PPPL Unix Cluster
ssh and slogin
ssh and slogin
ssh examples
You need to do the following once:
$ ssh-keygen ... Enter file in which to save the key (~/.ssh/identity): [RETURN] Enter passphrase: [ENTER A GOOD PASS PHRASE TO PROTECT THE PRIVATE KEY] Enter the same passphrase again: [DITTO] ...
This creates a private-public key pair in `~/.ssh/identity
' and
'. The first file is protected by (a) Unix
permissions, and (b) your pass phrase. The second file only needs to be
protected against writing by anyone except you.
cp ~/.ssh/identity.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
' on any remote systems you want
to access. E.g., on hecate.princeton.edu
mkdir ~/.ssh chmod 755 ~/.ssh
and use ftp(1) to transfer the local copy of
' to hecate.princeton.edu.
', put
eval `ssh-agent -s` ssh-add < /dev/null &
eval `ssh-agent -c` ssh-add < /dev/null &
depending on whether your `~/.xsession
' is a `/bin/sh
' or
' script. Look at the first line of the file to find out.
At the end of `~/.xsession
' (after the invocation of the
window manager), put
eval `ssh-agenet -k -s`
eval `ssh-agenet -k -c`
Your `~/.xsession
' may then look like:
#! /bin/sh . /etc/env.default eval `ssh-agent -s` # ADDITION ssh-add < /dev/null # ADDITION xrdb $HOME/.Xresources xterm -ls -T `hostname` -n `hostname` -geo 80x50+105+5 & twm eval `ssh-agenet -k -s` # ADDITION
Host *.nersc.gov User u12345 Host hecate.princeton.edu Port 1515
where `u12345
' is your NERSC user name. (This step means that you
won't have to supply a `-l u12345
' argument to ssh.) The
port-specification for hecate connects you to the AFS-aware version of
sshd on that machine. If you want to use compression on certain
connections, this can be configured here too (see ssh(1)).
Once per X session
When you start an X session on your X terminal, the ssh-add command in
' will pop up a window for you to enter your pass