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Running LOCUS


To define LOCUS at PPPL execute $ Setup LOCUS ISAM $ Setup LOCUS INGRES or add this command to your LOGIN.COM file. (This procedure also defines  NLOCUS which is a version of LOCUS with new features still being tested.) On-line documentation can be gotten from HELP LOCUS.

The user interface  and its commands are described in detail in appendix A. The most commonly used commands in LOCUS are: SPACE which delimits items during type-ahead, , which lets you accept the default value, ; which ends an indefinite list, RETURN which shows a menu or more information at nodes accepting values, and \ to go back to the previous node. Since comma is used to accept the default value A B is not the same as A,B. (The latter represents three values.) When entering expressions, don't use embedded spaces such as: (SHOT=54321) AND (IP>2.E6) unless you enclose the expression in double quotes: "(SHOT=54321) AND (IP>2.E6)".

At any node you can enter \X to exit, \S to spawn a subprocess, and \H for help. You can recall previously entered lines with the up-arrow key or with ^B. All prompts have a number which appears in brackets at the beginning that can be used to back up to a previous prompt, e.g., \1 from a prompt numbered 4 will move back 3 prompts. In addition, all menus have a one or two character identifier shown in the brackets to allow backing up to menus by name, e.g., \MO is the command to return to the main options menu. (You can not use \ followed by either the number or the menu name to go to higher numbered prompts.)

The responses are entered on the line following the prompt, however for conciseness, this document shows them on the same line. Some of the prompts in the examples may be shortened so that the prompt and response can fit on one line. Also note that as features are added to the programs the prompts may change.

The first response that LOCUS wants is the name of your database. If the database doesn't exist, create it with EDIT which is described in section 4 or use LOCUSLIB to create databases from Fortran programs.

   $ LOCUS
   Database?                                 TESCAL

The first menu lets you specify what database and tables you want to access in this session. First specify the database with the DB option. (If the database doesn't exist, create it with CREATEDB before running LOCUS, then use EDIT which is described in section 4, or INGLIB to create tables from Fortran programs, or MINGL[3] to create tables from TFTR files.)

   $ LOCUS

   <LOCUS>  SQL Version 1.00/01  28 June 1992  See HELP LOCUS or \H.

   \* Options are:
    1) DB  Database
    2) PT  Parameter  Tables
    3) PA  Parameter  Aliases
    4) ET  Expression Tables
    5) EA  Expression Aliases

   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <DB>:  DB
   <1> Database? < >:                        MURPHY
Next select the parameter tables with the PT option. RETURN will show you the tables available in the database. After entering the table or tables you want to access, enter ; (semicolon). Section 1.4 describes how to use more than one parameter table.
   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <DB>:  PT
   <1=GT;> Tables <>:                        RETURN

    RLMUL          SURFACE      TESCAL
    TESCAL_SQL     TOK          TS
    XRLMUL         XTESCAL      XTOK

   <1=GT;> Tables <>:                        TESCAL
   <1=GT;> Tables <>:                        ;
Similarly, you can enter the expression tables with the ET option.
   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <PT>:  ET
   <1=GT;> Tables <>:                        XTESCAL ;
Enter RETURN for a summary of the selections.
   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <ET>:  RETURN

   \* Options are:
    1) DB  Database           MURPHY
    2) PT  Parameter  Tables  TESCAL
    3) PA  Parameter  Aliases A
    4) ET  Expression Tables  XTESCAL
    5) EA  Expression Aliases Z
Since LOCUS allows you to type ahead, you could have selected the database and tables you want to use in this session on one line.
   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <>:

By default, parameter table aliases are set to A, B, C, etc., and expression table aliases are set to Z, Y, X, etc. Aliases  are required and allow you to specify which table a parameter or expression is from if the same name appears in more than one table. You can change the aliases  for the parameter or expression tables.

   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <ET>:  PA
   <1> Alias for TESCAL <A>:                 T
   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <PA>:  EA
   <1> Alias for XTESCAL <Z>:                X

Enter ; to go to the next menu which is the main submenu in LOCUS. This is where you choose what you want to do. PLOT makes 2d graphs with optional fits, REGRESS fits multiple variables, SURFACE makes 3d graphs, PRINT outputs parameter or expression values to your terminal or a file you can print, EDIT can be used to modify or create parameter or expression tables, and SQL lets you execute arbitrary SQL commands.

   \* Options are:
    1) EDIT     Create or modify a database file
    2) PRINT    Print a database file
    3) PLOT     Graph parameters and expressions
    4) REGRESS  Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
    5) SURFACE  Isometric and contour plotting
    6) STATS    Show statistics (max, min, mean, etc.)
    7) APPEND   Append one table to another
    8) JOIN     Join databases with different parameters
    9) CROP     Make a table from a subset of another table

   <0=SD;> Select database and tables <EA>:       ;

   \* Options are:
    1) PLOT     2d graph of parameters and expressions with optional fit
    2) REGRESS  Multiple linear regression analysis
    3) SURFACE  Isometric and contour plotting
    4) PRINT    Print parameter and expression values and expression tables
    5) EDIT     Create or modify tables
    6) SQL      Execute an arbitrary SQL command

   <1=MO;> Plot,Regress,Surface,PRint,Edit? <PL>:

Select the item that you want by name or by number. You can abbreviate the names, for example, E for EDIT and P for PLOT.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 17:05:56 EDT 1997