Detailed description of the procedures

DSGRID2S - primary 2D gridding function

DSGRID2S is the Fortran single precision subroutine that does an interpolation from 2D random data to an output grid. DSGRID2S is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the subroutines DSSETI, DSSETR, DSSETC.
               Argument | Type    |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGRID2S (NPNTS,   | Integer | Input  |
               X,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               Y,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               Z,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               NUMXOUT, | Integer | Input  | 
               NUMYOUT, | Integer | Input  |
               XO,      | Real    | Input  | NUMXOUT
               YO,      | Real    | Input  | NUMYOUT
               ZO,      | Real    | Output | NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT
               IER)     | Integer | Output | 
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, Z(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L)), for L=1,NPNTS.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
An array of dimension NUMXOUT containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in XO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of dimension NUMYOUT containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in YO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
A two-dimensional array of dimension NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT containing the interpolated functional values. ZO(I,J) is the interpolated value at grid point (XO(I),YO(J)).
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSGRID3S - primary 3D gridding function

DSGRID3S is the Fortran single precision subroutine that does an interpolation from 3D random data to an output grid. DSGRID3S is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the subroutines DSSETI, DSSETR, DSSETC.
               Argument | Type    |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGRID3S (NPNTS,   | Integer | Input  |
               X,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               Y,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               Z,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               U,       | Real    | Input  | NPNTS
               NUMXOUT, | Integer | Input  | 
               NUMYOUT, | Integer | Input  |
               NUMZOUT, | Integer | Input  |
               XO,      | Real    | Input  | NUMXOUT
               YO,      | Real    | Input  | NUMYOUT
               ZO,      | Real    | Input  | NUMZOUT
               UO,      | Real    | Output | NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT x NUMZOUT
               IER)     | Integer | Output | 
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, U(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L),Z(L)), for L=1,NPNTS.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
The number of Z values in the output grid.
An array of dimension NUMXOUT containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in XO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of dimension NUMYOUT containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in YO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of dimension NUMZOUT containing the Z coordinates of the output data grid. The values in ZO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
A three-dimensional array of dimension NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT x NUMZOUT containing the interpolated functional values. UO(I,J,K) is the interpolated value at grid point (XO(I),YO(J),ZO(K)).
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSSETI - set INTEGER parameter values

DSSETI is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take integer values. The values set by DSSETI remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to DSSETI.
            Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSSETI (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
             IVAL)   | Integer   | Input  | 
The name of the control parameter to be set.
The value to be assigned to the parameter.

DSGETI - retrieve values for INTEGER parameters

DSGETI is a called to obtain current values for any of the INTEGER valued control parameters.
            Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGETI (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
             IVAL)   | Integer   | Output | 
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
The current value assigned to the control parameter.

DSSETR - set REAL parameter values

DSSETR is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take REAL values. The values set by DSSETR remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to DSSETR.
            Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSSETR (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
             RVAL)   | Real      | Input  | 
The name of the control parameter to be set.
The value to be assigned to the parameter.

DSGETR - retrieve values for REAL parameters

DSGETR is a called to obtain current values for any of the REAL valued control parameters.
            Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGETR (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
             RVAL)   | Real      | Output | 
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
The current value assigned to the control parameter.

DSSETC - set CHARACTER valued parameters.

            Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSSETC (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
             CVAL)   | Character | Input  | 
DSSETC is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take CHARACTER values. The values set by DSSETC remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to DSSETC.
The name of the control parameter to be set.
The value to be assigned to the parameter.

DSGETC - retrieve values for CHARACTER parameters

DSGETC is a called to obtain current values for any of the CHARACTER valued control parameters.
            Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGETC (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
             CVAL)   | Character | Output | 
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
The current value assigned to the control parameter. Be sure to provide enough space in the character variable to receive the value.

