Depending on whether or not your particular system is using Xdm (See xdm, you may or may not need to start X manually. Manual start-ups are rare, which is why it will be included in this section instead of the section on logging directly into X-Windows.
For a manual start up, log in to the console directly, then type
in xinit (open xinit on the Guido console). This runs the
script `.xinitrc
' which sets the default values for your initial
windows. If the script file is missing, you'll just get an xterm window
and you'll have to start twm manually by typing in twm & at the
prompt (a titlebar will appear above the window).
Normally, there are four text files in your home directory
' that contain all the information needed for xdm to start an
X-Windows session. They are:
' - a file run by xdm to start your initial windows.
The file `.xinitrc
' is the manual start-up counterpart.
' - a list of preferences for fonts, colors, window
sizes, etc. (Used by all X clients.)
' - an initialization file for the window manager, twm.
This is where you can specify what options will be on the `Machines
menu, etc.
' file area.