TickMark class resource descriptions

This resource sets the value used for all TickMark label formats that have the dynamic attribute set on for the exponent switch length (as specified by the Floating Point Format Specification scheme). By default all the label format strings set the exponent switch length dynamic attribute on, causing the value of tmSciNoteCutoff to specify the number of digits used to control switching between exponential and floating point format when generic formatting is in effect. If you explicitly set the exponent switch length conversion field (signaled by the '?' character) in the format string to anything other than the dynamic value ('*'), the value in the format string overrides the value set for tmSciNoteCutoff.

Default: 6

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the tick mark border. The linewidth is a multiple of the parent workstation device's minimum linewidth.

Default: 2.0

Set the color of the tick mark border.

Default: 1

Causes the top tick marks to use the resources for the bottom tick marks. The resources affected are:
tmXTStyle, tmXTMode, tmXTMinorPerMajor, tmXTNoMinor, tmXTDataLeftF, tmXTDataRightF, tmXTTickStartF, tmXTTickEndF, tmXTMaxTicks, tmXTTickSpacing, tmXTValues, tmXTLabels, tmXTMinorValues, tmXTMajorThicknessF, tmXTMajorLineColor, tmXTMajorLengthF, tmXTMajorOutwardLengthF, tmXTMinorThicknessF, tmXTMinorLineColor, tmXTMinorLengthF, tmXTMinorOutwardLength, tmXTLabelFuncCode, tmXTConstantSpacingF, tmXTLabelFont, tmXTLabelFontHeightF, tmXTLabelFontColor, tmXTLabelFontAspectF, tmXTLabelFontThicknessF, tmXTLabelFontQuality, tmXTLabelAngleF, tmXTLabelDirection, tmXTLabelDeltaF, tmXTIrregularPoints, tmXTIrrTensionF, tmXTLabelStride, tmXTAutoPrecision, tmXTPrecision and tmXTFormat.
All other Top TickMark resources are unaffected.

Default: True

Setting True turns on the X Axis major grid; False turns it off. Grid lines will extend the bottom tick marks to the top border. If the bottom ticks are turned off, the top tick marks will be extended to the bottom.

Default: False

Setting True turns on the X Axis minor grid; False turns it off. Grid lines will extend the bottom tick marks to the top border. If the bottom ticks are turned off, the top tick marks will be extended to the bottom.

Default: False

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the thickness of the major X Axis grid lines. Value is a multiple of the device's minimum linewidth.

Default: 2.0

Sets color index for major X Axis grid lines.

Default: 1

Sets dash pattern index for the major X Axis grid lines.

Default: 0

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the minor grid. Value is a multiple of the device's minimum linewidth.

Default: 1.0

Sets color index for minor X Axis grid lines.

Default: 1

Sets dash pattern index for minor X Axis grid lines.

Default: 0

Setting True turns on bottom tick marks; False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting True turns on top tick marks; False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting True turns on tick mark labels if tmXBOn is set; False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting True turns on tick mark labels if tmXTOn is set; False turns them off.

Default: False

Setting True turns bottom border on; False turns it off. Does not turn off bottom ticks.

Default: True

Setting True turns top border on; False turns it off. Does not turn off top ticks.

Default: True

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkMode determines the method for specifying the spacing of the ticks and the contents of the labels along the bottom X Axis. It has three possible settings:
Based on the values of tmXBDataLeftF and tmXBDataRightF, TickMark chooses a 'nice' spacing between the major tick marks, such that the number of major ticks does not exceed the value of tmXBMaxTicks. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmSciNoteCutoff, tmXBAutoPrecision, tmXBPrecision, and tmXBFormat.
Starting with the value tmXBTickStartF, TickMark sets major tick marks at intervals separated by a distance of tmXBTickSpacingF until tmXBTickEndF is exceeded. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmXBDataLeftF and tmXBDataRightF may appear along the bottom X Axis. If tmXBTickStartF and tmXBTickEndF are not set, TickMark issues an informational message and sets tmXBTickStartF to the minimum of tmXBDataLeftF and tmXBDataRightF, and it sets tmXBTickEndF to the maximum of tmXBDataLeftF and tmXBDataRightF. If tmXBTickSpacingF is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmXBMode reverts to Automatic mode. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmXBTickSpacingF, tmSciNoteCutoff, tmXBAutoPrecision, tmXBPrecision, and tmXBFormat.
TickMark uses the array resource tmXBValues to determine the coordinate positions of the tick marks. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmXBDataLeftF and tmXBDataRightF may appear along the bottom X Axis. If tmXBValues is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmXBMode reverts to Automatic mode. The corresponding element of the string array resource tmXBLabels determines the label used for each tick specified by tmXBValues. If tmXBLabels is not set, TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the bottom X Axis. You may optionally also set the array resource tmXBMinorValues to specify the locations of minor ticks along the axis.

Default: Automatic

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkMode determines the method for specifying the spacing of the ticks and the contents of the labels along the top X Axis. It has three possible settings:
Based on the values of tmXTDataLeftF and tmXTDataRightF, TickMark chooses a 'nice' spacing between the major tick marks, such that the number of major ticks does not exceed the value of tmXTMaxTicks. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmSciNoteCutoff, tmXTAutoPrecision, tmXTPrecision, and tmXTFormat.
Starting with the value tmXTTickStartF, TickMark sets major tick marks at intervals separated by a distance of tmXTTickSpacingF until tmXTTickEndF is exceeded. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmXTDataLeftF and tmXTDataRightF may appear along the top X Axis. If tmXTTickStartF and tmXTTickEndF are not set, TickMark issues an informational message and sets tmXTTickStartF to the minimum of tmXTDataLeftF and tmXTDataRightF, and it sets tmXTTickEndF to the maximum of tmXTDataLeftF and tmXTDataRightF. If tmXTTickSpacingF is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmXTMode reverts to Automatic mode. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmXTTickSpacingF, tmSciNoteCutoff, tmXTAutoPrecision, tmXTPrecision, and tmXTFormat.
TickMark uses the array resource tmXTValues to determine the coordinate positions of the tick marks. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmXTDataLeftF and tmXTDataRightF may appear along the top X Axis. If tmXTValues is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmXTMode reverts to Automatic mode. The corresponding element of the string array resource tmXTLabels determines the label used for each tick specified by tmXTValues. If tmXTLabels is not set, TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the top X Axis. You may optionally also set the array resource tmXTMinorValues to specify the locations of minor ticks along the axis.