DSPNT2S - interpolate 2D data at specified points

This subroutine is called to interpolate 2D data at specified points.
              Argument | Type    |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSPNT2S (N,       | Integer | Input  |
              X,       | Real    | Input  | N
              Y,       | Real    | Input  | N
              Z,       | Real    | Input  | N
              M,       | Integer | Input  |
              XO,      | Real    | Input  | M
              YO,      | Real    | Input  | M
              ZO,      | Real    | Output | M
              IER)     | Integer | Output |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, Z(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L)), for L=1,N.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension M containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in XO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in YO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the interpolated values. ZO(I) is the interpolated value at point (XO(I),YO(I)) for I=1,M.
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSPNT3S - interpolate 3D data at specified points

This subroutine is called to interpolate 3D data at specified points.
              Argument | Type    |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSPNT3S (N,       | Integer | Input  |
              X,       | Real    | Input  | N
              Y,       | Real    | Input  | N
              Z,       | Real    | Input  | N
              U,       | Real    | Input  | N
              M,       | Integer | Input  |
              XO,      | Real    | Input  | M
              YO,      | Real    | Input  | M
              ZO,      | Real    | Input  | M
              UO,      | Real    | Output | M
              IER)     | Integer | Output |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, U(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L),Z(L)), for L=1,N.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension M containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in XO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in YO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the Z coordinates of the output data. The values in ZO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the interpolated values. UO(I) is the interpolated value at point (XO(I),YO(I),ZO(I)) for I=1,M.
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSGRID2D - primary 2D gridding function

DSGRID2D is the Fortran double precision subroutine that does an interpolation from 2D random data to an output grid. DSGRID2D is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the subroutines DSSETI, DSSETRD, DSSETC.
               Argument |           Type    |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGRID2D (NPNTS,   | Integer           | Input  |
               X,       | Double precision  | Input  | NPNTS
               Y,       | Double precision  | Input  | NPNTS
               Z,       | Double precision  | Input  | NPNTS
               NUMXOUT, | Integer           | Input  | 
               NUMYOUT, | Integer           | Input  |
               XO,      | Double precision  | Input  | NUMXOUT
               YO,      | Double precision  | Input  | NUMYOUT
               ZO,      | Double precision  | Output | NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT
               IER)     | Integer           | Output | 
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, Z(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L)), for L=1,NPNTS.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
An array of dimension NUMXOUT containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in XO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of dimension NUMYOUT containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in YO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
A two-dimensional array of dimension NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT containing the interpolated functional values. ZO(I,J) is the interpolated value at grid point (XO(I),YO(J)).
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSGRID3D - primary 3D gridding function

DSGRID3D is the Fortran double precision subroutine that does an interpolation from 3D random data to an output grid. DSGRID3D is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the subroutines DSSETI, DSSETRD, DSSETC.
               Argument | Type             |  Mode | Dimension
CALL DSGRID3D (NPNTS,   | Integer          | Input |
               X,       | Double precision | Input | NPNTS
               Y,       | Double precision | Input | NPNTS
               Z,       | Double precision | Input | NPNTS
               U,       | Double precision | Input | NPNTS
               NUMXOUT, | Integer          | Input | 
               NUMYOUT, | Integer          | Input |
               NUMZOUT, | Integer          | Input |
               XO,      | Double precision | Input | NUMXOUT
               YO,      | Double precision | Input | NUMYOUT
               ZO,      | Double precision | Input | NUMZOUT
               UO,      | Double precision | Output| NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT x NUMZOUT
               IER)     | Integer          | Output| 
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, U(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L),Z(L)), for L=1,NPNTS.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
The number of Z values in the output grid.
An array of dimension NUMXOUT containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in XO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of dimension NUMYOUT containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in YO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of dimension NUMZOUT containing the Z coordinates of the output data grid. The values in ZO must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
A three-dimensional array of dimension NUMXOUT x NUMYOUT x NUMZOUT containing the interpolated functional values. UO(I,J,K) is the interpolated value at grid point (XO(I),YO(J),ZO(K)).
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSSETRD - set DOUBLE PRECISION parameter values

DSSETRD is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take DOUBLE PRECISION values. The values set by DSSETRD remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to DSSETRD.
             Argument | Type      |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSSETRD (PNAM,   | Character | Input  |
              RVAL)   | Real      | Input  | 
The name of the control parameter to be set.
The value to be assigned to the parameter.

