Viper facilitates the use of Emacs-style keyboard macros. @# will
start a macro definition. As you type, the commands will be executed, and
remembered (This is called ``learn mode'' in some editors.)
@register will complete the macro, putting it into `register
where `register
' is any character from `a
' through `z
'. Then
you can execute this macro using @register. It is, of course,
possible to yank some text into a register and execute it using
@register. Typing @@, @RET, or @C-j will
execute the last macro that was executed using @register.
Viper will automatically lowercase the register, so that pressing the SHIFT key for @ will not create problems. This is for @ macros and "p only. In the case of y, "Ayy will append to register a. For [,],',`, it is an error to use a Uppercase register name.
The contents of a register can be seen by ]register. ([textmarker will show the contents of a textmarker).
The last keyboard macro can also be executed using *, and it can be yanked into a register using @!register. This is useful for Emacs style keyboard macros defined using C-x( and C-x). Emacs keyboard macros have more capabilities. See Keyboard Macros, for details.
Keyboard Macros allow an interesting form of Query-Replace: /pattern or n to go to the next pattern (the query), followed by a Keyboard Macro execution @@ (the replace).
Viper also provides Vi-style macros. See Vi Macros, for details.