CUPLOT is a program for manipulating and displaying vector data from TFTR waveform files, raw data (RDT) files, 1D and 2D Ufiles , SNAP results files, and ASCII (text) files. You can also write data as a 1D Ufile, an ASCII file, or an HDF file.
Data are identified by data element name and a shot number. You can read up to 64 data elements at a time and display these with multiple frames per page and multiple curves in each frame. The data elements entered by the DE command and the shot number entered by the SH command define the primary curves. The number of frames is determined by the number of data elements in the DE list. For example, to display one frame of the plasma current waveform vs time for shot 76767:
$ CUPLOT Command[ ]? SH 76767 !select the shot number Command[SH]? DE MB-IP-SL ; !select Ip waveform Command[DE]? G !go make the plotThe D2 command sets the overlay data element(s). To display 4 frames, each with 2 curves, including the Thomson Scattering waveforms vs their radius waveform: radius waveform:
Command[ ]? SH 76767 Command[SH]? DE D-PTOT NE-DD-01 YM-T1-SL:YM-TM-SL TS-TE-PR:TS-RA-PS ; Command[DE]? D2 BR-PR-SL FM-LD-06 NB-BP-SL TS-NE-PR:TS-RA-PS ; Command[YM]? GThe S2 command sets the shot number for overlay curve(s). To display 2 frames overlaying beam power and neutron strength for 2 shots:
Command[ ]? SH 76770 !base curve shot Command[SH]? S2 76769 !overlay shot Command[S2]? DE NB-BP-SL NE-CU-S3 ; Command[DE]? XT 3 5 !x-axis window Command[XT]? GYou can look at the same data elements for a different shot by simply entering the new shot number and typing GO; or you can just change the data elements and GO. If you are missing some data, the Menu command lists the status of all the data element reads with text descriptions of many of the error conditions.
The form of the data element name tells CUPLOT what kind of data to read:
$ CUPLOT SH 73268_252 DI S DE TE ; GO
The GO command is a shorthand for the READ and PLOT commands. You can set scaling parameters which apply when the data is read. Once the data has been read, you can set or change various options that affect the appearance of the plot, such as axis windows, log scale, and descriptive text, and then PLOT the data. You can also manipulate the data using the smooth, Fourier Transform , least squares curve fit , and vector calculator functions.
The H (single letter) command gives a one-page list of the commands. The HELP command from within CUPLOT calls up the same help file as the VMS command $ HELP CUPLOT. CUPLOT is described in the ``Guide to CUPLOT on the VMS Cluster'', which is available in hardcopy or via the TFTR documents Web page. CUPLOT is maintained by Marilee Thompson.