Default: Automatic

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkStyle sets the style of the TickMark bottom X Axis. There are 5 styles:
A linear coordinate system is set up along the X Axis with the left boundary set to the value of tmXBDataLeftF and the right boundary set to the value of tmXBDataRightF. If tmXBDataLeftFand tmXBDataRightF are found to be equal when compared with a precision of 7 significant digits, a warning is issued and the bottom X-Axis tick marks are turned off.
A logarithmic coordinate system is set up along the X Axis with the left boundary set to the value of tmXBDataLeftF and the right boundary set to the value of tmXBDataRightF. If either tmXBDataLeftF or tmXBDataRightF is less than or equal to 0.0, a warning is issued and the bottom X-Axis tick marks are turned off.
An irregular coordinate system is set up along the X Axis based on the coordinate samples contained in the array resource tmXBIrregularPoints. If tmXBIrregularPoints is found to be invalid, a warning is issued and tmXBStyle reverts to Linear. If the data bounds tmXBDataLeftF or tmXBDataRightF are only partially within the range defined by the maximum and minimum elements of tmXBIrregularPoints, a warning is issued and, as appropriate, either tmXBDataLeftF or tmXBDataRightF is reset to the value of the maximum or minimum element of the tmXBIrregularPoints. If the range between tmXBDataLeftF and tmXBDataRightF is entirely outside the range of the tmXBIrregularPoints array, a fatal error is currently issued.
Not yet implemented.
Not yet implemented.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: Linear

Specifies the value of the tension parameter applied to the spline approximation used to set up an irregular transformation based on the values in the tmXBIrregularPoints array. This resource is only used if tmXBStyle is Irregular. Small values (less than ~1.0) imply a relaxed approximation; large values (greater than ~5.0) imply a tight approximation.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

V4.1 Status Note 2

Default: 2.0

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkStyle sets the style of the TickMark top X Axis. There are 5 styles:
A linear coordinate system is set up along the X Axis with the left boundary set to the value of tmXTDataLeftF and the right boundary set to the value of tmXTDataRightF. If tmXTDataLeftFand tmXTDataRightF are found to be equal when compared with a precision of 7 significant digits, a warning is issued and the top X-Axis tick marks are turned off.
A logarithmic coordinate system is set up along the X Axis with the left boundary set to the value of tmXTDataLeftF and the right boundary set to the value of tmXTDataRightF. If either tmXTDataLeftF or tmXTDataRightF is less than or equal to 0.0, a warning is issued and the top X-Axis tick marks are turned off.
An irregular coordinate system is set up along the X Axis based on the coordinate samples contained in the array resource tmXTIrregularPoints. If tmXTIrregularPoints is found to be invalid, a warning is issued and tmXTStyle reverts to Linear. If the data bounds tmXTDataLeftF or tmXTDataRightF are only partially within the range defined by the maximum and minimum elements of tmXTIrregularPoints, a warning is issued and, as appropriate, either tmXTDataLeftF or tmXTDataRightF is reset to the value of the maximum or minimum element of the tmXTIrregularPoints. If the range between tmXTDataLeftF and tmXTDataRightF is entirely outside the range of the tmXTIrregularPoints array, a fatal error is currently issued.
Not yet implemented.
Not yet implemented.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: Linear

Specifies the value of the tension parameter applied to the spline approximation used to set up an irregular transformation based on the values in the tmXTIrregularPoints array. This resource is only used if tmXTStyle is Irregular. Small values (less than ~1.0) imply a relaxed approximation; large values (greater than ~5.0) imply a tight approximation.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

V4.1 Status Note 2

Default: 2.0

When True, this boolean resource causes TickMark to set the precision (number of significant digits) for the bottom tick mark labels based on the range of values used for the labels. In general, the value of tmXBPrecision is ignored. However, if tmXBMode is set to Manual, the precision is set such that all significant digits necessary to express the value of the tmXBTickSpacingF resource are used in determining the precision. In this case, the value of tmXBPrecision sets a cap on the number of significant digits used to express the value of tmXBTickSpacingF.

When set False, the value of tmXBPrecision controls the precision. However, if the significant digit conversion field (signaled by the '.' character) is set explicitly in the tmXBFormat string (according to the rules of the Floating Point Format Specification scheme), then the resources tmXBAutoPrecision and tmXBPrecision are both ignored, and the precision is controlled completely by the tmXBFormat specification.

Default: True

If tmXBAutoPrecision is set False and the significant digit field in the tmXBFormat string (as specified by the Floating Point Format Specification scheme) has the dynamic attribute set on, this resource controls the precision used for the bottom tick mark labels. Assuming the default setting of the tmXBFormat resource, the value set for tmXBPrecision will be the number of digits used for the bottom tick mark label representing the value with the maximum absolute value. The other labels will have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point, but may have fewer digits to the left of the decimal point. All labels will be rounded to the number of decimal places represented.

Default: 4

This string resource specifies, according to the HLU Floating Point Format Specification scheme, the format of the numbers used to label the major ticks along the bottom X Axis. It applies only when tmXBMode is set to Automatic or Manual. Unless set explicitly, the significant digits conversion field is set dynamically based on the values of the tmXBAutoPrecision and tmXBPrecision resources. Likewise, the exponent switch length conversion field is set dynamically based on the value of the tmSciNoteCutoff resource. If the leftmost significant digit conversion field has the dynamic attribute set, the assumed leftmost significant digit is set dynamically for each label based on the largest absolute value used to generate the bottom labels. Combined with the zero format flag, this has the effect of causing all the labels to contain the same number of places to the right of the decimal point. The default format string also sets the "at-sign" ('@') format flag to force fractional values to include an initial '0' character preceding the decimal point. In addition, the exponent conversion field includes, by default, the 's' flag to cause exponents to be written using the superscript notational form.

If tmXBStyle is set to Log, exponential notation is forced on, regardless of the character used for the conversion specifier. Also the zero flag is turned off to ensure that the mantissas (which always evaluate to 1.0 because of the spacing enforced for Log style labels) are not turned on because of the need to fill out the significant digits on the right of the decimal point.

Default: "0@*+^sg"

When True, this boolean resource causes TickMark to set the precision (number of significant digits) for the top tick mark labels based on the range of values used for the labels. In general, the value of tmXTPrecision is ignored. However, if tmXTMode is set to Manual, the precision is set such that all significant digits necessary to express the value of the tmXTTickSpacingF resource are used in determining the precision. In this case, the value of tmXTPrecision sets a cap on the number of significant digits used to express the value of tmXTTickSpacingF.

