensioned 10 by MTRI, in which a list of triangles is stored.

MTRI is an input integer specifying the second dimension of RTRI and thus the maximum number of triangles the triangle list will hold.

NTRI is an input/output integer specifying the number of triangles currently in the triangle list. It is the user's responsibility to zero this initially and its value is increased by each call to a triangle-generating routine like TDMTRI. If NTRI becomes equal to MTRI, TDMTRI does not take an error exit; instead, it just stops generating triangles. Therefore, it's a good idea, after calling TDMTRI, to check the value of NTRI against the dimension MTRI; if they're equal, it probably means that the triangle list filled up and that the rendered marker will be incomplete.

IRST is an input integer specifying the index of the rendering style to to be used for the triangles added to the triangle list by this call. Look here for descriptions of the internal parameters defining the rendering styles, here for a description of the routine used to get the values of these internal parameters, and here for a description of the routine used to set their values.

UMIN, VMIN, WMIN, UMAX, VMAX, and WMAX are input expressions of type REAL, each of which specifies one of the coordinate values defining the data box in 3-space. The names of these should make it clear what they are.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdotri(float *rtri, int mtri, int *ntri, float *rtwk, int *itwk, int iord)

This routine, given a list of NTRI triangles in the array RTRI and a real scratch array RTWK of length at least MTRI x 2 , determines the order in which the triangles are to be rendered and returns a permutation of the integers from 1 to NTRI in the array ITWK, defining that permutation.

The caller may select any of three ways in which the triangles are to be ordered, the first two of which are essentially identical: When the argument IORD is given the value 0, the distances of the midpoints of the triangles from the viewpoint are computed and the triangles are sorted by decreasing order of these distances. When IORD is given the value -1, the result is the same, except that the distances of the farthest points of the triangles from the viewpoint are computed and the triangles are put in decreasing order of those distances. Both of these possibilities are appropriate for situations in which the triangles represent smooth surfaces that do not intersect each other or themselves; the occasional small errors in the resulting rendering order should be acceptable.

If any of the triangles in the list intersect each other or if the surfaces being depicted are too rough, then the third option should be used: When IORD is given the value +1, TDOTRI executes an algorithm taken from the reference "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice", by Foley and Van Dam. It starts by ordering the triangles as if IORD had the value -1 (using distances of the far points of the triangles from the viewpoint), but then it checks for situations in which this ordering is in error and fixes the errors. Executing this algorithm can be time-consuming, so it should not be done unless it is really necessary; one possible way to proceed might be to use IORD = -1 while checking out a code and then use IORD = +1 only when doing final plots.

Sometimes, when IORD = +1, triangles must be broken into smaller triangles, thereby increasing the total number of triangles in RTRI. If, as a result of this, NTRI becomes equal to MTRI, no error exit is taken; instead, TDOTRI just returns control to the caller. Therefore, it's a good idea, after calling TDOTRI, to check the value of NTRI against the dimension MTRI; if they're equal, it probably means that the triangle list filled up and that using the permutation returned in ITWK will result in an incorrect rendering of the triangles.


RTRI is a real input/output array, dimensioned 10 by MTRI, in which a list of triangles has been stored, probably by means of calls to TDSTRI and/or TDITRI. As described above, the number of triangles in the list may increase as a result of calling TDOTRI.

MTRI is an input integer specifying the second dimension of RTRI and thus the maximum number of triangles the triangle list will hold.

NTRI is an input/output integer specifying the number of triangles currently in the triangle list. It is the user's responsibility to zero this initially; its value is increased by each call to a triangle-generating routine like TDSTRI or TDITRI and may be increased by a call to TDOTRI.

RTWK is a real scratch array, dimensioned at least MTRIx2.

ITWK is an integer output array, dimensioned at least MTRI, returned containing a permutation of the integers from 1 to NTRI, specifying the order in which the triangles ought to be rendered.

IORD is an integer input expression that says how the triangles are to be ordered. The value 0 implies ordering by decreasing distance of the triangle midpoints from the eye, -1 implies ordering by decreasing distance of the triangle farpoints from the eye, and +1 implies ordering by decreasing distance of the triangle farpoints from the eye, with adjustments made by running an algorithm from the reference "Computer Graphics Principles and Practice", by Foley and Van Dam.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdsort(float *rwrk, int nwrk, int iord, int *iwrk)

This is an internal routine used for sorting. It is not intended that a user should call this routine directly, but doing so should do no harm. Given an array of NRWK reals in an array RWRK and an "ordering flag" IORD, TDSORT returns a permutation vector IWRK such that, for every I and J such that 1.LE.I.LE.J.LE.NWRK, if IORD is zero, then RWRK(IWRK(I)).LE.RWRK(IWRK(J)), else RWRK(IWRK(I)).GE.RWRK(IWRK(J)).

