This section lets you set the ICRF parameters. It reads the RF power for each antenna if the power waveforms exist.
\* Options are: Antenna1 Antenna2 1) Power [ZERO ] < 0.000E+00> < 0.000E+00> W 2) % Error < 0.0> < 0.0> 3) Frequency < 47.00E+06> < 47.00E+06> Hz 4) Width < 0.100 > < 0.100 > m 5) Dwall < 3.000E-02> < 3.000E-02> m 6) PA Poloidal angular extent < 1.00 > < 1.00 > radians 7) TP Toroidal phase difference < 3.14 > < 3.14 > radians 8) PP Poloidal phase difference < 0.000E+00> < 0.000E+00> radians 9) TK Toroidal k spectrum width < 0.000E+00> increment < 7.00 > (1/m) 10) AT Archive the toroidal magnetic field in 2D .............. <YES> 11) AD Archive the divergence of the rf Poynting flux in 2D ... <YES> 12) AV Archive the velocity distribution in 2D ................ <YES> 13) NP Average the heating profile with no spreading .......... <YES> Or 14) BO Average the heating profile over a banana orbit ........ <NO> 15) Include ICRF .............................................. <NO>Standard switch values:
See Section 6.3 for further details of SNAP's RF models and how to run them.