Learning how to use Dsgrid

The programmatic interfaces

There are four interfaces to choose from: Fortran or C in either double precision or single precision. Each interface has one procedure for doing the gridding. Without worrying about understanding exactly what all the procedures do, browse the table of procedure names at this time. Notice that details on any of the procedures can be obtained by clicking on the procedure name.

A program using Dsgrid will contain a section that sets values for appropriate control parameters, after which one of the gridding procedures will be invoked. When Dsgrid is used in its default environment, you will not have to set any control parameters. Example 4 illustrates a simple use of the 3D interpolator.

To get a feeling for the available control parameters (again without worrying about understanding exactly what all of the parameters are), examine the table of control parameters at this time.

Complete details on all procedures and control parameters are presented in other modules.

Examples are provided illustrating the functionality of Dsgrid. All of the examples are in the Examples module. Source codes and example plots are presented there, as well as instructions on how to create your own executables. Browse the introductory remarks in the Examples module now.

Learning guide

To get a feel for what is in the package, quickly browse the table of contents.

Read through the following modules as appropriate for details on how to use Dsgrid.

home | contents | defs | params | procedures | exmpls | index