Simplified-Interface Routines



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdez2d (int nx, int ny, float *x, float *y, float *z,
               float rmult, float theta, float phi, int ist)

This subroutine uses other entries in TDPACK to draw a surface plot. TDEZ2D is meant to be a simplified interface for the purpose of quickly drawing a plot. TDEZ2D sacrifices much of the flexibility and functionality of TDPACK in its attempt to be simple.


NX, NY, X, Y, and Z define the input data for the surface. X is dimensioned for NX, Y is dimensioned for NY, and Z(I,J) is the data value at (X(I),Y(J)) for I=1,NX and J=1,NY.

RMULT, THETA, and PHI are real input values specifying an eye position (the point from which the surface will be viewed), and are defined as follows:

Thus, the coordinate (RMULT*DL,THETA,PHI) is the spherical coordinate for the eye position. If RMULT = THETA = PHI = 0., a default eye position ( 2.5,-55.,70.) is chosen.

TDEZ2D calculates the point looked at to be the midpoint of the surface.

IST is a style index defining the colors used to shade the surface. The legal values for IST are as follows:

1produce a wire-frame surface
2use gray shades underneath; gray shades on top
3use gray shades underneath; red shades on top
4use gray shades underneath; green shades on top
5use gray shades underneath; blue shades on top
6use gray shades underneath; cyan shades on top
7use gray shades underneath; gray shades on top
8use gray shades underneath; magenta shades on top

If IST is positive, then black is used for the background color and white for the foreground color; if IST is the negative of any of the above values, then white is used for the background color and black for the foreground color. If IST falls outside of the legal range, it is defaulted to 6.

When TDEZ2D is called, a color table is defined for all open workstations that implements IST as described above. This color table will supersede any color table that has been previously defined. The color table that is defined is:

Color indexColors
0black if IST is positive; white if IST is negative
1white if IST is positive; black if IST is negative
8-37grayscale from white to black
38-67shades of gray
68-97shades of red
98-127shades of green
128-157shades of blue
158-187shades of cyan
188-217shades of magenta
218-247shades of yellow

TDEZ2D does not call FRAME.

If the image is too small, decrease the size of RMULT; if the image is too large, increase the size of RMULT.


     CALL TDEZ2D(NX,NY,X,Y,Z,0.,0.,0.,6)

will draw a surface in shades of cyan with a black background and with a default eye position selected.



#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_tdez3d (int nx, int ny, int nz, float *x, float *y, float *z,
               float *u, float value, float rmult, float theta, float phi,
               int ist)

This subroutine uses other entries in TDPACK to draw an isosurface plot. TDEZ3D is meant to be a simplified interface for the purpose of quickly drawing a plot. TDEZ3D sacrifices much of the flexibility and functionality of TDPACK in its attempt to be simple.


NX, NY, NZ, X, Y, Z, and U define the input data for the isosurface where VALUE is the isovalue. X is dimensioned for NX, Y is dimensioned for NY, Z is dimensioned for NZ, and U(I,J,K) is the data value at (X(I),Y(J),Z(K)) for I=1,NX, J=1,NY, and K=1,NZ.

RMULT, THETA, and PHI are real input values specifying an eye position (the point from which the surface will be viewed), and are defined as follows:

Thus, the coordinate (RMULT*DL,THETA,PHI) is the spherical coordinate for the eye position. If RMULT = THETA = PHI = 0., a default eye position ( 2.5,-55.,70.) is chosen.

TDEZ3D calculates the point looked at to be the midpoint of the grid box specified by X, Y, and Z.

IST is a style index defining the colors used to shade the surface. The legal values for IST are:

1produce a wire-frame surface
2use gray shades underneath; gray shades on top
3use gray shades underneath; red shades on top
4use gray shades underneath; green shades on top
5use gray shades underneath; blue shades on top
6use gray shades underneath; cyan shades on top
7use gray shades underneath; gray shades on top
8use gray shades underneath; magenta shades on top

If IST is positive, then black is used for the background color and white for the foreground color; if IST is the negative of any of the above values, then white is used for the background color and black for the foreground color. If IST falls outside of the legal range, it is defaulted to 6.

When TDEZ3D is called, a color table is defined for all open workstations that implements IST as described above. This color table will supersede any color table that has been previously defined. The color table that is defined is:

Color indexColors
0black if IST is positive; white if IST is negative
1white if IST is positive; black if IST is negative
8-37grayscale from white to black
38-67shades of gray
68-97shades of red
98-127shades of green
128-157shades of blue
158-187shades of cyan
188-217shades of magenta
218-247shades of yellow

TDEZ3D does not call FRAME.

If the image is too small, decrease the size of RMULT; if the image is too large, increase the size of RMULT.


     CALL TDEZ3D(NX,NY,NZ,X,Y,Z,U,1.,0.,0.,0.,6)

will draw an isosurface (using an isovalue of 1.) in shades of cyan with a black background and with a default eye position selected.