When set False, the value of tmXTPrecision controls the precision. However, if the significant digit conversion field (signaled by the '.' character) is set explicitly in the tmXTFormat string (according to the rules of the Floating Point Format Specification scheme),then the resources tmXTAutoPrecision and tmXTPrecision are both ignored, and the precision is controlled completely by the tmXTFormat specification.

Default: True

If tmXTAutoPrecision is set False and the significant digit field in the tmXTFormat string (as specified by the Floating Point Format Specification scheme) has the dynamic attribute set on, this resource controls the precision used for the top tick mark labels. Assuming the default setting of the tmXTFormat resource, the value set for tmXTPrecision will be the number of digits used for the top tick mark label representing the value with the maximum absolute value. The other labels will have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point, but may have fewer digits to the left of the decimal point. All labels will be rounded to the number of decimal places represented.

Default: 4

This string resource specifies, according to the HLU Floating Point Format Specification scheme, the format of the numbers used to label the major ticks along the top X Axis. It applies only when tmXTMode is set to Automatic or Manual. Unless set explicitly, the significant digits conversion field is set dynamically based on the values of the tmXTAutoPrecision and tmXTPrecision resources. Likewise, the exponent switch length conversion field is set dynamically based on the value of the tmSciNoteCutoff resource. If the leftmost significant digit conversion field has the dynamic attribute set, the assumed leftmost significant digit is set dynamically for each label based on the largest absolute value used to generate the top labels. Combined with the zero format flag, this has the effect of causing all the labels to contain the same number of places to the right of the decimal point. The default format string also sets the "at-sign" ('@') format flag to force fractional values to include an initial '0' character preceding the decimal point. In addition, the exponent conversion field includes, by default, the 's' flag to cause exponents to be written using the superscript notational form.

If tmXTStyle is set to Log, exponential notation is forced on, regardless of the character used for the conversion specifier. Also the zero flag is turned off to ensure that the mantissas (which always evaluate to 1.0 because of the spacing enforced for Log style labels) are not turned on because of the need to fill out the significant digits on the right of the decimal point.

Default: "0@*+^sg"

Sets the number of minor tick marks per major tick mark for the bottom X Axis. When using Log style tick marks, only the values 1, 4, and 8 are accepted as valid. If the Explicit mode is in effect, TickMark ignores this resource: you must instead specify the spacing of each minor tick individually using tmXBMinorValues. If you do not set this resource and the mode is Automatic, its value is determined dynamically depending on the major tick spacing, as follows: if the major spacing is 1 or 5 times some power of 10, tmXBMinorPerMajor is set to 4; if the spacing is 2 or 4 times a power of 10, it is set to 3; if the spacing is 3 times a power of 10, it is set to 2. Otherwise, if the mode is Manual, tmXBMinorPerMajor defaults to the value 3.

Default: <dynamic>

Sets the number of minor tick marks per major tick mark for the top X Axis. When using Log style tick marks, only the values 1, 4, and 8 are accepted as valid. If the Explicit mode is in effect, TickMark ignores this resource: you must instead specify the spacing of each minor tick individually using tmXTMinorValues. If you do not set this resource and the mode is Automatic, its value is determined dynamically depending on the major tick spacing, as follows: if the major spacing is 1 or 5 times some power of 10, tmXTMinorPerMajor is set to 4; if the spacing is 2 or 4 times a power of 10, it is set to 3; if the spacing is 3 times a power of 10, it is set to 2. Otherwise, if the mode is Manual, tmXTMinorPerMajor defaults to the value 3.

Default: <dynamic>

Setting this resource True turns on minor tick marks; False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting this resource True turns on minor tick marks; False turns them off.

Default: True

Used to skip tick mark labels. The value represents how many tick marks to skip between tick mark labels when drawing the tick mark labels. Will cause the tick mark object to draw first, then skip.

Default: 0

Used to skip tick mark labels. The value represents how many tick marks to skip between tick mark labels when drawing the tick mark labels. Will cause the tick mark object to draw first, then skip.

Default: 0

Sets the data value that maps to the left side of the bottom tick marks.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

Sets the data value that maps to the right side of the bottom tick marks.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

Sets the beginning of the tick marks. Must be less than tmXBTickEndF. If tmXBTickStartF is greater than the minimum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the minimum data extent and tmXBTickStartF.

Default: 0.0

Sets the ending of the tick marks. Must be greater than tmXBTickStartF. If tmXBTickEndF is less than the maximum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the maximum data extent and tmXBTickEndF.

Default: 0.0

Used for Automatic mode ticks only. Specifies the maximum allowable tick marks for the bottom X Axis.

Default: 7

Used for Manual mode ticks only. Specifies the spacing between major tick marks. If Log style is being used, this value must be the number of decades (i.e. 1 means ticks will be placed and labels at 10**1, 10**2, etc.)

Default: 0.0

Used for Irregular style ticks only. Specifies an array of data locations spaced at equal intervals along the bottom X Axis. These points represent a discrete approximation to the desired coordinate system. These points must be strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing. Therefore, periodic coordinate systems can not be approximated using this resource.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which tick marks will be drawn. The values must increase or decrease monotonically. If you do not set tmXBValues when in Explicit mode, TickMark issues a warning and tmXBMode reverts to Automatic mode.

V4.1 Status Note 1

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of strings that correspond to the values in tmXBValues. Each element of this resource is placed under the corresponding tick location in tmXBValues. If a string array element is set to NULL, no label will appear at the corresponding tick mark location. If you do not set tmXBLabels when in Explicit mode, TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the bottom X Axis.

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which the minor tick marks will be drawn. If not set, minor tick marks will be absent. If you do not set tmXBMinorValues when in Explicit mode, minor tick marks will be absent from the bottom X Axis.

Default: NULL

Sets linewidth scale factor for bottom major tick marks. Value is a multiple of the minimum linewidth on the current device.

Default: 2.0

Sets the line color index for the major tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length of the X-Axis bottom major tick marks in NDC coordinates. This length scales with changes to the viewport height, unless you explicitly set tmXBMajorLengthF at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.02 for a viewport height of 0.6

Length of the major X-Axis bottom tick marks that will be drawn on the outside of the tick mark border. Value is in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in height.

Default: 0.0

Sets linewidth scale factor for bottom minor tick marks. Value represents a multiple of the current device's minimum linewidth.

Default: 1.0

Sets color index for bottom minor tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length in NDC coordinates for X bottom tick marks. This length scales with changes to the viewport height, unless you explicitly set tmXBMinorLengthF at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.01 for a viewport height of 0.6

Length of minor X-Axis bottom tick marks that will be drawn on the outside of the tick mark border. Value is in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in height.

