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Printing Data


The print  option of LOCUS retrieves data and creates a text file for printing or allows you to output directly to your terminal:

   Plot,...,Print,Edit,...? 	   PR

   \* Options are: 
   Sort parameters               <SHOT>
   Order of sort parameters      <INC>
   Key parameters		 <>

   Parameters to print           <ALL>
   Format parameters             <NO>

   Constraints                   <NONE>
   Join                          <>

   STyle (Spread or Block)?      <SPREAD>
   Headers printed               <YES>

   ONly expressions              <NO>
   SHow expressions              <YES>
   Type output                   <NO>

   Set?                          ;
   TESCAL.PRI has been created for printing.
The TESCAL.PRI file:
Database <TESCAL>     18-MAY-85 10:20:38           Page 1

    SHOT        IP           TE           NE        TID

    82995       380          1.8          2.5E13    4
    82996       375          1.73         2.5E13    5   
    82997       400          2.0          2.5E13    6   
    83001       400          2.1          2.8E13    0   
    83002       410          2.2          2.8E13    1   
    83003       450          3.0          2.8E13    2   
    83004       430          2.8          2.8E13    3   
    83005       445          2.9          2.8E13    7

Print files  have the same name as the first parameter table, but with a PRI  extension. Print files will use up to 132 columns. At PPPL print the file in landscape mode with the command $ PRINT/SETUP=LAND TESCAL.PRI.

Sort and Sort Order
The output can be sorted on up to five parameters in either increasing or decreasing order. Suppose you have several records with the same shot number but different times. To see the records listed decreasing in shot number and, within shots, increasing in time:
   Set? <SO>:				S
   Parameters to sort on? <SHOT>:	SHOT TIME;
   Set? <SO>:				O
   Sort order for SHOT (Inc/Dec)? <I>:	D
   Sort order for TIME (Inc/Dec)? <I>:	I

Key parameters
You can specify up to three key parameters which will appear on each page of your output making it easy to read across pages. This is useful with spreadsheet format when printing more parameters than can fit on one page.

You can select a subset of your parameters or expressions to print either by name or number or number ranges.
   Parameters (by name or #) <>:

   Table TESCAL  Prefix duplicates with A.
     1) IP              2) NE              3) SHOT            4) TE

   Table TOK  Prefix duplicates with B.
     5) SHOT            6) TOKAMAK

   Expressions from XTESCAL  Prefix duplicates with Z.
     7) IP_MAX          8) IP_ROUND        9) TAUE           11) TAUEI

    :    for a range, e.g., 1:4 7 TAUE;  for 1 2 3 4 7 TAUE.
    +    to add parameters to the existing list.
    -    to remove parameters from the list.

   Parameters (by name or #) <>:      1:4 7 TAUE ;

   Set?                               PA +11 -IP:TE ;
The + option is useful if you forgot a parameter and you just want to add it to the list you previously specified. If you reenter the parameter option, the list is initialized unless your first entry begins with + or -.

Format Parameters
You have the option of specifying the format for each parameter that you print. Sample formats are:
Format Output
I5 12345
F5.2 12.45
G11.4 -6.8659
E11.4 -6.8659E+04
G11.4 is the default. You can specify just I, F, G, or E and default fields of 12 characters will be used. If the value cannot be printed in the field you specify, the value will be shown as ******. Parameter names will be truncated if they are longer than the field width; a period on the end indicates that the name has been truncated.

The spreadsheet format  is a table of columns of parameters and rows of records that may extend across pages. If default formats are used, ten parameters fit on a page. Block  format prints all parameter values for each record shown together, i.e. not across pages. Spreadsheet is the default.

When you want to create a table as input to another program, use the no headers  option which suppresses blank lines and parameter headings except at the top of the file which you can easily remove with an editor.

Only expressions
Set this to yes, if you just want to look at your expression tables.

SHow expressions
The expression tables and the description tables are are printed by default, but you have the option to suppress them.

Type output
If the type  option has been selected, the output is to your terminal and a PRI file is not created. The TID  is the unique record number and is optionally printed. You need the TID when editing records.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 17:05:56 EDT 1997