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Task Force Leader Log

The Task Force Leader (TFL) Log is an INGRES data base of comments and shot parameters entered for each shot by the Task Force Leader. Two programs that allow users to view this database are described here.

TASKLOOK is an INGRES-forms program that allows you to view the TFL run summary interactively; it automatically updates whenever a new entry is made in the log. It displays the XP title, and the comment, grade, and parameters for every shot in a scrollable box. TASKPRINT is a non-forms based program which can select a set of entries based on date and XP number, and list these on your terminal or put them into a print file.

To run TASKLOOK type

        $ TASKLOOK
This program uses the INGRES forms system, which assumes a 24 line VT100 screen. The bottom line has a list of menu commands, most of which have a keypad key equivalent. To execute a menu command, move to the menu line by typing the keypad ``clear'' key and type the command word (or enough to uniquely identify the command), or type the single keypad key equivalent. For example if the menu line contains ``View(1)'', you execute the ``View'' command by hitting the keypad ``1'' key or by hitting the keypad ``clear'' key (to move to the menu line) and typing ``VIEW''. If the menu line ends in a ``>'', there are more commands to the right that are not visible. To scroll to the menu line, hit the keypad ``clear'' key when you are on the menu line. To leave the menu line, type ``CR''.

When you are not on the menu line, several control keys let you navigate around the screen:

    TAB         moves to the next field
    ctl-P       moves to the previous field
    up-arrow    moves up one line in the shot box
    dn-arrow    moves down one line in the shot box
    keypad -    scrolls up one page in the shot box
    keypad +    scrolls down one page in the shot box

TASKLOOK always starts with today's date. When TFTR is running it will also start with the current XP information. To have the screen automatically update as new entries are made, use the AUTO(4) command. To look at entries for a previous date and/or XP, use the FIND(2) command. For on-line help, hit the keypad ``='' key; when the help screen appears, type keypad ``1'' (WhatToDo).

For more information type ``HELP TASKLOG''.

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Marilee Thompson
Thu Jul 10 14:31:47 EDT 1997