PSWorkstation class

The PSWorkstation object manages communication with the NCAR Graphics PS Workstation output device.


Header file:		ncarg/hlu/PSWorkstation.h
Class name:		psWorkstationClass
Class pointer:		NhlpsWorkstationClass
Fortran class function:	NHLFPSWORKSTATIONCLASS
Superclass:		Workstation
Composite classes:	<None>

Class-defined types

Type name:		NhlTPSFormat
Definition:		typedef enum {
				NhlPS		= 0,	/* "ps"		*/
				NhlEPS		= 1,	/* "eps"	*/
				NhlEPSI		= 2	/* "epsi"	*/
			} NhlPSFormat;

Type name:		NhlTVisualType
Definition:		typedef enum {
				NhlCOLOR	= 0,	/* "color"	*/
				NhlMONOCHROME	= 3	/* "monochrome"	*/
			} NhlVisualType;

Type name:		NhlTColorModel
Definition:		typedef enum {
				NhlCMYK		= 0,	/* "cmyk"	*/
				NhlRGB		= 1	/* "rgb"	*/
			} NhlColorModel;

Type name:		NhlTWorkOrientation
Definition:		typedef enum {
				NhlPORTRAIT	= 0,	/* "portrait"	*/
				NhlLANDSCAPE	= 6	/* "landscape"	*/
			} NhlWorkOrientation;


Local resources

|			PSWorkstation resource set		|
| wkPSFormat			NhlTPSFormat		RCG	|
|	WkPSFormat			"ps"			|
| wkVisualType			NhlTVisualType		RCG	|
|	WkVisualType			"color"			|
| wkColorModel			NhlTColorModel		RCG	|
|	WkColorModel			"rgb"			|
| wkOrientation			NhlTWorkOrientation	RCG	|
|	WkOrientation			"portrait"		|
| wkPSFileName			NhlTString		RCG	|
|	WkPSFileName			<dynamic>		|
| wkFullBackground		NhlTBoolean		RCSG	|
|	WkPSFileName			False			|
| wkPSResolution		NhlTInteger		RCG	|
|	WkPSResolution			1800			|
| wkDeviceLowerX		NhlTInteger		RCG	|
|	WkDeviceLowerX			36			|
| wkDeviceLowerY		NhlTInteger		RCG	|
|	WkDeviceLowerY			126			|
| wkDeviceUpperX		NhlTInteger		RCG	|
|	WkDeviceUpperX			576			|
| wkDeviceUpperY		NhlTInteger		RCG	|
|	WkDeviceUpperY			666			|

Composite resources

The PSWorkstation object class has no composite class members.

Superclass resources

You can set all resources defined by the superclasses of the PSWorkstation object class, including:


The PSWorkstation object is derived from the Workstation class and thus inherits all of the color map management and control functions associated with the Workstation class.

[More description to be written ASAP...]

Support functions

The PSWorkstation object does not define any support functions; it inherits all the support functions available to its superclass.


See also


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$Revision: 1.15 $ $Date: 1999/04/10 01:05:02 $