DSGETRD - retrieve values for DOUBLE PRECISION parameters

DSGETRD is a called to obtain current values for any of the DOUBLE PRECISION valued control parameters.
            Argument | Type              |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSGETRD (PNAM,  | Character         | Input  |
              RVAL)  | DOUBLE precision  | Output | 
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
The current value assigned to the control parameter.

DSPNT2D - interpolate 2D double precision data at specified points

This subroutine is called to interpolate 2D double precision data at specified points.
            Argument | Type             |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSPNT2D (N,     | Integer          | Input  |
              X,     | Double precision | Input  | N
              Y,     | Double precision | Input  | N
              Z,     | Double precision | Input  | N
              M,     | Integer          | Input  |       
              XO,    | Double precision | Input  | M
              YO,    | Double precision | Input  | M
              ZO,    | Double precision | Output | M
              IER)   | Integer          | Output |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, Z(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L)), for L=1,N.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension M containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in XO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in YO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the interpolated values. ZO(I) is the interpolated value at point (XO(I),YO(I)) for I=1,M.
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

DSPNT3D - interpolate 3D double precision data at specified points

This subroutine is called to interpolate 3D double precision data at specified points.
             Argument  | Type             |  Mode  | Dimension
CALL DSPNT3D (N,       | Integer          | Input  |
              X,       | Double precision | Input  | N
              Y,       | Double precision | Input  | N
              Z,       | Double precision | Input  | N
              U,       | Double precision | Input  | N
              M,       | Integer          | Input  |
              XO,      | Double precision | Input  | M
              YO,      | Double precision | Input  | M
              ZO,      | Double precision | Input  | M
              UO,      | Double precision | Output | M
              IER)     | Integer          | Output |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, U(L) is the value of the input function at coordinate (X(L),Y(L),Z(L)), for L=1,N.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension M containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in XO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in YO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the Z coordinates of the output data. The values in ZO may be in any order.
An array of dimension M containing the interpolated values. UO(I) is the interpolated value at point (XO(I),YO(I),ZO(I)) for I=1,M.
An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dsgrid2s - Primary gridding function

c_dsgrid2s is the C single precision function that does an interpolation from 2D random data to an output grid. c_dsgrid2s is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the function c_dsseti, c_dssetr, c_dssetc.

Function prototype:

  float *c_dsgrid2s(int, float [], float [], float [],
                    int, int, float [], float [], int *);
Return value:

c_dsgrid2s returns a pointer to a linear array of data that is the interpolated grid stored in row-major order. That is, if out is declared as

  float *out;
and we set:
  out = c_dsgrid2s(npnts, x, y, z, numxout, numyout, xo, yo, &ier);
then out[i*numyout+j] is the interpolated function value at coordinate point (xo[i],yo[j]) for 0 <= i < numxout and 0 <= j < numyout. The space for out is allocated internal to c_dsgrid2s and is numxout*numyout floats in size.

Argument description:

                   Argument | Type     |  Size  
float *c_dsgrid2s (npnts,   | int      |        
                   x,       | float [] | npnts  
                   y,       | float [] | npnts  
                   z,       | float [] | npnts  
                   numxout, | int      |        
                   numyout, | int      |        
                   xi,      | float [] | numxout
                   yi,      | float [] | numyout
                   ier      | int *    |
The number of input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z[n] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[n],y[n]), for 0 <= n < npnts.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
An array of size numxout containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in xi must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of size numyout containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in yi must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dsgrid3s - Primary gridding function

c_dsgrid3s is the C single precision function that does an interpolation from 3D random data to an output grid. c_dsgrid3s is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the function c_dsseti, c_dssetr, c_dssetc.

