Ngmath examples
This module is a graphical index to the HLU and NCL NCAR Graphics
examples that use the Ngmath library to do interpolation from random
grids to rectangular grids. Click on one of the example graphics below
to link to information about how to create the graphic and how to
access the code and data that were used to generate the plot.
- nm01: Simple example of natural neighbor
linear interpolation.
- nm02: Simple example of natural neighbor
linear regridding.
- nm03: How to retrieve aspects and slopes of an
- nm04: Simple 3D interpolation.
- nm05: How to vary the exponent of the distances in a simple 2D interpolation..
- nm06: Smoothing in a simple 2D interpolation.
- nm07: Illustrates the use of ftcurv, ftcurvd, and ftcurvi.
- nm08: Illustrates the use of ftcurvp and ftcurvpi.
- nm09: Illustrates the use of ftcurvs and ftcurvps.
- nm10: Illustrates the use of ftkurv and ftkurvd.
- nm11: Illustrates the use of ftkurvp and ftkurvpd.
- nm12: Illustrates the use of ftsurf.
- nm13: Illustrates the use of csa1s.
- nm14: Illustrates the use of csa1xs.
- nm15: Illustrates the use of csa1xs.
- nm16: Illustrates the use of csa2s and csa2xs.
- nm17: Illustrates the use of csa3s.
- nm18: Illustrates the use of csa3s.
- nm19: Illustrates the use of csa2ls.
For more information, see the Ngmath
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$Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 1999/03/24 17:50:00 $