Default: 0.0

This resource of type NhlTCharacter sets the function code character for the X-Axis bottom labels.

Default: :

Sets the font index for the bottom X-Axis labels.

Default: 0

Sets the font height in NDC coordinates for the bottom X Axis labels. This value scales proportionally to changes in the width of the viewport.

Default: 0.02

Sets the color of the bottom X-Axis labels.

Default: 1

Sets the ratio of height/width for the bottom X-Axis labels.

Default: 1.3125

Sets the thickness of the lines used to draw the characters of the bottom X-Axis label. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. This resource is ignored when the tmXBLabelFont specifies a filled font (font indexes 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, and 33-37).

Default: 1.0

This resource of type NhlTFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to draw the bottom X-Axis label.

Default: High

If this resource has the value 0.0, the characters in the bottom X-Axis label will be proportionally spaced. If it has a value greater than 0.0, the distance from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character will be constant. The value of tmXBLabelConstantSpacingF sets this constant distance as a multiple of the width of a reference character box within which all characters of the font will fit. If tmXBLabelConstantSpacingF has the value 1.0, the constant distance will cause there to be almost no space between two wide characters (such as 'M' or 'W') placed next to each other. As tmXBLabelConstantSpacingF decreases from 1.0, characters will begin to overlap. As it increases from 1.0, characters become further separated from each other. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value.

Default: 0.0

Sets the justification point for all bottom X-Axis labels.

Default: TopCenter

Sets the counterclockwise rotation of the X-Axis bottom labels.

Default: 0.0

Sets the drawing direction of the X-Axis bottom labels.

Default: Across

Sets an offset from the default location for the bottom tick mark labels. This value multiplied by the tmXBFontHeightF represents the amount, in NDC coordinates, that the bottom tick marks will be displaced from their default location in the Y direction. A positive value moves labels in the positive direction in NDC coordinates, and a negative value moves labels in the negative direction.

Default: 0.0

Sets the data value that maps to the left side of the top tick marks.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

Sets the data value that maps to the right side of the top tick marks.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

Sets the beginning of the tick marks. Must be less than tmXTTickEndF. If tmXTTickStartF is greater than the minimum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the minimum data extent and tmXTTickStartF.

Default: 0.0

Sets the ending of the tick marks. Must be greater than tmXTTickStartF. If tmXTTickEndF is less than the maximum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the maximum data extent and tmXTTickEndF.

Default: 0.0

Used for Automatic mode ticks only. Specifies the maximum allowable tick marks for the top X Axis.

Default: 7

Used for Manual mode ticks only. Specifies the spacing between major tick marks. If Log style is being used, this value must be the number of decades (i.e. 1 means ticks will be placed and labels at 10**1, 10**2, etc.)

Default: 0.0

Used for Irregular style ticks only. Specifies an array of data locations spaced at equal intervals along the top X Axis. These points represent a discrete approximation to the desired coordinate system. These points must be strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing. Therefore, periodic coordinate systems can not be approximated using this resource.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which tick marks will be drawn. The values must increase or decrease monotonically. If you do not set tmXTValues when in Explicit mode, TickMark issues a warning and tmXTMode reverts to Automatic mode.

V4.1 Status Note 1

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of strings that correspond to the values in tmXTValues. Each element of this resource is placed under the corresponding tick location in tmXTValues. If a string array element is set to NULL, no label will appear at the corresponding tick mark location. If you do not set tmXTLabels when in Explicit mode (assuming tmXUseBottom is False), TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the top X Axis.

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which the minor tick marks will be drawn. If not set, minor tick marks will be absent. If you do not set tmXTMinorValues when in Explicit mode (assuming tmXUseBottom is False), minor tick marks will be absent from the top X Axis.

Default: NULL

Sets linewidth scale factor for top major tick marks. Value is a multiple of the minimum linewidth on the current device.

Default: 2.0

Sets the line color index for the top major tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length of the X-Axis top major tick marks in NDC coordinates. This length scales with changes to the viewport height, unless you explicitly set tmXTMajorLengthF (or tmXBMajorLengthF if tmXUseBottom is True) at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.02 for a viewport height of 0.6

Length of the major X-Axis top tick marks that will be drawn on the outside of the tick mark border. Value is in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in height.

Default: 0.0

Sets linewidth scale factor for top minor tick marks. Value represents a multiple of the current device's minimum linewidth.

Default: 1.0

Sets color index for top minor tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length in NDC coordinates for X top tick marks. This length scales with changes to the viewport height, unless you explicitly set tmXTMinorLengthF (or tmXBMinorLengthF if tmXUseBottom is True) at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.01 for a viewport height of 0.6

Length of minor X-Axis top tick marks that will be drawn on the outside of the tick mark border. Value is in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in height.

Default: 0.0

This resource of type NhlTCharacter sets the function code character for the X-Axis top labels.

Default: :

Sets the font index for the bottom X-Axis labels.

Default: 0

Sets the font height in NDC coordinates for the top X Axis labels. This value changes proportionally to changes in the width of the viewport.

Default: 0.02

Sets the color of the top X-Axis labels.

Default: 1

Sets the ratio of height/width for the top X-Axis labels.

Default: 1.3125

Sets the thickness of the lines used to draw the characters of the top X-Axis label. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. This resource is ignored when the tmXTLabelFont specifies a filled font (font indexes 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, and 33-37).

Default: 1.0

This resource of type NhlTFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to draw the top X-Axis label.

Default: High

If this resource has the value 0.0, the characters in the top X-Axis label will be proportionally spaced. If it has a value greater than 0.0, the distance from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character will be constant. The value of tmXTLabelConstantSpacingF sets this constant distance as a multiple of the width of a reference character box within which all characters of the font will fit. If tmXTLabelConstantSpacingF has the value 1.0, the constant distance will cause there to be almost no space between two wide characters (such as 'M' or 'W') placed next to each other. As tmXTLabelConstantSpacingF decreases from 1.0, characters will begin to overlap. As it increases from 1.0, characters become further separated from each other. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value.

Default: 0.0

Sets the justification point for all top X-Axis labels.

Default: BottomCenter

Sets the counterclockwise rotation of the X-Axis top labels.

Default: 0.0

Sets the drawing direction of the X-Axis top labels.

Default: Across

Sets an offset from the default location for the top tick mark labels. This value multiplied by the tmXTFontHeightF represents the amount, in NDC coordinates, that the top tick marks will be displaced from their default location in the Y direction. A positive value moves labels in the positive direction in NDC coordinates, and a negative value moves labels in the negative direction.

