Tigernet gives you an alternate route to our lab computers when the PPPL modem are busy or down. You will need to have a Phoenix account to use this facility.
The dial-up number for accessing Tigernet at 2400 baud is
. After connecting, type comserv at the prompt for
destination. After entering your name and password, a comserv prompt
will appear. At the comserv>
prompt, type in telnet and the full
name of the computer you want to connect to, such as
The dial-up number for accessing Tigernet via high speed modem (9600
baud and up) is 258-2710
. In order to use this service, you must
first register for a Remote Access Account terminal access. Please send
the following information to remote@princeton.edu:
Name CIT system (PUCC/Unix) userid University account number to be charged (for faculty and staff) Phone number (office number for faculty and staff) Service requested: terminal access
You get four hours per month of free connect time for the high speed (9600 baud) modem service. After that you get charged. So you should only use this service when the PPPL lines are unavailable.