The print option of LOCUS retrieves data and creates a
text file for printing or allows you to output directly to your
Plot,...,Print,Edit,...? PR
\* Options are:
Sort parameters <SHOT>
Order of sort parameters <INC>
Key parameters <>
Parameters to print <ALL>
Format parameters <NO>
Constraints <NONE>
Join <>
STyle (Spread or Block)? <SPREAD>
Headers printed <YES>
ONly expressions <NO>
SHow expressions <YES>
Type output <NO>
Set? ;
TESCAL.PRI has been created for printing.
The TESCAL.PRI file:
Database <TESCAL> 18-MAY-85 10:20:38 Page 1
82995 380 1.8 2.5E13 4
82996 375 1.73 2.5E13 5
82997 400 2.0 2.5E13 6
83001 400 2.1 2.8E13 0
83002 410 2.2 2.8E13 1
83003 450 3.0 2.8E13 2
83004 430 2.8 2.8E13 3
83005 445 2.9 2.8E13 7
Print files have the same name as the first parameter table, but with a PRI extension. Print files will use up to 132 columns. At PPPL print the file in landscape mode with the command $ PRINT/SETUP=LAND TESCAL.PRI.
Set? <SO>: S Parameters to sort on? <SHOT>: SHOT TIME; Set? <SO>: O Sort order for SHOT (Inc/Dec)? <I>: D Sort order for TIME (Inc/Dec)? <I>: I
Parameters (by name or #) <>: Table TESCAL Prefix duplicates with A. 1) IP 2) NE 3) SHOT 4) TE Table TOK Prefix duplicates with B. 5) SHOT 6) TOKAMAK Expressions from XTESCAL Prefix duplicates with Z. 7) IP_MAX 8) IP_ROUND 9) TAUE 11) TAUEI : for a range, e.g., 1:4 7 TAUE; for 1 2 3 4 7 TAUE. + to add parameters to the existing list. - to remove parameters from the list. Parameters (by name or #) <>: 1:4 7 TAUE ; Set? PA +11 -IP:TE ;The
option is useful if you forgot a parameter and you just
want to add it to the list you previously specified. If you reenter
the parameter option, the list is initialized unless your first entry
begins with +
or -
Format | Output |
I5 | 12345 |
F5.2 | 12.45 |
G11.4 | -6.8659 |
E11.4 | -6.8659E+04 |