Default: 0.0

Causes the right tick marks to use the resources for the left tick marks. The resources affected are
tmYRStyle, tmYRMode, tmYRMinorPerMajor, tmYRNoMinor, tmYRDataBottomF, tmYRDataTopF, tmYRTickStartF, tmYRTickEndF, tmYRMaxTicks, tmYRTickSpacing, tmYRValues, tmYRLabels, tmYRMinorValues, tmYRMajorThicknessF, tmYRMajorLineColor, tmYRMajorLengthF, tmYRMajorOutwardLengthF, tmYRMinorThicknessF, tmYRMinorLineColor, tmYRMinorLengthF, tmYRMinorOutwardLength, tmYRLabelFuncCode, tmYRConstantSpacingF, tmYRLabelFont, tmYRLabelFontHeightF, tmYRLabelFontColor, tmYRLabelFontAspectF, tmYRLabelFontThicknessF, tmYRLabelFontQuality, tmYRLabelAngleF, tmYRLabelDirection, tmYRLabelDeltaF, tmYRIrregularPoints, tmYRIrrTensionF, tmYRLabelStride, tmYRAutoPrecision, tmYRPrecision, and tmYRFormat.
All other Right TickMark resources are unaffected.

Default: True

Setting True turns on the left tick marks, and False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting True turns on the right tick marks, and False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting True turns left labels on if tmYLOn is set. False turns them off.

Default: True

Setting True turns right labels on if tmYROn is set. False turns them off.

Default: False

Setting True turns left border on and False turns it off. Tick marks will still be drawn unless tmYLOn is False.

Default: True

Setting True turns right border on and False turns it off. Tick marks will still be drawn unless tmYROn is False.

Default: True

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkMode determines the method for specifying the spacing of the ticks and the contents of the labels along the left Y Axis. It has three possible settings:
Based on the values of tmYLDataBottomF and tmYLDataTopF, TickMark chooses a 'nice' spacing between the major tick marks, such that the number of major ticks does not exceed the value of tmYLMaxTicks. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmSciNoteCutoff, tmYLAutoPrecision, tmYLPrecision, and tmYLFormat.
Starting with the value tmYLTickStartF, TickMark sets major tick marks at intervals separated by a distance of tmYLTickSpacingF until tmYLTickEndF is exceeded. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmYLDataBottomF and tmYLDataTopF may appear along the left Y Axis. If tmYLTickStartF and tmYLTickEndF are not set TickMark issues an informational message and sets tmYLTickStartF to the minimum of tmYLDataBottomF and tmYLDataTopF, and it sets tmYLTickEndF to the maximum of tmYLDataBottomF and tmYLDataTopF. If tmYLTickSpacingF is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmYLMode reverts to Automatic mode. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmYLTickSpacingF, tmSciNoteCutoff, tmYLAutoPrecision, tmYLPrecision, and tmYLFormat.
TickMark uses the array resource tmYLValues to determine the coordinate positions of the tick marks. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmYLDataBottomF and tmYLDataTopF may appear along the left Y Axis. If tmYLValues is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmYLMode reverts to Automatic mode. The corresponding element of the string array resource tmYLLabels determines the label used for each tick specified by tmYLValues. If tmYLLabels is not set, TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the left Y Axis. You may optionally also set the array resource tmYLMinorValues to specify the locations of minor ticks along the axis.

Default: Automatic

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkMode determines the method for specifying the spacing of the ticks and the contents of the labels along the right Y Axis. It has three possible settings:
Based on the values of tmYRDataBottomF and tmYRDataTopF, TickMark chooses a 'nice' spacing between the major tick marks, such that the number of major ticks does not exceed the value of tmYRMaxTicks. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmSciNoteCutoff, tmYRAutoPrecision, tmYRPrecision, and tmYRFormat.
Starting with the value tmYRTickStartF, TickMark sets major tick marks at intervals separated by a distance of tmYRTickSpacingF until tmYRTickEndF is exceeded. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmYRDataBottomF and tmYRDataTopF may appear along the right Y Axis. If tmYRTickStartF and tmYRTickEndF are not set, TickMark issues an informational message and sets tmYRTickStartF to the minimum of tmYRDataBottomF and tmYRDataTopF, and it sets tmYRTickEndF to the maximum of tmYRDataBottomF and tmYRDataTopF. If tmYRTickSpacingF is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmYRMode reverts to Automatic mode. Labels are generated based on the current settings of tmYRTickSpacingF, tmSciNoteCutoff, tmYRAutoPrecision, tmYRPrecision, and tmYRFormat.
TickMark uses the array resource tmYRValues to determine the coordinate positions of the tick marks. Of these tick marks, only those that fall between tmYRDataBottomF and tmYRDataTopF may appear along the right Y Axis. If tmYRValues is not set, TickMark issues a warning message and tmYRMode reverts to Automatic mode. The corresponding element of the string array resource tmYRLabels determines the label used for each tick specified by tmYRValues. If tmYRLabels is not set, TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the right Y Axis. You may optionally also set the array resource tmYRMinorValues to specify the locations of minor ticks along the axis.

Default: Automatic

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkStyle sets the style of the TickMark left Y Axis. There are 5 styles:
A linear coordinate system is set up along the Y Axis with the bottom boundary set to the value of tmYLDataBottomF and the top boundary set to the value of tmYLDataTopF. If tmYLDataBottomFand tmYLDataTopF are found to be equal when compared with a precision of 7 significant digits, a warning is issued and the left Y-Axis tick marks are turned off.
A logarithmic coordinate system is set up along the Y Axis with the bottom boundary set to the value of tmYLDataBottomF and the top boundary set to the value of tmYLDataTopF. If either tmYLDataBottomF or tmYLDataTopF is less than or equal to 0.0, a warning is issued and the left Y-Axis tick marks are turned off.
An irregular coordinate system is set up along the Y Axis based on the coordinate samples contained in the array resource tmYLIrregularPoints. If tmYLIrregularPoints is found to be invalid, a warning is issued and tmYLStyle reverts to Linear. If the data bounds tmYLDataBottomF or tmYLDataTopF are only partially within the range defined by the maximum and minimum elements of tmYLIrregularPoints, a warning is issued and, as appropriate, either tmYLDataBottomF or tmYLDataTopF is reset to the value of the maximum or minimum element of the tmYLIrregularPoints. If the range between tmYLDataBottomF and tmYLDataTopF is entirely outside the range of the tmYLIrregularPoints array, a fatal error is currently issued.
Not yet implemented.
Not yet implemented.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: Linear

