Magnetics data is read versus time and averaged over the smoothing interval. The percentage error in the averaging of each value is shown. The menu allows you to change any of the values. Note that li/2 and Etot are not required by SNAP; they are passed-through only.
Setting the surface voltage to zero invokes an interactive correction procedure which is important in ohmic discharges (see Section 6.1).
\* Options are: 1) R (m) .. 2.601 +/- 0.0% .. MB-RP-SL 2) a (m) .. 0.950 +/- 0.0% .. MB-AP-SL 3) Ip (A) .. 1.580E+06 +/- 0.1% .. MB-IP-SL 4) Lambda .. 1.636 +/- 0.3% .. MB-LM-SL 5) Beta-p .. 0.901 +/- 0.5% .. MD-BP-SL Beta-p change offsets Vres. 6) Tf (A) .. 5.510E+04 +/- 0.0% .. MD-TC-SL Btf @ R0 = 3.73 (T) 7) Vsur (V) .. -0.022 +/-289.9% .. MV-VT-SL Vsur=0 --> Vres correction. 8) Lio2 .... 0.653 +/- 0.1% .. M-LIO2 [Pass-through only] 9) Etot (J) .. 2.924E+06 +/- 0.7% .. M-ETOT [Pass-through only] 10) READ magnetics values from data sources