Dired Extra Version 2 User's Manual. Node: Features

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1.1: Features

Some features provided by Dired Extra

  1. Omitting of uninteresting files from dired listing.
  2. Local variables for dired directories.
  3. Guessing shell commands in dired buffers.
  4. Running dired command in non-dired buffers.
  5. Finding a file mentioned in a buffer
  6. Commands using file marking.

`dired-x.el' binds some functions to keys in Dired Mode (See Key Index) and also binds C-x C-j and C-x 4 C-j globally to dired-jump (See Miscellaneous Commands). It may also bind C-x C-f and C-x 4 C-f to dired-x-find-file and dired-x-find-file-other-window, respectively (See Find File At Point).

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