Specifies the value of the tension parameter applied to the spline approximation used to set up an irregular transformation based on the values in tmYLIrregularPoints array. This resource is only used if tmYLStyle is Irregular. Small values (less than ~1.0) imply a relaxed approximation; large values (greater than ~5.0) imply a tight approximation.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

V4.1 Status Note 2

Default: 2.0

This enumerated resource of type NhlTTickMarkStyle sets the style of the TickMark right Y Axis. There are 5 styles:
A linear coordinate system is set up along the Y Axis with the bottom boundary set to the value of tmYRDataBottomF and the top boundary set to the value of tmYRDataTopF. If tmYRDataBottomFand tmYRDataTopF are found to be equal when compared with a precision of 7 significant digits, a warning is issued and the right Y-Axis tick marks are turned off.
A logarithmic coordinate system is set up along the Y Axis with the bottom boundary set to the value of tmYRDataBottomF and the top boundary set to the value of tmYRDataTopF. If either tmYRDataBottomF or tmYRDataTopF is less than or equal to 0.0, a warning is issued and the left Y-Axis tick marks are turned off.
An irregular coordinate system is set up along the Y Axis based on the coordinate samples contained in the array resource tmYRIrregularPoints. If tmYRIrregularPoints is found to be invalid, a warning is issued and tmYRStyle reverts to Linear. If the data bounds tmYRDataBottomF or tmYRDataTopF are only partially within the range defined by the maximum and minimum elements of tmYRIrregularPoints, a warning is issued and, as appropriate, either tmYRDataBottomF or tmYRDataTopF is reset to the value of the maximum or minimum element of the tmYRIrregularPoints. If the range between tmYRDataBottomF and tmYRDataTopF is entirely outside the range of the tmYRIrregularPoints array, a fatal error is currently issued.
Not yet implemented.
Not yet implemented.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: Linear

Specifies the value of the tension parameter applied to the spline approximation used to set up an irregular transformation based on the values in tmYLIrregularPoints array. This resource is only used if tmYLStyle is Irregular. Small values (less than ~1.0) imply a relaxed approximation; large values (greater than ~5.0) imply a tight approximation.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

V4.1 Status Note 2

Default: 2.0

When True, this boolean resource causes TickMark to set the precision (number of significant digits) for the left tick mark labels based on the range of values used for the labels. In general, the value of tmYLPrecision is ignored. However, if tmYLMode is set to Manual, the precision is set such that all significant digits necessary to express the value of the tmYLTickSpacingF resource are used in determining the precision. In this case, the value of tmYLPrecision sets a cap on the number of significant digits used to express the value of tmYLTickSpacingF.

When set False, the value of tmYLPrecision controls the precision. However, if the significant digit conversion field (signaled by the '.' character) is set explicitly in the tmYLFormat string (according to the rules of the Floating Point Format Specification scheme),then the resources tmYLAutoPrecision and tmYLPrecision are both ignored, and the precision is controlled completely by the tmYLFormat specification.

Default: True

If tmYLAutoPrecision is set False and the significant digit field in the tmYLFormat string (as specified by the Floating Point Format Specification scheme) has the dynamic attribute set on, this resource controls the precision used for the left tick mark labels. Assuming the default setting of the tmYLFormat resource, the value set for tmYLPrecision will be the number of digits used for the left tick mark label representing the value with the maximum absolute value. The other labels will have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point, but may have fewer digits to the left of the decimal point. All labels will be rounded to the number of decimal places represented.

Default: 4

This string resource specifies, according to the HLU Floating Point Format Specification scheme, the format of the numbers used to label the major ticks along the left Y Axis. It applies only when tmYLMode is set to Automatic or Manual. Unless set explicitly, the significant digits conversion field is set dynamically based on the values of the tmYLAutoPrecision and tmYLPrecision resources. Likewise, the exponent switch length conversion field is set dynamically based on the value of the tmSciNoteCutoff resource. If the leftmost significant digit conversion field has the dynamic attribute set, the assumed leftmost significant digit is set dynamically for each label based on the largest absolute value used to generate the left labels. Combined with the zero format flag, this has the effect of causing all the labels to contain the same number of places to the right of the decimal point. The default format string also sets the "at-sign" ('@') format flag to force fractional values to include an initial '0' character preceding the decimal point. In addition, the exponent conversion field includes, by default, the 's' flag to cause exponents to be written using the superscript notational form.

If tmYLStyle is set to Log, exponential notation is forced on, regardless of the character used for the conversion specifier. Also the zero flag is turned off to ensure that the mantissas (which always evaluate to 1.0 because of the spacing enforced for Log style labels) are not turned on because of the need to fill out the significant digits on the right of the decimal point.

Default: "0@*+^sg"

When True, this boolean resource causes TickMark to set the precision (number of significant digits) for the right tick mark labels based on the range of values used for the labels. In general, the value of tmYRPrecision is ignored. However, if tmYRMode is set to Manual, the precision is set such that all significant digits necessary to express the value of the tmYRTickSpacingF resource are used in determining the precision. In this case, the value of tmYRPrecision sets a cap on the number of significant digits used to express the value of tmYRTickSpacingF.

When set False, the value of tmYRPrecision controls the precision. However, if the significant digit conversion field (signaled by the '.' character) is set explicitly in the tmYRFormat string (according to the rules of the Floating Point Format Specification scheme),then the resources tmYRAutoPrecision and tmYRPrecision are both ignored, and the precision is controlled completely by the tmYRFormat specification.

Default: True

If tmYRAutoPrecision is set False and the significant digit field in the tmYRFormat string (as specified by the Floating Point Format Specification scheme) has the dynamic attribute set on, this resource controls the precision used for the right tick mark labels. Assuming the default setting of the tmYRFormat resource, the value set for tmYRPrecision will be the number of digits used for the right tick mark label representing the value with the maximum absolute value. The other labels will have the same number of digits to the right of the decimal point, but may have fewer digits to the left of the decimal point. All labels will be rounded to the number of decimal places represented.

Default: 4

This string resource specifies, according to the HLU Floating Point Format Specification scheme, the format of the numbers used to label the major ticks along the right Y Axis. It applies only when tmYRMode is set to Automatic or Manual. Unless set explicitly, the significant digits conversion field is set dynamically based on the values of the tmYRAutoPrecision and tmYRPrecision resources. Likewise, the exponent switch length conversion field is set dynamically based on the value of the tmSciNoteCutoff resource. If the leftmost significant digit conversion field has the dynamic attribute set, the assumed leftmost significant digit is set dynamically for each label based on the largest absolute value used to generate the right labels. Combined with the zero format flag, this has the effect of causing all the labels to contain the same number of places to the right of the decimal point. The default format string also sets the "at-sign" ('@') format flag to force fractional values to include an initial '0' character preceding the decimal point. In addition, the exponent conversion field includes, by default, the 's' flag to cause exponents to be written using the superscript notational form.

