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The Profile Menus

There are 5 similar profile submenus: Ne, Te, Ti, Prad, Zeff. When you select one of these, a menu of potential sources is displayed. For example, the following is the density profile menu:

\* Options are:
 1) TSWF + TS-NE-PR      *  Sli   Man  w= 0.080
 2) TS1D - TS_ALL:T.T1N
 4) TV1D - TV_ALL:T.T1N
 5) FMWF + FM-NE-Tn         In    Uns  w= 0.000
 7) FM1D - FM_ALL:A.FM1
 8) Other
 9) Formula
10) Edge value  5.000E+17 Meters-3
11) Plot (active source is editable)
12) PA Plot active only
A source refers to a waveform or a UFILE. If a source exists for the shot you are analyzing, a + will appear in front of the source name in the menu; if it's not available a - will appear. One of the sources is other--this is to allow you to enter an arbitrary waveform or UFILE name. SNAPIN knows the units, etc., of all the sources it offers. When you select other, SNAPIN displays a menu of the potential sources so that you can set the default source fields for your other source from the sources SNAPIN knows about.

Since it takes considerable time to check all the possible sources, on startup SNAPIN does not verify their existence. A ? in front of the source name in the menu indicates that SNAPIN hasn't looked to see whether it is available. To check whether the necessary waveforms and UFILEs exist, select the Find sources command from the main menu.

When you select a source, you will be given a list of options for what you can do with that source: read it, plot it, edit it (from plot), make it the active source, select the mapping, etc:

<1=S;> NE sources for SHOT 51032 @ 3.470 s? <1>:  TSWF

\* Options are:
 1) Reread TS-NE-PR
 2) Active
 3) Delete
 4) DGlitch
 5) Plot

 6) Rminor (the x-axis is already vs minor radius)
 7) Inboard of R0
 8) Slice & Stack
 9) Outboard of R0
10) Both (In/Out Averaging)
11) PArtial Slice & Stack & Outside

12) Manual            0.080 m

13) SYmmetry

14) Normalization to < 6.457E+19> from FM-LD-06
When you've finished describing the source, enter ; and optionally select more sources.

When you PLOT a profile from this submenu, the profile from the source you selected is editable graphically. In Figure 2, the Thomson Scattering profile is the editable profile and is displayed with symbols; both the raw profile and the edited (or processed) profiles are displayed. The processed profile is shown with error bars if they are available. In addition to the two versions of the Thomson Scattering profile, the YS and YM processed profiles are shown with solid and dashed lines respectively. The stars on the x-axis show the edge value for all profiles for that physical quantity; this value may be used when mapping to minor radius (see Section 3.7.6). You can set the edge value in the profile menu.

In the source menu, you'll be shown which profile is active (it's highlighted and has an asterisk between the source name and the mapping) and which ones will be passed to SNAP (they are just highlighted). Only one source per diagnostic can be passed to SNAP. SNAPIN will let you select and compare profiles from different sources of the same diagnostic, but it won't let you leave the profile submenu with more than one source from a diagnostic.

You must always have active ne and Te profiles. If you have selected the use of a measured Ti instead of a Ti model, you must have an active Ti profile. Likewise, if you have turned rotation on, you must supply an active profile. SNAPIN will not let you write the SNAP input file otherwise.

There are three smoothing options in the menu above: manual, unsmoothed, and SNAP smoothing. Manual smoothing is selected when you edit a profile graphically; the smoothing radius is the largest radius used and this is passed to SNAP for information only. To change from manual smoothing to unsmoothed or SNAP\ smoothing, you must reread the profile. Unsmoothed is the default when a new profile is read unless SNAP smoothing was selected for that profile in the base case. SNAP smoothing is the smoothing done in SNAP where you specify the smoothing radius. For information on smoothing algorithms see Section 3.7.4.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 15:18:44 EDT 1997