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Graphical Editing of Diagnostic Profiles


When you plot a profile (see Figure 2), you are in profile edit mode. You enter a command by clicking on the appropriate box (the number of bells indicates the number of subsequent clicks that are required by that command). To quit editing, click on DONE or enter semicolon.

Figure 2: Te Profiles Overlayed from Various Diagnostics

Killing/Unkilling Points (Bottom command box)
Kill a point No command required--click on a point
Kill all points to the left Click LEFT, click on the graph
Kill all points to the right Click RIGHT, click on the graph
Kill all points above Click ABOVE, click on the graph
To unkill points, click on UNKIL, then click on the points. To unkill all points to the left, right, or above, click UNKIL, then click on the command, then click on the graph.

Smoothing Points (Right command box)
Click on SM, SML, SMR, or SMG, then click on a radius (they are in cm), then click on two points on the graph. The data is smoothed over the x range you selected (but the curve shows the current value of all the processed points). Now accept or reject that smoothing by clicking on OK or REJ. If you select OK, the smoothed profile is now the processed profile. To smooth another region, repeat the whole smoothing command sequence, i.e., click on SM (or one of the other smoothing types), then a radius, then two places on the graph, then OK or REJ. Section 3.7.4 describes the smoothing algorithms: SM, SML, SMR, and SMG.

Redrawing the graph (Bottom command box)
FULL Scale on raw and good processed points (editable only).
PROC Scale on processed points from the editable profile.
ALLPR Scale on all processed profiles.
SETXY Lets you type in values for the graph ranges.
XZOOM Zooms on x range. Click on desired xmin, xmax.
ZOOM Zooms on both x and y ranges. Click on two corners.
COLOR Change to color and 4105.
When you select XZOOM or ZOOM, cross-hairs will appear. You need to click on two points that will determine the size of the redrawn graph. Note that clicking outside the graph will expand the range.
Flatten a Profile (Bottom command box)
For radiation profiles, you may want to use the CUT-L command. Click on CUT-L, then click on a point. All points to the left of the point you click will be set to the value at that clicked point.

Moving Points (Bottom command box)
If you invoke these options, the warning flag discussed in the Physics menu in section 3.4 is turned on to indicate that the analysis is no longer based on real data. It should be used only for sensitivity tests, not to create a profile that is more pleasing to the eye.

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Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 16:19:33 EDT 1997