Table of Dsgrid control parameters

The following table summarizes all of the parameters used for controlling the behavior of Dsgrid.

Values for these parameters can be set by using the subroutines DSSETI, DSSETR, DSSETRD, and DSSETC for Fortran programs or the functions c_dsseti, c_dssetr, c_dssetrd, and c_dssetc for C programs.

          |            |                     |               |                 
Parameter | parameter  |                     |               |
  name    |   type     |  description        | legal values  | default value
          |            |                     |               |                 
  dmv     | float      | a special value for | any           | -9999.
          |            | data initialization |               |
          |            | and use with the dmx|               |
          |            | control parameter.  |               |
  dmx     | float      | in calculating      | > 0.          | use all input
          |            | weights, use only   |               | data points
          |            | input data within   |               |
          |            | the distance dmx.   |               |
  erf     | char       | error file.         | any file name | stderr
  exp     | float      | power to use for    | > 0.          | 3.0
          |            | inverse distances in|               |
          |            | computing weights.  |               |
  shd     | int        | controls whether    | 0 = no        | 0
          |            | the shadowing       | 1 = yes       |
          |            | feature is on.      |               |

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