Function prototype:

float    *c_dsgrid3s(int, float [], float [], float [], float [],
                     int, int, int, float [], float [], float [], int *);
Return value:

c_dsgrid3s returns a pointer to a linear array of data that is the interpolated grid stored in row-major order. That is, if out is declared as

  float *out;
and we set:
  out = c_dsgrid3s(n, x, y, z, u, nx, ny, nz, xo, yo, zo, &ier);
then out[nz*ny*i + nz*j + k] is the interpolated function value at coordinate point (xo[i],yo[j],zo[k]) for 0 <= i < nx, 0 <= j < ny, and 0 <= k < nz. The space for out is allocated internal to c_dsgrid3s and is nx*ny*nz floats in size.

Argument description:

                   Argument | Type     |  Size  
float *c_dsgrid3s (npnts,   | int      |        
                   x,       | float [] | npnts  
                   y,       | float [] | npnts  
                   z,       | float [] | npnts  
                   u,       | float [] | npnts  
                   numxout, | int      |        
                   numyout, | int      |        
                   numzout, | int      |        
                   xo,      | float [] | numxout
                   yo,      | float [] | numyout
                   zo,      | float [] | numzout
                   ier      | int *    |
The number of input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z[n] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[n],y[n],z[n]), for 0 <= n < npnts.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
The number of Z values in the output grid.
An array of size numxout containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in xo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of size numyout containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in yo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of size numyout containing the Z coordinates of the output data grid. The values in zo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dsseti - Set int valued parameters

c_dsseti is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take int values. The values set by c_dsseti remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to c_dsseti.

Function prototype:

  void c_dsseti(char *, int);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dsseti (pnam,   | char *  |        
               ival);  | int     |
The name of the control parameter to be assigned an int value.
The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dsgeti - Retrieve an int valued parameter

c_dsgeti is a called to obtain current values for any of the int valued
control parameters.

Function prototype:

  void c_dsgeti(char *, int);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dsgeti (pnam,   | char *  |        
               ival);  | int  *  |
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
*ival will be the value currently assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dssetr - Set float valued parameters

c_dssetr is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take float values. The values set by c_dssetr remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to c_dssetr.

Function prototype:

  void c_dssetr(char *, float);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dssetr (pnam,   | char *  |        
               fval);  | float   |
The name of the control parameter to be assigned a float value.
The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dsgetr - Retrieve a float valued parameter

c_dsgetr is a called to obtain current values for any of the float valued control parameters.

Function prototype:

  void c_dsgetr(char *, float *);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dsgetr (pnam,   | char *  |        
               fval);  | float * |
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
*fval will be the value currently assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dssetrd - Set double precision valued parameters

c_dssetrd is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take double precision values. The values set by c_dssetrd remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to c_dssetrd.

Function prototype:

  void c_dssetrd(char *, double);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dssetrd (pnam,  | char *  |        
                dval); | double  |
The name of the control parameter to be assigned a double precision value.
The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dsgetrd - Retrieve a double precision valued parameter

c_dsgetrd is a called to obtain current values for any of the double precision valued control parameters.

Function prototype:

  void c_dsgetrd(char *, double *);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type     |  Size  
void c_dsgetrd (pnam,  | char *   |        
                dval); | double * |
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
*dval will be the value currently assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dssetc - Set char valued parameters

c_dssetc is used to set values for any of the control parameters that take string values. The values set by c_dssetc remain in effect until changed by subsequent calls to c_dssetc.

Function prototype:

  void c_dssetc(char *, char *);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dssetc (pnam,   | char *  |        
               cval);  | char *  |
The name of the control parameter to be assigned a char value.
The value to be assigned to the control parameter whose name is pointed to by pnam.

c_dsgetc - Retrieve a char valued parameter

c_dsgetc is a called to obtain current values for any of the string valued
control parameters.

