"Q3__Further extend the studies to include variation of the electron pressure parallel to the magnetic field lines in the electron momentum equation. Determine specific equilibria and physics specifications that best capture the important physics in the evolution of the plasma into the vacuum region surronding the plasma."On April11, Brennan, Jardin, Pankin, Barnes and Schnack met to formulate a work plan for completion of the Q3 ELM milestone. It was agreed that a series of equilibria would be generated. These will then be studied for stability by NIMROD, M3D, and BOUT.
It was pointed out that the "letter" of the "community wide" Q3 milestone has already been satisfied, since BOUT has reported full nonlinear Braginskii fluid simulations of an ELM. The work plan outlined below should therefore be viewed as a mechanism for achieving a scientific, rather than programmatic, goal.
Definitions of equilibria:
Responsible party: Dylan Brennan
Target date: April 15, 2005
Responsible parties: Dan Barnes, Carl Sovinec (2-fluid); Alexei Pankin, Dalton Schnack (GV)
Target date: June 1, 2005
Responsible party: Dylan Brennan
Target date: April 20, 2005
Responsible parties: Phil Snyder (ELITE), Alexei Pankin (DCON), Dalton Schnack (NIMROD)
Target date: May 31, 2005
Responsible party: Alexei Pankin, Dalton Schnack (NIMROD)
Target date: June 15, 2005
Responible parties: Alexei Pankin, Dalton Schnack (NIMROD)
Target date: June 20, 2005
Responible parties: H. Strauss
Target date: June 20, 2005
Responsible parties: Phil Snyder, M. Udensky(?)
Target date: June 20, 2005
Responsible party: Dalton Schnack
Target date: June 30, 2005
Last modified on 22 April 2005.
please email contributions to jardin@pppl.gov