The `talk
' and `write
' commands are similar in that both provide
a method of instantaneous communication. Talk, however, is used more
frequently than write because talk provides a way for dividing the
screen into two windows---one for outgoing messages and one for incoming
messages. With write, the two parties must agree ahead of time to
prevent simultaneous sending and receiving of messages---since there is
only one write `window,
' you would end up with garbage on your
screen. In this section we will only discuss the `talk
' command. (See
man write for more information.)
Talk only works between users on the same local network. To
' to another user, type talk username@host. Something
like this should appear on the other person's screen:
Message from Talk_Daemon@suntsu at 11:13 ...
talk: connection requested by karney@lyman.
talk: respond with: talk karney@lyman
Thsi will continue beeping on the other person's screen until either the connection is accepted or you end the attempt with a CTL-c. If accepted, talk breaks up the screen into two windows and communication can proceed until either party ends the session with a CTL-c. (See man talk for more information.)