CoordArrays class

The CoordArrays class provides a way to describe X/Y coordinate data to the HLU library.


Header file:		ncarg/hlu/CoordArrays.h
Class name:		coordArraysClass
Class pointer:		NhlcoordArraysClass
Fortran class function:	NHLFCOORDARRAYSCLASS
Superclass:		DataItem
Composite classes:	<None>

Class-defined types

Type name:		NhlTcaCastMode
typedef enum _NhlcaCastMode {
} NhlcaCastMode;


Local resources

|		CoordArrays resource set			|
| caCopyArrays			NhlTBoolean		RCSG	|
|	diCopyData			True			|
| caXArray			NhlTGenArray		RCSG	|
|       CaXArray                        NULL                    |
| caXCast			NhlTcaCastMode		RCSG	|
|       CaCast				<Dynamic>		|
| caXMissingV			NhlTVariable		RCSG	|
|       diMissingValue                  NULL                    |
| caXMaxV			NhlTVariable		RCSG	|
|       CaXMaxV                         NULL                    |
| caXMinV			NhlTVariable		RCSG	|
|       CaXMinV                         NULL                    |
| caYArray			NhlTGenArray		RCSG	|
|       CaYArray                        NULL                    |
| caYCast			NhlTcaCastMode		RCSG	|
|       CaCast				<Dynamic>		|
| caYMissingV			NhlTVariable		RCSG	|
|       diMissingValue                  NULL                    |
| caYMaxV			NhlTVariable		RCSG	|
|       CaYMaxV                         NULL                    |
| caYMinV			NhlTVariable		RCSG	|
|       CaYMinV                         NULL                    |

Superclass resources

There are no Superclass resources.


The CoordArrays object is used to describe X/Y coordinate data to the HLU library. It is usually used in combination with the XyPlot object.

The CoordArrays object uses two arrays to do this: the caXArray and the caYArray. The caXCast and caYCast resources are used to determine which dimension of the caXArray and caYArray should be recognized as vectors, and which dimension should be element of the vectors.

The Min and Max resources are computed if they are not set explicitly. If the caXArray or caYArray resources are reset to new values, the Min and Max values are recomputed unless the Min and Max values have been explicitly set by the user. If these resources are ever set, the programmer/user is taking responsibility for updating them if they need to be updated.

Support functions

There are no support functions for the CoordArrays object, although all the support functions that are available for the DataItem class are available. Additionally, some of the DataComm functions are used with DataItem objects.

See also


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$Revision: 1.15 $ $Date: 1998/06/15 21:26:54 $