Function prototype:

  void c_dsgetc(char *, char *);
Argument description:
              Argument | Type    |  Size  
void c_dsgetc (pnam,   | char *  |        
               cval);  | char *  |
The name of the control parameter whose value is to be retrieved.
cval will point to a string containing the returned value. The user is required to reserve enough space to store the string.

c_dspnt2s - Interpolate at specified points

This function is called to interpolate single precision 2D data at specified points.

Function prototype:

   void c_dspnt2s(int, float [], float [], float [],
                  int, float [], float [], float *, int *);
Argument description:
               Argument | Type     |  Size  
void c_dspnt2s (n,      | int      |
                x,      | float [] | n
                y,      | float [] | n
                z,      | float [] | n
                m,      | int      |
                xo,     | float [] | m
                yo,     | float [] | m
                zo,     | float *  | 
                ier     | int *    |
                );      |          |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z[l] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[l],y[l]), for l=1,n.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension m containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in xo may be in any order.
An array of dimension m containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in yo may be in any order.
A pointer to a float. Space for m floats is allocated for zo by dspnt2s. zo[i] is the interpolated value at point (xo[i],yo[i]) for i=1,m.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dspnt3s - Interpolate at specified points

This function is called to interpolate single precision 3D data at specified points.

Function prototype:

   void c_dspnt3s(int, float [], float [], float [], float[]
                  int, float [], float [], float [], float *, int *);
Argument description:
               Argument | Type     |  Size  
void c_dspnt3s (n,      | int      |
                x,      | float [] | n
                y,      | float [] | n
                z,      | float [] | n
                u,      | float [] | n
                m,      | int      |
                xo,     | float [] | m
                yo,     | float [] | m
                zo,     | float [] | m
                uo,     | float *  |
                ier     | int *    |
                );      |          |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, u[l] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[l],y[l],z[l]), for l=1,n.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension m containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in xo may be in any order.
An array of dimension m containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in yo may be in any order.
An array of dimension m containing the Z coordinates of the output data. The values in yo may be in any order.
A pointer to a float. Space for m floats is allocated for uo by dspnt3s. zo[i] is the interpolated value at point (xo[i],yo[i],zo[i]) for i=1,m.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dsgrid2d - Primary 2D gridding function

c_dsgrid2d is the C double precision function that does an interpolation from 2D random data to an output grid. c_dsgrid2d is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the function c_dsseti, c_dssetrd, c_dssetc.

Function prototype:

  double *c_dsgrid2d(int, double [], double [], double [],
                     int, int, double [], double [], int *);
Return value:

c_dsgrid2d returns a pointer to a linear array of data that is the interpolated grid stored in row-major order. That is, if out is declared as

  double *out;
and we set:
  out = c_dsgrid2d(npnts, x, y, z, numxout, numyout, xo, yo, &ier);
then out[i*numyout+j] is the interpolated function value at coordinate point (xo[i],yo[j]) for 0 <= i < numxout and 0 <= j < numyout. The space for out is allocated internal to c_dsgrid2d and is numxout*numyout doubles in size.

Argument description:

                   Argument | Type      |  Size  
double *c_dsgrid2d (npnts,  | int       |        
                    x,      | double [] | npnts  
                    y,      | double [] | npnts  
                    z,      | double [] | npnts  
                    numxout,| int       |        
                    numyout,| int       |        
                    xi,     | double [] | numxout
                    yi,     | double [] | numyout
                    ier     | int *     |
                    );      |           |
The number of input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z[n] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[n],y[n]), for 0 <= n < npnts.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
An array of size numxout containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in xi must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of size numyout containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in yi must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dsgrid3d - Primary 3D gridding function

c_dsgrid3d is the C double precision function that does an interpolation from 3D random data to an output grid. c_dsgrid3d is called after all of the desired values for control parameters have been set using the function c_dsseti, c_dssetrd, c_dssetc.

