Next: Getting Started
Up: The SNAP User's Guide
Previous: List of Tables
SNAP is a steady-state, one-dimensional kinetic transport analysis
code that has been used extensively at PPPL over the last decade
to analyze confinement and transport in TFTR plasmas. It
provides a ``snapshot'' of local plasma conditions, local heating
rates, and local transport coefficients at a single time in the plasma
discharge. SNAP also computes several diagnostic simulations, for
example the total neutron emission, the poloidal , the surface
voltage consistent with neoclassical resistivity, and the ion
temperature that would be observed by a chordally-integrating x-ray
crystal spectrometer, for comparison with actual diagnostic
measurements. SNAP's major calculations include:
- Mapping of diagnostic data, .
- Solution of the Grad-Shafranov equation to obtain the magnetic
equilibrium (Shafranov-shifted circular flux surfaces).
- Calculation of the current density profile (Spitzer or neoclassical
resistivity) and ohmic heating power density,
optionally including beam-driven and bootstrap currents.
- Neutral beam heating:
- Deposition of beam neutrals as fast ions.
- Calculation of first-orbit losses and other first-orbit effects.
- Numerical Fokker-Planck calculation of the fast-ion
distribution function and fast ion density.
- Calculation of power torque densities delivered to thermal
plasma ions and electrons.
- RF heating: modification of the SHOOT code to calculate
the distribution function of the minority-ion energetic tail, plus the
collisional coupling of power from the tail population to the thermal
- Analysis of a single chordal-integrated visible Bremsstrahlung
intensity measurement or loop voltage to determine plasma
. The IZIFLAT post processor (see Section 3.10.1) treats
non-flat profiles.
- Calculation of the local ion densities nh(r), nd(r),
, (hydrogen, deuterium,
and light and heavy impurities) using the measured
ne(r), the measured or guessed (r), the
contribution from heavy elements Zeffm(r) (typically
from pulse-height analysis of soft x-ray emission), the calculated
beam density, and a user-specified ratio.
- Integration of the measured or inferred kinetic profiles (Te(r),
Ti(r), ne(r), nd(r), ...) and fast ion
density (from Fokker-Planck equation) to obtain pressure
profiles and stored energy.
- Calculation of the neutral density profile n0(r) using the
edge source from H emission, gas puff, and beam
neutral sources.
- Calculation of local transport coefficients (, ,
, De(r)) from the calculated power
deposition profile and measured temperature, density, and
velocity gradients.
- Calculation of the expected neutron emission from thermonuclear,
beam-thermal, and beam-beam fusion reactions.
- (optional) Calculation of the Ti(r) profile
using the ion power balance with a model for ion heat
transport (neoclassical or ).
The data inputs to SNAP are the measured profiles ( ne(r),
Te(r), Ti(r),, Zeff(r), Prad(r)) and
scalar measurements such as total plasma current, ,
beam power, gas puff rate, etc. The SNAPIN program reads in the
necessary TFTR data, allows editing of that data and the
selection of physics models, and writes a SNAP input file,
SNAP.DAT. Virtually all of the work involved in running a
SNAP analysis is centered on preparing this input file with SNAPIN.
The results of SNAP's analysis are presented in a set of plots. All
of SNAP's results are saved in the SNAP archives. A number of
utilities exist to extract and plot data from these archives for any
snap-try ever performed. CUPLOT [], the
standard TFTR data presentation and manipulation package, can
plot SNAP data. Selected SNAP output can also be extracted and
written into LOCUS-style [] databases using the
MINGL [] program.
This guide describes:
- How to prepare SNAP input files with SNAPIN.
- How to run SNAP itself in interactive and batch mode.
- How to examine the SNAP output.
- Various SNAP utilities.
- Some of the physics models incorporated into SNAP.
SNAP and its related files and utilities are summarized in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: Overview of SNAP Utilities and Files
Next: Getting Started
Up: The SNAP User's Guide
Previous: List of Tables
Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 15:18:44 EDT 1997