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Diagnostic Results Files

Each diagnostic has two results directories: [TFTR.di] and [TFTR.di.USER] . A search list of these directories is defined by the logical name di_ALL. The conventions for using these directories are:

  1. The [TFTR.di] area is for results files made by a cognizant responsible physicist.
  2. The [TFTR.di.USER] area is for results files possibly needing more caution. In particular, these areas were created for results files not made by the responsible physicist for the diagnostic, for example when MCZ translates YS data.
  3. Files that are truly exploratory, temporary, or just for debugging should not go in either [TFTR.di] or [TFTR.di.USER], but should go in one's own directory or on the scratch disk.
No other directories should be created on the results disks!

By using the di_ALL search list or the RES$:[TFTR.di] directory specification you write files to RES$W, the results write cache. When you read, RES$R, the results read cache, is also searched. The read cache is write and delete protected; it only contains copies of files that exist on the optical system.

If a file is in RES$W, it has not been copied to the optical disks. You can delete a file from the write cache. If it is on RES$R, it can be superseded by writing a new version. Multiple versions of files on RES$W are purged before they are archived .

Marilee Thompson
Fri Jul 11 11:22:04 EDT 1997