Function prototype:

double   *c_dsgrid3d(int, double [], double [], double [], double [],
                     int, int, int, double [], double [], double [], int *);
Return value:

c_dsgrid3d returns a pointer to a linear array of data that is the interpolated grid stored in row-major order. That is, if out is declared as

  double *out;
and we set:
  out = c_dsgrid3d(n, x, y, z, u, nx, ny, nz, xo, yo, zo, &ier);
then out[nz*ny*i + nz*j + k] is the interpolated function value at coordinate point (xo[i],yo[j],zo[k]) for 0 <= i < nx, 0 <= j < ny, and 0 <= k < nz. The space for out is allocated internal to c_dsgrid3d and is nx*ny*nz doubles in size.

Argument description:

                    Argument | Type      |  Size  
double *c_dsgrid3d (npnts,   | int       |        
                    x,       | double [] | npnts  
                    y,       | double [] | npnts  
                    z,       | double [] | npnts  
                    u,       | double [] | npnts  
                    numxout, | int       |        
                    numyout, | int       |        
                    numzout, | int       |        
                    xo,      | double [] | numxout
                    yo,      | double [] | numyout
                    zo,      | double [] | numzout
                    ier      | int *     |
                    );       |           |
The number of input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array of size npnts containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z[n] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[n],y[n],z[n]), for 0 <= n < npnts.
The number of X values in the output grid.
The number of Y values in the output grid.
The number of Z values in the output grid.
An array of size numxout containing the X coordinates of the output data grid. The values in xo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of size numyout containing the Y coordinates of the output data grid. The values in yo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An array of size numzout containing the Z coordinates of the output data grid. The values in zo must be increasing, but need not be equally spaced.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dspnt2d - Interpolate at specified points

This function is called to interpolate double precision 2D data at specified points.

Function prototype:

   void c_dspnt2d(int, double [], double [], double [],
                  int, double [], double [], double *, int *);
Argument description:
               Argument |  Type     |  Size  
void c_dspnt2d (n,      | int       |
                x,      | double [] | n
                y,      | double [] | n
                z,      | double [] | n
                m,      | int       |
                xo,     | double [] | m
                yo,     | double [] | m
                zo,     | double *  | 
                ier     | int *     |
                );      |           |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, z[l] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[l],y[l]), for l=1,n.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension m containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in xo may be in any order.
An array of dimension m containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in yo may be in any order.
A pointer to a float. Space for m floats is allocated for zo by dspnt2s. zo[i] is the interpolated value at point (xo[i],yo[i]) for i=1,m.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

c_dspnt3d - Interpolate at specified points

This function is called to interpolate double precision 3D data at specified points.

Function prototype:

   void c_dspnt3d(int, double [], double [], double [], double[]
                  int, double [], double [], double [], double *, int *);
Argument description:
               Argument | Type      |  Size  
void c_dspnt3d (n,      | int       |
                x,      | double [] | n
                y,      | double [] | n
                z,      | double [] | n
                u,      | double [] | n
                m,      | int       |
                xo,     | double [] | m
                yo,     | double [] | m
                zo,     | double [] | m
                uo,     | double *  |
                ier     | int *     |
                );      |           |
The number of input data points.
An array containing the X coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Y coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the Z coordinates of the input data points.
An array containing the functional values of the input data points. That is, u[l] is the value of the input function at coordinate (x[l],y[l],z[l]), for l=1,n.
The number of output data points (this may be "1").
An array of dimension m containing the X coordinates of the output data. The values in xo may be in any order.
An array of dimension m containing the Y coordinates of the output data. The values in yo may be in any order.
An array of dimension m containing the Z coordinates of the output data. The values in zo may be in any order.
A pointer to a float. Space for m floats is allocated for uo by dspnt3s. uo[i] is the interpolated value at point (xo[i],yo[i],zo[i]) for i=1,m.
An error return value. If *ier is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If *ier is non-zero, then refer to the error list in the error table for details.

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