If tmYRStyle is set to Log, exponential notation is forced on, regardless of the character used for the conversion specifier. Also the zero flag is turned off to ensure that the mantissas (which always evaluate to 1.0 because of the spacing enforced for Log style labels) are not turned on because of the need to fill out the significant digits on the right of the decimal point.

Default: "0@*+^sg"

Setting True turns on the Y Axis grid. Grid lines will extend from the left tick marks to the right border. If the left ticks are turned off, the right tick marks will be extended to the left border.

Default: False

Setting True turns on the Y Axis grid. Grid lines will extend from the left tick marks to the right border. If the left ticks are turned off, the right tick marks will be extended to the left border.

Default: False

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the Y Axis major grid lines.

Default: 2.0

Sets the color index for the Y Axis major grid lines.

Default: 1

Sets the dash pattern for the Y Axis major grid lines.

Default: 0

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the Y Axis minor grid lines.

Default: 1.0

Sets the color index for the Y Axis minor grid lines.

Default: 1

Sets the dash pattern index for the Y Axis minor grid lines.

Default: 0

Sets the number of minor tick marks per major tick mark for the left Y Axis. When using Log style tick marks, only the values 1, 4, and 8 are accepted as valid. If the Explicit mode is in effect, TickMark ignores this resource: you must instead specify the spacing of each minor tick individually using tmYLMinorValues. If you do not set this resource and the mode is Automatic, its value is determined dynamically depending on the major tick spacing, as follows: if the major spacing is 1 or 5 times some power of 10, tmYLMinorPerMajor is set to 4; if the spacing is 2 or 4 times a power of 10, it is set to 3; if the spacing is 3 times a power of 10, it is set to 2. Otherwise, if the mode is Manual, tmYLMinorPerMajor defaults to the value 3.

Default: <dynamic>

Sets the number of minor tick marks per major tick mark for the right Y Axis. When using Log style tick marks, only the values 1, 4, and 8 are accepted as valid. If the Explicit mode is in effect, TickMark ignores this resource: you must instead specify the spacing of each minor tick individually using tmYRMinorValues. If you do not set this resource and the mode is Automatic, its value is determined dynamically depending on the major tick spacing, as follows: if the major spacing is 1 or 5 times some power of 10, tmYRMinorPerMajor is set to 4; if the spacing is 2 or 4 times a power of 10, it is set to 3; if the spacing is 3 times a power of 10, it is set to 2. Otherwise, if the mode is Manual, tmYRMinorPerMajor defaults to the value 3.

Default: <dynamic>

Turns on minor tick marks when set True; False turns them off.

Default: True

Turns on minor tick marks when set True; False turns them off.

Default: True

Used to skip tick mark labels. The value represents how many tick marks to skip between tick mark labels when drawing the tick mark labels. Will cause the tick mark object to draw first, then skip.

Default: 0

Used to skip tick mark labels. The value represents how many tick marks to skip between tick mark labels when drawing the tick mark labels. Will cause the tick mark object to draw first, then skip.

Default: 0

The data value that will be mapped to the top left corner of the Y Axis.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

The data value that will be mapped to the bottom left corner of the Y axis.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

Sets the beginning of the tick marks. Must be less than tmYLTickEndF. If tmYLTickStartF is greater than the minimum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the minimum data extent and tmYLTickStartF.

Default: 0.0

Sets the ending of the tick marks. Must be greater than tmYLTickStartF. If tmYLTickEndF is less than the maximum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the maximum data extent and tmYLTickEndF.

Default: 0.0

Used with Automatic mode. Sets the maximum number of tick marks that will be chosen.

Default: 7

Used for Manual mode ticks only. Specifies the spacing between major tick marks. If Log style is being used, this value must be the number of decades (i.e. 1 means ticks will be placed and labels at 10**1, 10**2, etc.)

Default: 0.0

Used for Irregular style ticks only. Specifies an array of data locations spaced at equal intervals along the left Y Axis. These points represent a discrete approximation to the desired coordinate system. These points must be strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing. Therefore, periodic coordinate systems can not be approximated using this resource. approximated using this resource.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which tick marks will be drawn. The values must increase or decrease monotonically. If you do not set tmYLValues when in Explicit mode, TickMark issues a warning and tmYLMode reverts to Automatic mode.

V4.1 Status Note 1

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of strings to be used as tick mark labels for the locations in tmYLValues. If a string array element is set to NULL, no label will appear at the corresponding tick mark location. If you do not set tmYLLabels when in Explicit mode, TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the left Y Axis.

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which the minor tick marks will be drawn. If you do not set tmYLMinorValues when in Explicit mode, minor tick marks will be absent from the left Y Axis.

Default: NULL

Sets the linewidth scale factor to be used for the Y-Axis left major tick marks.

Default: 2.0

Sets the line color index to be used for drawing the Y-Axis left major tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length of the Y-Axis left major tick marks in NDC coordinates. This length scales with changes to the viewport width, unless you explicitly set tmYLMajorLengthF at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.02 for a viewport width of 0.6

Sets the length of the major tick marks that will be drawn outside of the viewport. This value scales proportionally to changes in width.

Default: 0.0

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the Y Axis minor tick marks.

Default: 1.0

Sets the color index for the Y Axis minor tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets minor tick mark length for the Y Axis minor tick marks. This length scales with changes to the viewport width, unless you explicitly set tmYLMinorLengthF at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.01 for a viewport height of 0.6.

Sets the length of the Y-Axis left minor tick marks that will be drawn outside of the viewport. This value scales proportionally to changes in width.

Default: 0.0

This resource of type NhlTCharacter sets the function code character for the Y-Axis left labels.

Default: :

Sets the font index to be used for the Y-Axis left tick mark labels.

Default: 0

Sets the height of the Y-Axis left labels in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in the height of the viewport.

Default: 0.02

Sets the color index for the left Y-Axis tick mark labels.

Default: 1

Sets the aspect ratio of height/width for each character of the Y-Axis left tick mark labels.

Default: 1.3125

Sets the thickness of the lines used to draw the characters of the left Y-Axis label. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. This resource is ignored when the tmYLLabelFont specifies a filled font (font indexes 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, and 33-37).

