Session MM1. DPP: Mini-Conference
on Lithium Walls and Low Recycling Regimes in Tokamaks I. Room 303AB,
Qu\'{e}bec City Convention Centre. Chair: M. Schaffer and B. Kaita.
09:20 MM1.001Tokamaks
with lithium covered walls (link to .ps file)
Leonid E. Zakharov (Princeton
University, PPPL)
09:40 MM1.002
of Edge-Plasmas and Lithium Core Pentration for Low-Recycling Lithium Walls
T.D. Rognlien, M.E. Rensink (Lawrence
Livermore National Lab), J.N. Brooks (Argonne National Lab)
10:10 MM1.003
Long-pulse particle control in plasmas surrounded by liquid metal walls.*
Peter Mioduszewski, David Rasmussen,
Brad Nelson (ORNL)
10:40 MM1.004
Coffee Break
10:50 MM1.005
Observations Concerning the Injection of a Lithium Aerosol into the Edge
of TFTR Discharges.
D.K. Mansfield, D.W. Johnson,
B. Grek, H. Kugel, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, R.A. Budny, C.A. Bush, E.D. Fredrickson,
K.W. Hill, D.L. Jassby, R. Maqueda, H.K. Park, C.H.
Skinner, G. Taylor, G.A. Wurden
(Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
11:20 MM1.006
Spectroscopic Studies of Lithium in TFTR
K.W. Hill, D.K. Mansfield, S.S.
Medley, A.T. Ramsey, C.H. Skinner (Princeton University)
11:40 MM1.007
Physics of Improved Core Confinement with Lithium Injection in TFTR
D. R. Ernst, TFTR Team (Princeton
Univ. Plasma Physics Laboratory)
12:10 MM1.008
Initial Results of the Liquid Lithium Rail Limiter Experiment L3 on the
CDX-U Torus
Stan Luckhardt, M. Baldwin, R.
Doerner, E. Hollmann, A. Liebscher, R. Seraydarian, D. Whyte (UCSD), R.
Kaita, R. Majeski (PPPL)
13:40 NM1.001
pumping by liquid Li: Effect of internal flows (link to .doc file)
Sergei Krasheninnikov (UCSD)
14:10 NM1.002
Overview of Plasma Boundary Physics Modeling and Potential Issues for Li
D.P. Stotler (PPPL)
14:40 NM1.003
Temperature Dependent Erosion of Liquid Metal Surfaces
R.P. Doerner, M. Baldwin, A.A.
Grossman, S.C. Luckhardt, R. Seraydarian, D.G. Whyte (University of California
- San Diego)
15:10 NM1.004Kinematic
and thermodynamic effects on liquid metal sputtering (link
to .ppt file, movies have separate links)
5 mm gap.mpg (link to movie 1)
4 mm gap.mpg (link to movie 2)
3 mm gap.mpg (link to movie 3)
2 mm gap.mpg (link to movie 4)
flow 3 __ 3 mm close-up.mpg (link to movie 5)
J.P. Allain, D.N. Ruzic (University
of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
15:40 NM1.005
Coffee Break
16:00 NM1.006
Deuterium Retention in Liquid Lithium
M J Baldwin, R P Doerner, S C
Luckhardt, R W Conn, R Seraydarian, D G Whyte (UC San Diego)
16:30 NM1.007
Self-Pumping/ Entrapment of He Particles by Liquid Metal Layers Flowing
on Divertor Plates
Ahmed Hassanein (Argonne National
Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439)
17:00 NM1.008
Critical Design Considerations for the Flowing Liquid-Surface Illinois
Retention Experiment (FLIRE)
Mark Boaz, Jeff Norman, Jean Paul
Allain, David Ruzic (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
17:30 NM1.009
Overview of PBXM facility
Michio Okabayashi (Princeton Plasma
Physics Laboratory)
09:20 UM1.001 Discussion
13:40 VM1.001.
Effects of Liquid Metal Walls on Equilibrium and Stability
Ahmet Y. Aydemir (Institute for
Fusion Studies, The University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712)
14:10 VM1.002
Liquid Metal Walls and the Belt Pinch
Michael Kotschenreuther (Institute
for Fusion Studies), W. Dorland (University of Maryland), J. Manickam,
J. Menard (PPPL), R. Miller (General Atomic)
14:50 VM1.003Stabilization
of resistive wall modes by lithium streams (.pdf) (.ps)
also .ps , .pdf)
Leonid E. Zakharov (Princeton
University, PPPL)
15:10 VM1.004
Plans for Liquid Lithium Experiments in CDX-U
R. Kaita, R. Majeski, P. Efthimion,
D. Hoffman, B. Jones, H. Kugel, J. Menard, T. Munsat, S. Raftopoulos, G.
Taylor, J. Timberlake, R. Woolley, L. Zakharov
(Princeton University), M. Finkenthal,
V. Soukhanovskii, D. Stutman (Johns Hopkins University), S. Luckhardt,
R. Doerner (UCSD), R. Maingi (ORNL), S. Molesa
(Hope College)
15:40 VM1.005
Coffee Break
16:00 VM1.006
Resistive Liquid Wall Modes and Coupling to Fluid Surface Modes
H.L. Rappaport (Institute for
Fusion Studies, University of Texas at Austin)
16:30 VM1.007
Stabilization of Resistive Wall Modes using Rotating Liquid Metal Walls
C.B. Forest, C. Hegna, G. Fiksel,
T. Lovell, J.A. Sarff (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
17:00 VM1.008Toroidally
Symmetric Liquid Metal J x B Experiments (link to .ppt file, movies
have separate links)
(link to movie 1)
(link to movie 2)
(link to movie 3)
(link to movie 4)
(link to movie 5)
(link to movie 6)
(link to movie 7)
David Ruzic, Boaz Mark, Norman Jeffery,
Jean Paul Allain (University of Illinois)
17:30 VM1.009
Experimental Study of Surface Waves on Liquid Gallium
H. Ji, L. Bell, S. Zweben, R.
Woolley (PPPL)