Default: 1.0

This resource of type NhlTFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to draw the left Y-Axis label.

Default: High

If this resource has the value 0.0, the characters in the left Y-Axis label will be proportionally spaced. If it has a value greater than 0.0, the distance from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character will be constant. The value of tmYLLabelConstantSpacingF sets this constant distance as a multiple of the width of a reference character box within which all characters of the font will fit. If tmYLLabelConstantSpacingF has the value 1.0, the constant distance will cause there to be almost no space between two wide characters (such as 'M' or 'W') placed next to each other. As tmYLLabelConstantSpacingF decreases from 1.0, characters will begin to overlap. As it increases from 1.0, characters become further separated from each other. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value.

Default: 0.0

Sets font justification point for Y-Axis left tick mark labels.

Default: CenterRight

Sets the counterclockwise rotation for all Y-Axis tick mark labels.

Default: 0.0

Sets the drawing direction for all Y-Axis tick mark labels.

Default: Across

Sets an offset from the default location for the left tick mark labels. This value multiplied by the tmYLFontHeightF represents the amount, in NDC coordinates, that the left tick marks will be displaced from their default location in the X direction. A positive value moves labels in the positive direction in NDC coordinates, and a negative value moves labels in the negative direction.

Default: 0.0

The data value that will be mapped to the top right corner of the Y Axis.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

The data value that will be mapped to the bottom right corner of the Y Axis.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: 0.0

Sets the beginning of the tick marks. Must be less than tmYRTickEndF. If tmYRTickStartF is greater than the minimum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the minimum data extent and tmYRTickStartF.

Default: 0.0

Sets the ending of the tick marks. Must be greater than tmYRTickStartF. If tmYRTickEndF is less than the maximum data extent, no tick marks will be drawn between the maximum data extent and tmYRTickEndF.

Default: 0.0

Used with Automatic mode. Sets the maximum number of tick marks that will be drawn.

Default: 7

Used for Manual mode ticks only. Specifies the spacing between major tick marks. If Log style is being used, this value must be the number of decades (i.e. 1 means ticks will be placed and labels at 10**1, 10**2, etc.)

Default: 0.0

Used for Irregular style ticks only. Specifies an array of data locations spaced at equal intervals along the right Y Axis. These points represent a discrete approximation to the desired coordinate system. These points must be strictly monotonically increasing or decreasing. Therefore, periodic coordinate systems can not be approximated using this resource.

This resource may be intercepted or disabled by:

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which tick marks will be drawn. The values must increase or decrease monotonically. If you do not set tmYRValues when in Explicit mode, TickMark issues a warning and tmYRMode reverts to Automatic mode.

V4.1 Status Note 1

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of strings to be used as tick mark labels for the locations in tmYRValues. If a string array element is set to NULL, no label will appear at the corresponding tick mark location. If you do not set tmYRLabels when in Explicit mode (assuming tmYUseLeft is False), TickMark issues a warning and outputs no labels for the right Y Axis.

Default: NULL

Used only for Explicit mode tick marks. This resource is an array of data locations at which the minor tick marks will be drawn. If you do not set tmYRMinorValues when in Explicit mode (assuming tmYUseLeft is False), minor tick marks will be absent from the right Y Axis.

Default: NULL

Sets the linewidth scale factor for the Y-Axis right major tick marks.

Default: 2.0

Sets the color index for the Y-Axis right major tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length of the Y-Axis right major tick marks in NDC coordinates. This length scales with changes to the viewport width, unless you explicitly set tmYRMajorLengthF (or tmYLMajorLengthF if tmYUseLeft is True) at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.02 for a viewport width of 0.6

Sets the length of the Y-Axis right major tick marks that will be drawn outside of the current viewport. This value scales proportionally to changes in width.

Default: 0.0

Sets the length of the Y Axis minor tick marks in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in width.

Default: 1.0

Sets the line color index for the right Y Axis minor tick marks.

Default: 1

Sets the length in NDC coordinates of the Y Axis minor tick marks. This length scales with changes to the viewport width, unless you explicitly set tmYRMinorLengthF (or tmYLMinorLengthF if tmYUseLeft is True) at the same time.

Default: <dynamic> -- initially 0.01 for a viewport height of 0.6.

Sets the length of the right Y Axis minor tick marks that will be drawn outside of the viewport. This value scales proportionally to changes in width.

Default: 0.0

This resource of type NhlTCharacter sets the function code character for the Y-Axis right labels.

Default: :

Sets the font index for the right Y-Axis tick mark labels.

Default: 0

Sets the font height of the Y-Axis right labels in NDC coordinates. This value scales proportionally to changes in viewport height.

Default: 0.02

Sets the color index for right Y-Axis labels.

Default: 1

Sets the ratio of height/width for the right Y-Axis label characters.

Default: 1.3125

Sets the thickness of the lines used to draw the characters of the right Y-Axis label. The value acts as a multiplier of a (device-dependent) unit thickness. This resource is ignored when the tmYRLabelFont specifies a filled font (font indexes 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, and 33-37).

Default: 1.0

This resource of type NhlTFontQuality determines the quality of the font used to draw the right Y-Axis label.

Default: High

If this resource has the value 0.0, the characters in the right Y-Axis label will be proportionally spaced. If it has a value greater than 0.0, the distance from the beginning of one character to the beginning of the next character will be constant. The value of tmYRLabelConstantSpacingF sets this constant distance as a multiple of the width of a reference character box within which all characters of the font will fit. If tmYRLabelConstantSpacingF has the value 1.0, the constant distance will cause there to be almost no space between two wide characters (such as 'M' or 'W') placed next to each other. As tmYRLabelConstantSpacingF decreases from 1.0, characters will begin to overlap. As it increases from 1.0, characters become further separated from each other. Values less than 0.0 result in an error and are replaced with the default value.

Default: 0.0

Sets the justification point for the right Y-Axis labels.

Default: CenterLeft

Sets the counterclockwise rotation of all of the right Y-Axis labels.

Default: 0.0

Sets the drawing direction for the right Y-Axis labels.

Default: Across

Sets an offset from the default location for the right tick mark labels. This value multiplied by the tmYRFontHeightF represents the amount, in NDC coordinates, that the right tick marks will be displaced from their default location in the X direction. A positive value moves labels in the positive direction in NDC coordinates, and a negative value moves labels in the negative direction.

Default: 0.0

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$Revision: 1.28 $ $Date: 1998/11/09 01:16:34 $